Sunday, March 2, 2025

witches go insane for the beast

Satanists love abomination. The sicker the better. Think about it. How many decades have we had celebrities that were men pretending to be women. And other celebrities "married" these other men to have baby breeder families. And its only in the last ten years that we've cottoned on to this bizarre, satanic reality of troons?

Quite a thing, isn't it?

And the CIA has been controlling all news since the 1970s...

Fake space walks, with fake moon shots, to fake "space" because its satanism, again.

Jewish freaks teaching the 8 genders of the satanic Talmud, brain washing our children into believing they were born into the wrong body. No wonder they don't want us to have access to that book. It tells it all, including their worship of Lucifer. 

The latest abomination craze is pretending to pretend, troons are dogs, foxes, and horses. And other witches treat this as perfectly normal, as they do. As they must do.