Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Black Eye Pedo witch Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court

 LGBTQ true story time.

There is a girl in Bryan, TX. Who was being molested by her uncle. She turned to the internet for help. An LGBTQ person found her. You know how they helped her?

They didn't call CPS.
They didn't give her a place to stay.

What they did was groom her. After a year or so of talking to this girl they got her to identify as a boy. They then helped her get hrt to transition.

Tell me how does this help her not to get raped by her uncle?

This is a true story. Predators protect Predators. The uncle will never face justice. 

Just like This Demonic Phreak has done and will do. Demons always hate Adamics and Christ; they will always protect and encourage, demonic behaviors in other meatsacks that are possessed.

Ketanji protects the satanic network and is placed to insure that all future legislation goes to the dark side, like trannie stuff, minors being able to be groomed without consequences, abortion, etc.