Thursday, February 20, 2020

Coronavirus FACTs, beyond dispute now


They will, very shortly, give it some catchy title that shifts blame onto someone or thing, that really has nothing to do with it all. As they've done before. At least there is some comfort in the fact that the virus will go after the guilty as well as the innocent. Apparently, you cannot immunize against this weapon. It was designed thus.


FACT: The Wuhan coronavirus, identified by WHO as COVID-19, is a highly complex pathogenic microorganism that causes an extremely contagious disease process.

FACT: This bio-engineered coronavirus is transformed into a much more powerful bio-weapon when released into an environment that has an 

  • activated 5G power grid, (not yet)

    specific chemtrail formulations are being systematically sprayed, 

    the populace has been vaccinated with flu vaccines and 

    ever present industrial pollution has compromised the respiratory systems.

FACT: This particular strain of coronavirus was created in a technologically advanced bio-engineering laboratory and designed, not only to kill on a mass scale, but also to sustain a global pandemic. It is virtually indestructible and is terribly virulent.

FACT: This extremely virulent form of coronavirus was released in Wuhan, China during the same year that the city was designated a 5G demonstration zone which indicates the intention to commit genocide. Millions are already dead, more are dying, and the real totals we may never know.

FACT: The coronavirus bio-weapon could only have been launched, and successfully covered up, by an exceedingly powerful group of state actors, corporate entities and transnational institutions that subscribe to the New World Order globalist agenda. The same people who covered up JFK, Liberty attack, 911, et al.

FACT: The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic is an unusually premeditated depopulation event directed at China via a race-specific bio-weapon similar to previous bio-terrorist attacks against the Chinese such as the 2002 SARS outbreak. The bigger issue is, it's not stopping at race, but is moving among ALL GENETIC MARKERS.

FACT: This bio-terrorist attack could very well evolve into a slow-motion Extinction Level Event and has already had overwhelming impacts on the global economy as it has caused China’s economy to grind to a halt. But it won't. The prophecy says 1/4 of the population, not all. Still, that is, if revelations be fixed with this singular event, 1.5 billion people. There will not be a family or street int he world, who hasn't suffered at the hands of this diabolical engine of death.

As we move into the 3rd week of February, the world will begin to experience what China has been experiencing for over a month now. Then they cannot lie any longer about it just being a flu.

And those that lied, let them be first. For the blood is on their hands.

If we make it to mid April, we dodged the bullet this season. Then it's round TWO in the fall.