Long while back, I saw a picture of Garbo in new york, wearing all black, head to toe, in his later years with a grey mustache. The site it was on had disabled downloading and screen cap kept failing. Of course.
The Great Garbo...always referred to himself in ALWAYS, the masculine turn of phrase. Fact, in film and interviews.
They were shouting it out. But, no one understood what they were seeing and hearing, because the spells put out on these men are that good.
Those spells are broken. They will stay broken.
Speaking of spells.
Here's a new thing. Dad laid this one on me Friday night, as I was working against the world's covens for the BIG star/new moon/sabbath deal of the season.
Bind their demons that they cannot answer any summoning. Do this henceforth.
So I did.
A very angry, pissed off world yesterday, in the world of witchcraft. Very pissed off.
Gee, lucifer, looks like your people missed that event. You can do the acts on Earth - crash a plane, start a war, whatever, but there will be NO MOJO behind from below. None can answer. Such an important appointed time, blown to pieces.