Thursday, February 27, 2020

For Californians...and others

This year, California passed a law making it illegal to buy an ozone generator. The reasons are more than obvious. Ozone
  • neutralizes viruses and bacterium on contact
  • causes spores and animal shedding to become inert
  • causes airborne metals and other biologicals to, again, become inert
  • and it also increases the oxygen content of the atmosphere, increasing brain activity, raising PH levels, and dozens of other very good things.
 Of course they banned. Just like they banned colloidal silver some years ago from being bought or sold. Because it works as an anti viral. Which it does, quite well.

So, what are we to do, not being able to get the one thing that can make the air in our domiciles lovely and without any kind of chemtrail, cat shedding allergy stuffs, and virus plague?

Turns out, negative ion generators do what ozone generators do. they attach to any airborne viruses and bacterium and make them inert. Of course you don't get the oxy boost and other wonders, but at least your air in the house or apartment isn't filled with nasty plague.

Get yours at once. Get a good one. One that will do the whole place, not just a small room. I have a few of those salt blocks I keep downstairs in the sunlight, which heat them up, which release negative ions. But the effect is very localized.

Get one that will do mass volume.They make them.

See, a way out of hell.