Wake up in 2027
Don Bradley 1-20-25
This is the future they want for the remaining/living coven slaves in their NWO.
- wake up in 2027
- forgot to pay my Amazon fee so my alarms didn't go off, the cold cubby (TM) won't let me get food out, can only eat at designated times
- "Siri, what is the forecast for today"
- Please say 'accept' to pay for today's forecast" ($1.50, not too bad! god bless Apple for buying the rights to all weather)
- remember I still have another week with my umbrella before I have to ship it back
- stand on the Tesla sidewalk
- tesla comes - before getting in, my kidneys and liver already start aching, after being conditioned by pain seizures from the Tesla Cancer Field (TM)
- still have $20 in my account, can afford to go to work this time
- tesla takes me to Facebook Mixed Building No. 2938
- find my cubicle in a massive floor of cubicles full of people working for different employers
- engage my Zoom headset for mandatory productivity monitoring
- let my eyes remain closed for 2 seconds accidentally
- ear-piercing alarm jolts me back into productivity; chair is cold metal and an electric shock at odd times keeps me pumping out the work
- lunch time
- my floor's UN-approved sustenance tube dispenses me 4 servings. Yum - grubs/bugs, tofu and soy medley
- finish off my shift, give mandatory end of day blood sample
- see a guy outside of the office talking on a non-Apple phone
- rush back inside and call the Microsoft Protection Team
- they quickly arrive and take him away for everyone's safety
- tesla picks me up, go back home
- scan my retina and deposit blood sample to gain access to my pod
- Neighbor offers to let me use his LaundryPass to wash my clothes
- report him for non-compliance, he is banned from PodLife
- loot his pod and acquire precious Soy/chitin snacks to sustain me
- "OK Google, it's bed time"
- Google neural implant puts me to sleep instantly
- forgot to pay for the ad-free experience package
- dream about McDonald's and Ford advertisements all night
This is the future that will happen, however.
- Wake up in 2027
- This makes the 3rd week living around the sewers, necessary for escaping the drones
- Living on cats and irradiated raccoons and dogs
- rakes are still out hunting witches and jews, even with the approach of dawn.
- The terraforming for chimeras has changed the world. Tree leaves are now red, instead of green.
- Instead of grass, rat hair pops up from the ground, smells awful.
- Rat hair is now growing out of the scratch received 3 days ago tripping over street garbage
- Always looking out for any and all ammo to be found. Guns are everywhere, but ammo...that's rare.
- New leaflets dropped last night in six languages. Come to the black vans for food and shelter, it declares. Never again. Saw the ditch they dump the bodies into for the suckers who gave up and went to one of those road blocks.
- Haven't eaten in 3 days, again.
- Still debating on necking myself. Saw the taking up happen, so I know there is a God up there.
- In a dream, Christ himself told me to persevere, it's almost over.
- I have since learned to pray. Days are better on days I pray, somehow. I hope I am doing it right; growing up, no one ever mentioned God is Real, just the opposite.
- The great cities are wastelands of death. Avoid.
- Miss the birds and all. Everything is always creepy quiet.
- The land abounds in abominations beyond reason. Saw 12 foot tall rat headed man beast a few days back. It was rubbing its hands together, sniffing for spoilage. Oof...
- Nothing grows that is edible. Real plants 2 years ago became a kind of greenish yellow snot and died off. Rat hair grew in its place. Everything is rat hair now.
- I still may neck myself. If I can eat today, maybe not.
- Drones can be located by the occasional POP sound made when a small grenade is dropped on something...or someone...still alive. Like me.
- Trump unleashed hell on this world. He's gone, but the rakes, giants, and dragons rule now.
- Oh, when will the end come?