Thursday, January 2, 2025

Conscription - Exterminating Yahudite bloodlines

Conscription - Exterminating Yahudite bloodlines

Eduardo 1-2-25


The draftee will be selected by their Yehudi bloodlines.

When World War 3 starts, only certain people and ALL their descendants will be selected. Each of them and their houses have been given a code. White people and their descendants will be hand picked mostly. They have been tracking people's descendants for a long time and made genetic lab profiles. What they essentially want is to wipe out all the best bloodlines of true Israel. 
The two prime bloodlines are the houses of Judah and Manasseh.

If you are ever be drafted, know that they want your seed exterminated. They want to send you to die in a foreign land far from home, fighting a hopeless war, doing the dirty job for the Canaanites.  While your defenseless house is being pillaged and annihilated by the worst elements of society and the worst people on Earth. These they will leave home, to steal, rape and destroy while you are not there to TRULY defend your country and people. They want you fighting their wars so you won't fight YOUR war.

He led me to:

Matthew 11:9-10
"But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.

For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee."


Know this you vile and horrific devils  pretending to be of the children of men, when you are none but of the devil, his kith and kin.

No way. 

This is your plan to be sure, but long before that happens this world will be smitten - and this year, not later - with plagues and calamities it has NEVER experienced before. 
