Friday, January 10, 2025

Jimmy finds out how Palestinians/Lebanese/Gazans/Syrians etc feel in the middle east

James Woods finds out how Palestinians/Lebanese/Gazans/Syrians etc feel in the middle east


Gosh Jimmy...

But, but, you said on the TV that they all deserved to die by bombing and fire and their lands be bulldozed into the sea. So you could build a beach side villa there. Something about ANYONE that lives in the Eastern Med, should die and be as none. Except Jewish peoples. You Edomites and Amalekites are something else.



Hey Slippin' Jimmy, this is how those families feel that your Israeli masters do all they can to erase. And they don't get to walk around the ashes; they'll be gunned down like dogs if they do. And CNN doesn't give one single flying phag about how the bombed and burned out of Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, and all the other peoples you hate so very much, feel. Or, how they're going to get on, with all  their reality erased. They aren't millionaires like you. Very few are.

But that's not the sad part. The sad part is, you still don't get it. You've learned nothing at all. You still want to carpet bomb into dust anyone that doesn't suck Lucifer's tiny johnson.

Okay then. 


PS and Jimmy dig this.  I HAVE BEEN in your shoes. I lived through 19 days of the Thomas fire, surrounded by flames as firemen kept reigniting the fires after they had gone out. Not 3 blocks from my home, on 3 sides, in the mountains of Ojai. I didn't cry like a little girl with a skinned knee.

The satanic cabal burned 4 counties over 18 days (666), with no air support because of...drones...maybe. I never saw  a single drone only helicopters and fire guys, lighting the fires. After they hit their mojo points, 666 and satiated the demons, the tankers flew and the whole thing was out in 5 hours. Tons of footage and pics of them doing just that.

You could at least TRY to act like a man.