They shall see you as you really are...and be wroth at what they see, very wroth.
Tiktok started as a narcissus vanity enhancer and device, for the vain. It ended up a communication of truth medium, because the jewbies block all real truth with bans, ghosting accounts, shadow banning, etc etc.
It won't matter what they do. The awareness of evil and whom is behind it is spreading like a wildfire in high winds. Nothing can stop it.
Anything that happens that is blatantly evil, the first thought of EVERYONE will be, it's the damn Edomite Jewbies. As it now is.
Ban TikTok, it's the jews being exposed. They outright tell you why it's being banned.
This is why the jewbies have been repeatedly kicked out of over 150 countries in the last 1500 years.