Wednesday, April 28, 2021

5 Doctors Speak in round table TODAY 4-27-21. The Vaccinated Will KILL The Unvaccinated

The Doctors Speak - The Vaccinated Will Be A Danger To The Unvaccinated. Vaccine shedding is quite real and as dangerous as getting the vax, declare recognized panel of Vaccine Experts.

The death toll is going to be staggering, they say, and it already is. The vaxxed have mere months to live, if that. Horrible news. What are they doing with the bodies? Soylent Green like they do in China?

Remember, covid was created for the vaccine, not the other way around.
Remember, covid was created for the vaccine, not the other way around.
Remember, covid was created for the vaccine, not the other way around.
Remember, covid was created for the vaccine, not the other way around.