Sunday, January 19, 2025

The fire that burns but does not consume

The fire that burns but does not consume (the Burning Bush plague)

Don Bradley 1-19-25

To begin, YHVH has led me to:

1 Kings 18-37

 37Hear me, YHVH, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the YHVH Adonai, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.

 I am compelled to give notice in this thing.

Those whom attend the event on Monday January 20th, 2025, and whose hearts are with evil, will be given a short duration plague of feeling one's self burn, without the destruction of fire. Like an overdose of niacin, that is never ending. All over, inside and out. This is a not so gentle reminder that if you stand with the beast, this is what awaits you in Sheol and Tartarus. Embrace this warning. For your own sake, if for nothing else.

Doesn't matter if the thing was filmed already. YHVH is not deceived.

You stand counted as part of this, this befalls you. Even if you are there to "oppose" the Trumpster, and yet stand with all manner of evil in your heart, this befalls you. YHVH is not deceived.

How long? Depends upon the person. Some 3 days, some...longer.

All Children under the age of 13 are spared.

It starts at sunrise, Eastern Standard Time. If the sun rises and finds you there or intent upon being there...

Okay then.


PS. Friends, I implore you to not act in defiance of this thing. Rather, repent of your evil, if evil agrees with you, and avoid this and any future outcomes. 

Dad tells me people are going to go, just to Find Out. As you wish, it's your freewill.

By the bye, I have been standing in this fire for 20 years. I know precisely how it feels. Don


Fire that cleanses great evil in the land. Understand?