Saturday, March 1, 2025

Katherine Ross - Black Eyes

This is from 1975, the film Stepford wives. I saw it last night breaking down the MKultra stuff buried in plain sight. Usually, you had to see a horror B movie from the 1960s to get this reveal, because they allowed the demons to come through to make the actor's character more "scary" and they had the plausible deniability to say, "it's just a movie." Yeah, right. 

It's not contact lenses; this is a bonafide shift of an evil presence that came right through the screen and had to be dealt with. So I did.

In doing so, the still image on the screen's eyes turned and looked right at me in fear, then instantly returned to the image of the movie in pause. This happens a lot, even in old  photographs. For demons, using an image, film, totem, anything, time has no meaning. For them, time is ever endless. Then, now, when, was, makes no difference.

I bound it in Sheol and the eyes softened at that moment.

What a life...

It gets worse. The character asks the wizard at the end, "Why are you doing this (to me)?"

He says, "because we can."

If you understand the damned and what they do to small children, this exchange occurs so very often as to be a laugh, a giggle amongst themselves, that they even put it in a movie from 50 years ago.  

Right doctor oz?