Friday, January 17, 2025

When they begin to awaken to reality

Wait till she finds out THEY WANT US ALL DEAD. That will be a level four bummer for princess who did everything "right."

It starts with tears, disbelief, trauma, resignation, and then, a search for hope and a way out of hell. I remember. I went through it 30 years ago. And there is no going back, undoing knowing and seeing. But in a much larger sense and perspective. 

Imagine being aware of the moon landing hoax in 1996?

Or the JFK assassination in 1987? CIA and MOSSAD.

Or the CIA control of all of society and buying up EVERYTHING through cut outs, to get that total it is now.

Concentration FEMA camps, by the hundreds.

Chemtrails when no one would believe or look up, in 1998?

Things are different today. Moving fast, judging the quick and the dead alike. These are the days of final freedom or a lasting damnation. 

As long as you draw  the breath of life, you can choose. Choose wisely.