Thursday, February 20, 2020

2-20-2020 DB

Where I want to be and sprinkled with love, of course. Who am I kidding...

2-20-2020 DB's Thoughts and Observations

Thanks heavens the moving is done. 8 different loading, shipping and unloading days with 26 foot long trucks that cost a fortune to rent, (4 of them with double trips per day) with packing, acreage cleanup, you name it for six weeks, mostly by myself and the lady, who worked her bedroom and a bit of the kitchen. I called in so many people to come each weekend to carry three fridges,  hundreds of heavy boxed, rooms packed to the ceiling, you name it. It filled, combined, 3 storages 10x12x30, plus the house and garage of the new destination, which is now, as before, jam packed. Around the 21 first day mark, you get punchy and feel more chain gang, then task management with a goal. At 45 days, stepping into fast traffic brings a smile to your face. I am, at this time, the only one she could count on. 

And she has been wonderful about it. Feeding my ever changing crews (friends and sons) and treating all of us, quite nicely. I fed the guys after the day's work, she handled lunch. Ironically, the only thing I really loathe in this life, other than lying gas-lighters and network deceivers, is moving. LOATHE IT. And yet, a month and a half. Yesterday was the last move day. I'm so tired, I'm blind. Gee Mister Don, here comes Mister Sluggo to pound you into the dirt. I hope when my time comes, there is someone looking out for me when I need them, rather being left in the ditch alone. I don't know. I've had to move my entire household - not some dinky apartment room - six times now in this life, ALL BY MYSELF. It cost me two hernias and a loss of faith in human beings. But not Dad. I don't blame Dad for other people being ugly to me. That's my normal anyways, I've found out. The closer to Dad, the greater the hate...on Earth.

Then there is all this blather about the virus thingy, needing to be done, during THE EXACT SAME TIME FRAME. It couldn't be one or the other, it had to be both. Each requiring MASSIVE amount of daily hours. How many sunrises did I find myself getting material out for the daily education, with the sun coming up, knowing I had to be packing and moving a few hours away. A dozen? Two? Chopped the tip of my little finger, as a fun party gift during the whole thing and someone backed into my car, as yet another gift. Had a tooth go abcess so bad, they couldn't save it Wow! Three gifts in the same seven days! It doesn't get any better than that.

Sound bitchy? Not meant to be. I'm just tired. And dehydrated.  Even now, can't seem to get enough water for some reason. So, please forgive this self-indulgent rant. Boring y'all with my personal blather isn't my style, as you know.  No one wants to hear it. they have their own, very important blather, all of it real, all of it just as bad as the above, I'm sure. My heart goes out to us all. I do understand after all. Just know, the village dork eats the same shite pie you guys do, very often more so. It's not all rainbows and angels (not gay rainbows, Dad's covenant and love rainbows.) It's usually dealing with the demonic, sabotage, and betrayal from yet another network setup, blowing in my direction. you know, the reality of my life, that usually IS different from most others.

Enough of that...

Going forward.

I am referring to the coronavirus as THE PLAGUE. For that is what it is, and to say flu whatever, is to deceive folks into believing they are getting the sniffles with fever. NOT SO.


If there is anything to the research I've been led to proves, we have a pandemic that makes the Spanish Flu appear to be the silly wanker it was, compared to this nightmare. Think about it. The Spanish flu took two years to kill 50 to 100 million. The PLAGUE is smoking more than 100,000 a day in China alone. Wait until it does what it is doing there, EVERYWHERE ELSE.

This is a bad one, as these things go.

Things being what they are, let's go over some lessons I've learned in the last 6 weeks, at the cost of so very many lives. Let us not let their deaths be in vain. Let us honor their cut short existence by acting out and saying, "We are learning from you, so that others, who are meant to live, can live." To do anything less is to be either stupid, stunted, or evil. Or combinations of the three. There are no excuses, and we all know it.

Dad has been very kind, giving good advice. Last June I was warned to get ready for moving. Got the bird thingy, as confirmation, I TOLD EVERYONE about it. Then spent four months clearing out the clutter and debris of my life, filling three trash bins each week, so that when the time came, I would be ready. There were 2 other aspects to the thing, both came true, but the move thing I thought was about me, and get ready boy, don't procrastinate like the dunskies do, so when the word comes down, you have only that in your life - stuff wise - that matters. Four months. It was a dear friend. But it took over my life like it was me moving, though. On a level beyond my wildest nightmares. 6 weeks. At least the home is stripped of all that no longer matters. Only Dad, family stuff, and current debris that is part of my usual life. Listen and Obey, that's the thingy.

So as it happens, and because I am now a chain gang droid, today I found myself packing my garage and throwing out the last of past that no longer is necessary to any kind of future. I filled two trash cans, realizing that I was more droid than consciously doing something that mattered. Old pictures from my days as a celebrated writer, traveling all over the world and such. My 11 acre ranch. All very that. All very in the trash or fireplace, depending.

Lastly this. The whole time, a few people stepped up with help, articles, and kind emails. For the millions that come to these blogs, it was less than six people. SIX out of millions of readers and viewers. And I find myself giving gratitude for those six, most whom I have never met in the flesh, as they say, but all dear to my heart. All willing to use a ball peen hammer on my toes, as requested. (I am punchy, you realize). A kind word here, a few bucks there, some help on research that is and was, most timely. It all came at a time, when it mattered most, to help the tired heart, knowing others care about this burg as I do and with good love and wishes from on high. Dad's blessing upon you all.


The Plague
(what we have learned to help others live, rather than die alone, as they are doing now)

By Don Bradley

How things are at this time; things we MUST DO EACH DAY; what to expect. Some of what follows is redundant. Can't be helped, because IT MATTERS. If it's on the list, it matters. Make your own DAILY DO LIST. Refer to it until you have it somewhat memorized. Not that I'm so very smart. On the contrary, it's a good, well grounded key point starting place, that we ALL need to be aware of so we can HELP OUR FAMILIES AND OTHERS STAY ALIVE.

Isn't that the ever loving point? nothing, the government will save you, and all will be well. Welcome to hell, Blofeld, you failed a BIG ONE. The one about common sense, critical thinking, and opening your blind selfish eyes. There is still time to change the road you are on, you know.
  • They will tell us to not worry and everything is under control. A lie. By the time you realize they were lying to you, it will be too late. You will be in a quarantine camp waiting to die alone with thousands of others, or you will be a corpse already. Pick one, both lead to the same grave. Stop playing the fool. Being a shallow dunsky only proves out the mind you were given was wasted. Isn't it time to use that intelligence, rather than network, satanic programming that defines your current mental reality?
  • The damn weapon has an incubation period of 24 days. For all we know, we're already carrying the thing, or soon will be, and never know it. 
  • Imagine someone you love, sick in bed with fever and illness of some kind. What do they need? from clothing and such, to medicine, foods, etc? How to keep them isolated from others, but also, not feel like they are locked up and you are waiting for them to die, so you can get them off your hands. That means
  1. Isolation, if possible, or you killed the house. This weapon is airborne. Follow? If unable to isolate, put an powerful ozone machine a few feet away from the head of their bed. It will kill every bad little thing they exhale or exfoliate. Do it even if they are isolated, so you can go in the room without doing a whole hazmat thingy every time you come and go two dozen times a day.
  2. Keep them juiced so they can stay alkaline. that's their weapon against the satanists weapon. Green apples or REAL ORANGE JUICE, has citrus which is a flu and cold killer. In the last15 years, I only had the flu once. ONCE. Because...juices every day. When I took time off from that, oops.
  3.  If you can, get an ozone machine for the main part of the house, so you all don't have to wear masks 24/7.
  4. Slam the sick with colloidal silver, 3x a day, 2 minutes under the tongue. The success stories our family has with that stuff, beats every thing any doctor could ever subscribe. Of course, for harsh lung infections we have antibiotics from doctors, only because with this weapon, hours matter.
  • Get antibiotics from your doctor, before they  become as scarce as scarcity can be. As I did, yesterday. The virus will lay you low, the adjuvents will unleash various ailments that, in many cases, flat out kill you dead. Pneumonia is one of them. There are others, but Vitamin D, colloidal silver with citrus, and colloidal vitamins and minerals will slow or outright stop, the others. This actually is a most important point. Or ignore, keep your system acidic, and we'll watch your essence  become part of the funeral pyre plumes in each outside each city. Again with the dunsky thingy. If you have a death wish, okay then. That's your free will. But don't blame Dad or Yeshua because you felt sorry for yourself about being NOT proactive. Your lazy procrastination is YOUR FAULT. If you are reading this, He gave you all the warning you will ever need, and longer than anyone else. I see my articles all over the net. Fine, just get the info out there. If you won't give credit to me, at least make sure you mention Dad, as He led me to this knowledge and since early January.
  • Since Monday 2-17-20, everywhere I go I wear the mask, glasses, latex or other gloves. And all week, I am the only person I see doing it. Remember where you are in the China timeline. A month ago, folks went around like normal. A week later. Empty streets, roaming cops with guns, and the dead piling up. You think it will be any different here? Only thing to change that is our Father, and we won't know that until we know that. Until then, protect yourself, or bring the plague into your home, mister or misses killer.
  • I am already looking at every person I meet, as a carrier, that's how F'd up this research has made me. I feel terrible all the time, just from the spiritual and emotional blender I find myself in. What's worse, every where I look, I see the bodies that I will soon see on the ground, but it hasn't happened yet. It's freaky...weird...and it never stops. 
  • Pay your bills, if you can, for the next month, EARLY. NOW. Don't get caught in some trap where you give these vicious bastards a reason to hurt you financially. Don't have the cash. I understand, money doesn't go very far anymore. Use the plastic.
  • Create a thing at the door to your place where it is the only place where anyone can enter. At this place, make sure that
  1. EVERYONE leaves their shoes right there, which are immediately sprayed down with windex with ammonia. But dorko, I have suade shoes or this and that. Stop wearing them. Wear shoes you can spray down to kill the virus, becuase shoes are the number one vector for bringing the virus into your housing. Your hands are the second thing.
  2. Have a bag for latex gloves to go into, once you remove head scarves for you women (didn't think of that did you) and jackets and such.
  3. change into a robe, go straight into the bathroom and wash up your hair, face, hands, etc with as hot of water as you can stand with soap. You must do this, or again, you just killed the house. I and others are already doing this. Just because you cannot see the weapon doesn't mean you don't have it all over you when you go, sit, move, and mingle with the locals.
  4. Before bathroom, and while gloves still on, take your clothes and put them directly in the laundry or have a laundry basket right there, with a lid or at least a towel covering the plague clothes. Once you've done these things, including the washup, then and only then, can you move abouts the house
  5. Any items to be brought into the house must be sprayed down, then wiped off. Or die. It's that dangerous and that bad. Don't do the above or skip a step, bye bye.
  • Everyone will see everyone with suspicion. Shootings, stabbings, madness, will be the daily color of the community, when this gets going in whatever country it blooms in next.
  • Stores will close fast. Very fast. Because...who will want to work in such a place with random carriers coming and going? For minimum wage? No one I know. And probably not you, the reader. See it now? The time for preparing and stocking food and water was the before time. And most never did. Some of us did. I always kept food and water for 3 months for me and boys and for ten years now. Looks like we'll be eating out of these old stores of canned and other long term goods.
  • We will have to boil every bit of water we drink. And then one day, the taps won't run with water, because the workers will be sick. Like it is in China. No one at the controls and now Wuhan province is having water and power blackouts. That's our future. If we are still alive.
  • Deliveries from China will be one of the first reveals. And the shits and giggles part of it is, everything is made in China, because the satanic west moved all manufacturing there under Clinton and Bush. No one will touch anything that says CHINA on it. I don't blame them, either. 
  •  You cannot leave your domicile or you will be arrested and no one will ever see you again. They don't take you home. You blew that. Now, as they've shown so many times in my videos, you are hauled off by the CCP thugs and told you are to be executed. Nice, communism and that whole Bernie Sanders AOC socialism cloud of death they want for this country. Be outside your lock-down and you get that ear infection fixed for good and all. If you are starving, out of food, then leaving - usually at night is when people try it - you are running the gauntlet of death. Most don't make it. Not more than once, maybe twice. They SEE EVERYTHING. THE FOLLOWING VIDEO IS 3 WEEKS AGO, AND I WAS BANNED BY BITCHUTE FROM PUTTING IT UP. TODAY, IT'S OKAY.
  • Once in quarantine, they wont' sell food or medicine to the sick. That's right. Whether through starvation or the plague, you are GOING TO DIE. They know, that with a 70% fatality rate, feeding and medding you is a waste of state resources. So go F yourselves, comrade.
  • Even if you don't have the virus, they won't let you out. They bring a small portion of food to your flat, about 2 days worth, once a week. So, slow starvation, ala Auschwitz.
  • You are welded in your building and flat, with steel sheets of metal. 
  • Your water and power is turned off. This was a big surprise 2 weeks ago, when the commie CCP decided that not only were you not worth feeding, you poor sick bastard, but even water and power you didn't need either. How long can you wear the same virus encrusted clothes and go without water? 3 to 5 days and you die. That means, they are, with the virus, killing their own people. Look at my see people lowering buckets from windows to get water and once in awhile the CCP catches them and destroys the buckets and so on. Every point on this list I have visual proof and many times over for. Quite a deal isn't it?
  • God help you if they catch you outdoors now, even if you have a mask, for the life saving sun giving vitamin D. They beat the living hell out of you and again, you go far far away. To the burial pits. Where that cold steel of a barrel is pushed against your ear. That's the daily reality in China. In communist China. Want me to go on? Do I really need to? Just rewatch the videos. I only put up half of them made, because frankly the rest are too horrific to watch. And I'm cried out for China. Empty. Hollow man. And I have many Chinese friends and I know how hard it is for them to see this stuff. I've seen it all, good and bad. But this bad just goes on and on and on...
  • I will hang in there, doing this work, as long as I can continue to take it. Yeshua and Dad give me the strength, given the other things going on in my life, and these other things - NEVER MENTIONED, BECAUSE WHO CARES - are about as bad as it can be: dead people, several in the last 4 months, all deeply loved, a ruined life, and attacks on levels beyond what most people can even fathom, plus one thing after another in my body, requiring medical attention, I cannot afford. The latest, these last two weeks was an abscessed  tooth so bad I lost it. Then it went dry socket. So every day is physical pain beyond describing. I point this out not for pity, but to show how hard it is to stand my post at the ramparts, doing my job. which is bringing truth to us all. I'm sure your lives have their own pain and suffering, so just know, I'm in there swinging with you, getting through tough days, just like you.
More tomorrow, but it is 1am and I am out of gas. If you have any ideas to share with the world, send them.