More than evil, retarded. Says, because she's not a biologist, she doesn't know what a woman is. Riiiiiight. But she is a self declared witch. How nice for the country.
This is being sold as just harmless fun. Ask the animal and child sacrifice victims if it was fun to be tortured, raped, bled out, and adrenochromed WHILE ALIVE if any of that was "fun."
To be a supreme, with that kind of power, in our time, you have to do some pretty heinous evil shite to be selected for that. Ask the kamala, she knows.
And folks wonder WHY I AM the way I am. Give them enough time, they will always show themselves to the world for what they are. Vanity must have attention and be fed constantly. witches are narcissism defined. They get it from Lucifer, the original ME ME ME freak.
Well, shut up, Lu. You betrayed Dad and have spent 6000 years doing all you can to destroy creation. Frankly, you are nothing to be worshipped. Quite the opposite.
He gave you everything and all you did was spit in His face. Come a day quite soon, when all that evil gets returned to you measure for measure down below and none shall weep for you. In fact, you will be happily forgotten, erased, as the odd punchline from time to time, as you are now.
According to reports, Justice Jackson sported an African necklace designed to ward off “evil spirits,” leading many to wonder if the latest DEI justice is dabbling in old African witchcraft symbolism.
The story caught on fire, when a large X account published this post about the so-called “witchcraft” necklace.
This comes across as crazy and emotionally unbalanced. Then again, it seems Justice Jackson might be confused about the meaning of the necklace too—which makes sense, considering she’s also not sure what a woman is.
“The Left wants a Supreme Court justice with the intellectual firepower and influence to move the court in their direction, as Scalia and Clarence Thomas did for the Right, even in the minority! But they’re stuck with Justice Jackson’s African witchcraft.”
“I would wear a shrunken head to warn my enemies”
“Thankfully, African witchcraft was rejected at the ballot box.”
“That our leftist elites adopt neopagan practices is the least surprising thing in the world.”
“African here, In Ghana cowrie shells were used as currency, so if anything this is a gross display of opulence. Also apparently you could also trade enough in for human beings lmao!”
“So we have a woman in the Supreme Court who does not know what a woman is and thinks seashells protect her from evil spirits. Regressive.”
“Cowrie shells were used as currency to sell the bodies of Africans to jewish slavers. You all want to be African so damn bad. It’s sad”
“A Supreme Court Justice was using magic charms at the inauguration.”
“And we’re somehow supposed to take her seriously?”
“Democrats chose a SCOTUS justice that believes in black magic and evil spirits. WTF?”