Friday, January 10, 2025

More on the 3rd eye thing

More on the 3rd eye thing

Don Bradley 1-10-25


Remember this from Jan 9? Right. See addendum.


Stay away from this stuff.

It's like this. Most people have hitchhikers - demons attached to them, but only as influencers - from the various sins they've engaged in so far in their life. Demons are ranked by the sin they influence. There is alkul for booze, etc. Open your 3rd eye prematurely - only the Holy Spirit can and should do this - via shortcut jail breaking and the first and mostly only visible is THE DEMONS ATTACHED TO YOU. And once your eyes are opened, they POUR IN TO TORMENT YOU FOR REAL.

They torment you as if you were already down below. Get me?

It's really, really bad. So don't.



And here's why it doesn't work. Your Pineal glands are stunted from years of fluoride in your food and water, and it takes 21 years to get the stuff out, with time and chelation and most importantly, to rebuild the geode like crystal the untainted gland is at birth. Because of this fact, any activation of this gland, while in a fluoridated state - the gland has decayed from an amazing liquid crystal to what looks like black snot - will leave it nonfunctional except in the lowest two dimensions. The etheric and astral, where demons and the damned and the shadows exist.

Dad said to tell you the mechanism for these demon terrors that come into your life and why you shouldn't do this black magic. And it takes the Grace of YHVH to restore that gland and that means the Holy Spirit and that means repentance unto YHVH for Yeshua's absolution. And you still need our Heavenly Father to activate that gland/seeing. It's even in the Holy Word, where an angel came and touched this person with a flaming rock, so he could see, for a time. Or a burning rock to his lips, so he could prophesy for a time. Or, like Yeshua, all of it resulting in Transfiguration. There is a great deal revealed in this paragraph.

I switched to distilled water in the mid 90s ish. But it's still in all foods, bottled waters, you name it. You cannot avoid the stuff unless you have no food contact with the world. Then maybe. They put the fluoride in baby food. This is  why they did it.

To close out the light, letting only darkness in.
