Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Congress is rushing through a 3rd term bill for President Trump

Congress is rushing through a 3rd term bill for President Trump

Don Bradley 1-29-25


Yeah. Because since August 2024 when it was given over on this site (, the word is OUT. This is his 3rd term now!

Every day, more and more people are hearing this truth and are finally seeing it for themselves. The Great Awakening works like that. One truth teller begets the lot of them. And it's the truth, not the teller, that is important.

The Truth.

The sniffy was a cut out surrogate proxy. Really.

A dead guy named Joe Biden. We didn't get a Joe, we got a dunderheaded Sniffy. By design. Contempt does that. When you scorn those whom you pretend to serve, you get crap like this.

So, congress is rushing through a thing to make it all legal eagle. So, when this fast running brush fire of Trumpy's 3rd term hits critical mass any day now, it will be a moot point.

Except for this factoid. All that evil the world thought came from the Sniffy and the Drunk Lady? It was the Trumpy all along.

Trump did it to us. No one else.

Simple as...
