Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mark of the beast vax weapon

 Mark of the beast vax weapon. 10-5-6-5 genetic code is the name of YHVH. The vax weapon makes it 10-5-666-5, making it of lucifer. They not only want your death, but your soul damned as well. Rev 13-16.

ANYONE, pushing ANY kind of Mrna vaccine on you is not only the enemy of your very life but of your spiritual soul, as well.  It's a numbers game for satan.

Freak wants as many of us down below as possible. Anyone telling you that you must have the clot shot full of parasite and nanotech is YOUR SWORN ENEMY, BODY AND SOUL.

Act accordingly.

Run. If that's not enough.

Stand your ground and fight. It may be the most important battle of your life.
