Saw the swearing in ceremony. My, have things changed in 150 years.
Vance put his hand on the Bible, but Trump did not. Instead, the Melania held a bible in her hands at a height his hand would have been.
Trump is of the beast.
His apologists are deceiving people that, "oh, he is just following the holy word about not taking an oath."
But he did take the oath of office. The hand on the bible means by breaking his oath, he comes under YHVH's judgment for the offense. It's why the bible is there to begin with, btw.
He refuses to touch the Holy Word. He is a sorcerer and magus. And, it will turn out for us all, that he will welcome the Beast as his master when the "aliens" appear. Out walks Nimrod, declaring himself Christ returned. Trump will bend a knee and kiss his hand.
But by that time, most of us will be dead and gone, many of the world's great cities, smoking ruins.
Well, all I can say is...
Remember Pacific Palisades and Alta Dena/Sierra Madre.
We live in that time when these satanic doings are being punished in real time. No more, "another life" stuff. You do open, willful evil now and the freight train is already heading toward you.
Trumpster sees himself as the most powerful magician in the world right now. Everyone tells him so. Okay then.
Bring your "powerful" magic to me, ass clown. Watch what happens. Remember last august? The gravlev and the Frog?
That was easy. KABOOM.
Bring your kek Trumpy. It's time to end another one.
Seriously. Bring it today mister magus. I'll be waiting.
But fair is a day of prayer, fasting, and FIRE over here, so everything gets bumped up 100 fold. But, you're the "greatest" right? No problem, right? Show the world you the man, the boss, mister big, all that ego crap.
Dressed like an undertaker. Just remember, EVERYTHING THEY DO, is designed for magical effect and spell casting.
The Under Taker in Hell. Taking under the souls of damnation. |
It's not just a meme, but a thing in the dark side. The High Priestess has been bumped up a table. Presiding over America's destruction. A lot of souls going below, for good and all. Satan is most pleased. |
Artemis. High ranking demons.
She knows about the plan and was melancholic through the whole inauguration because of all the lives that will be lost. The world is unfixable, and operation scorched Earth has commenced. 90% of humanity shall die so that those witches who actually matter can forcibly occupy the survivors and annex them, forcing mankind to unify under Nimrod.
Artemis was the Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, and the moon. She was the twin sister of Apollo and a daughter of Zeus. Her twin brother, Apollo/nimrod, was the god of healing and the black sun.
was known for shunning male romance and traveling with several female
companions and handmaidens. Though she was a huntress, she also loved
animals in a sexual fashion and was/is heavily associated with nature worship