Story going viral today. Be careful of salacious details coming out, like it is now. No way the FBI would even talk about something like this, but it is a verified story. Be careful, because most of the material out there on this is fabricated fiction of the worst kind. Another, the FBI is there to sanitize the site, not expose wrongdoing. That's their job. Protect satanic evil and destroy and setup people of any color whom follow Christ.
No surprises here. They don't hand out oscars because you can play an asshat angry cop from the late 1960s. You get that by killing one of your own family whom you love AND killing children for satanic revels. That is how you win an oscar in Hollywood.
How an old satanic totem is worth anyone's life is beyond the ken of any decent normal soul. But these are nephilim hybrids and vanity is such that it can pull any soul into the lowest depths. It did for Lucifer.