Tuesday, July 23, 2024

They are mocking us...

 Actors playing Sniffy, the dead joe biden, a stumble bum mental retard...

Giggling hollywood whores who can't even do simple math...

This is all just jewish, edomite mocking.

"Look. We put up intentional idiots and there you sit, on your fat butts, taking it. We do what we want, because you are all pathetic."

That's all this is. Any other consideration is just mental bs gymnastics.

Government Run Education System

 This is how they get away with what they do - the witches intentionally indoctrinate satanism, but not knowledge of reality.



Monday, July 22, 2024

Our Spiritual World: Coming Home

Our Spiritual World: Coming Home: Coming Home Don Bradley 7-22-24 I speak now to the hybrids of this world. These are those whom were born of mixed bloodline; both Yehud...

Our Spiritual World: A statue of Lucifer In a church

Our Spiritual World: A statue of Lucifer In a church: A statue of Lucifer In a church in England  in the Trinity Church in Marylebone. Aberdeenshire, UK..  The damned have openly taken over all ...

The giggling kamalwhore reveals it's on about murdering us all


Just another demon infused witch is all.



 I've never allowed WIFI on in my home from the day it came out in 2006. No way. You can feel it in your teeth. Plus, you can be killed, cancered, sickened as many are, and just a whole basket of ills and this stuff is on EVERYWHERE. I hate going into businesses because they ALL have it going.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump Assassination Hoax On The 1990’s Illuminati Playing Card With A Bullet Wizzing By His Face

From 1994. Everything is staged.

You are being played.




Jewbie J.D. Vance involved with Ambrosia "Young Blood Treatment"

Yep, another elite adrenochromer.


"Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood. The contrarian venture capitalist believes transfusions may hold the key to his dream of living forever."

"More than anything, Peter Thiel, the billionaire technology investor and Donald Trump supporter, wants to find a way to escape death. He's channeled millions of dollars into startups working on anti-aging medicine, spends considerable time and money researching therapies for his personal use, and believes society ought to open its mind to life-extension methods that sound weird or unsavory. Speaking of weird and unsavory, if there's one thing that really excites Thiel, it's the prospect of having younger people's blood transfused into his own veins."

"JD Vance And Peter Thiel: What To Know About The Relationship Between Trump's VP Pick And The Billionaire"

 "JD Vance, former President Donald Trump's running mate, has had a long, collaborative relationship with GOP donor and Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, one that has aided Vance from his time in venture capital to his role as an Ohio senator."

This is a good one, the nephy spells it all: "Presidential IV" for all to see:


Priest throws up 666 hand signs during the RNC Benediction


GOP closed out Day 1 of its national convention with a prayer to pagan god ‘Waheguru’

 Last night’s opening session of the GOP National Convention, which earlier in the day had officially nominated Donald J. Trump as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate, closed out with a prayer to a god other than Jesus Christ, the genderless god of the Sihk religion.

High-profile Republican attorney Harmeet Dhillon took to the podium, covered her head, and chanted the “ardas” prayer to “Waheguru, our one true God” seeking blessing upon and protection for the candidacy of former President Trump.



 Mister Warp Speed serves the beast. They all do.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sex Trafficking Schemes to be Aware of Ladies

 Pay attention. They are desperate to sacrifice more and more white women; as much as they can. The Edomites WANT US ALL DEAD.




jd vance jewbies love VP is jewbie

 The baby rapers and killers celebrate one of their own becoming VP. The very people celebrating this, are celebrating the very slime that wants all white people dead, dead, dead. Enjoy the vax weapon Mister Warp Speed pushed on you.

It's watching America celebrate their serial killers about to come to power. 

"It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again."






Irish journolist arrested for filming illegals attacking white natives


The satanist cop thugs protecting the black hordes attacking the Irish. Can't have the protected killer thugs being exposed as the murderers they are, now can we?


Welcome to Gas Lighting

 I have been gaslit by the best of the best. For decades now. The familiary patterns, always the same.

Woman's body language indicates she knew something was coming - Trump fakeout


The more you look at the footage, like sandy hoax and boston butt burglars, all the tells just jump out at you. Like this one.


Sunday, July 14, 2024



The Trump shooting is a deep state fake


the fake Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks



Trump Shooting...so far

 This was a staged event, with a dead crisis actor behind him to sell the attempted hit. Remember Sandy Hoax? All those dead children, who later grew and graduated high school, and took a huge picture of themselves to laugh at the world? All coven children?

Prosthetic ear.

Mask slipping from double.


Bullet was a 5.56, it is claimed, that's hyper-sonic - near 3000ft per second - and would be invisible to a cell phone frame rate. Only way to see this flight path is if the bullet or BB was subsonic. This shot came not from an high powered rifle, but from a nearby BB gun. Whole thing is fake.

Below- the CIA/Coven fake shooting hoax of a school that had been closed for years.

Sandy Hoax dead children have all graduated college now. Taking their place in the CIA as next gen crisis actors and honeypots.

Once again, the CIA does a quick job to sell a thing. What that thing is, we'll soon know. Presidents use doubles all the time, since the days of Roosevelt. Trump's double was used for this little psyop. 

No more big public arenas for Trump for awhile, unless, again, using doubles. Not hard to do, given the SNIFFY is a double of a dead guy for 8 years now, even the BIden family says the CIA replaced Joe with the Sniffy.

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Japanese News report has determined their mysterious demons were actually Jews


The Muslim hordes in the west are coming for jewbies not whites - wait and see

The jewbies brought their own killers amongst themselves. The judgment is set. 


There are only white people in this entire NATO war commercial - no diversity


Blond, blue eyed Yehudi whites. And behold, they are starting a war to erase the white race, what's left of it. In Ukraine, so Israel can arrange more bombings and deaths for white Americans, Canadians, and Britains, what few are left. Only whites will be drafted, men and women. Those drafted will be vax weaponized for instant remote death.

Okay then.

Porn = astral parasites

A bath with salt isn't going to help you or using incense. Prayer is the only thing that stops them. But a warning: do things in the proper order or be in danger of demonic retaliation. They fight back hard when I started praying, and I saw hell on earth until I persisted in prayer multiple times a day without giving up. This was in the 1980s and early 90s.



A wise internet poster put this up.

Porn = astral parasites

Watching pornography attaches negative astral entities to you. As a consequence of my spiritual discipline I've become more psychically acclimated to the astral realm and I thus have a finer perception of non-physical influences. After I watch porn, -specifically hardcore studio produced stuff or onlyfans slop- at the end of the day as I'm falling asleep several things will happen:
I will see random flashes of grotesque images. Mostly monstrous faces; sometimes human-like, sometimes animal-like, but essentially scary faces. I will also feel a malevolent presence, or even weight on my body, as if something is sitting or pressing down on me. Sometimes I will even feel a cold chill run up my spin if they really try and scare me (this is not just a figure of speech, this literally happens in the presence of negative non-physical entities) although I'm mostly inoculated against being afraid of these low level entities..
Then, when I fall asleep I am sure to have a bad dream and will also very likely experience a bout of sleep paralysis as well. In the morning I'll wake up feeling tired.
Now most people do not have the psychic sensitivity that will allow them to experience the influence of these negative astral entities on such an overt level, but whether you're aware of it or not, they are attaching themselves to you and feeding off you -which in the long run will have negative consequences (even if that consequence is something benign like a depressed mood).

I know this sounds like some schizo babble but this is 100% real, and I'm being completely serious. I'm not your dad so I'm not gonna tell you what to do with your life, but I'd reconsider watching porn if you're intent on bettering yourself, or if you struggle with things like depression.
Also, I'm certain the powers that be are very well aware of this phenomena, and that's probably why jews are tasked with distributing porn so profusely. 

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket explodes during Starlink launch


Musk referred to the anomaly as a "RUD," a tongue-in-cheek acronym that stands for "rapid unscheduled disassembly."

"Upper stage restart to raise perigee resulted in an engine RUD for reasons currently unknown," he said on X. "Team is reviewing data tonight to understand root cause. Starlink satellites were deployed, but the perigee (orbital low point) may be too low for them to raise orbit. Will know more in a few hours."

Thursday, July 11, 2024

1945 THE SAVAGE PEACE Jewish Gen'l Eisenhower orders execution of 1,000,000 germans

 Everyone the jewbies decided, after the war was over, needed to be erased, including their families. Their only crime was existing alive at the end of hostilities. None of them were Nazis or soldiers. But they were still alive, under all that rubble.

The real holocaust was against Germany. Still ongoing to this very day.




 Told everyone. It's all CGI, mostly. 



Sunday, July 7, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

When Chimeras go shopping








Yeah, we know. Long time now. Everybody does, they just don't want to believe it.

When this goes down, most folks will remember they were told this was a put up job, to enslave them.

Hey Jewbies, come and try to enslave me. I have something for you. For ALL of you. 



UFC OWNED BY IRGUN terrorist org

UFC OWNED BY IRGUN terrorist org

UFC OWNED BY IRGUN terrorist org

UFC OWNED BY IRGUN terrorist org 




Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Vax weapon outcomes


Safe and Effective.


I wanted to join the stub club, but instead I became zomboid.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Spacex cancels Moon Mission: How America lost the Moon!

It's true. SpacHex cancelled all the artemis shite. No more going to a plasma disk in the firmament. Instead, we get rockets from Vandenberg that skip along the surface of the waters.

The Tesla appliance truck Isn’t Corolla-Proof

Do all stainless steel refrigerators behave this way in a collision?


Imagine dropping an obscene amount of money to be one of the first people to drive a stainless steel appliance down the road, the Tesla Cybertruck that is, only to have a person in a Toyota Corolla crash into you. That’s exactly what happened to someone in the Redwood City area of California, showing that while the Cybertruck is apparently bullet-proof and arrow-proof to a degree, it is not the last bit Corolla-proof.

Allegedly drunk driver tells police she’s legally blind.

From what CHP Redwood City said about the incident, the Tesla driver isn’t being blamed and neither is the Cybertruck’s autonomous drive systems. Instead, the whole thing sounds to be the fault of the Toyota driver who turned the Corolla off the road, hit a dirt embankment, swerved back onto the road, crossed the double yellow lines into oncoming traffic, and hit the electric pickup.

We were assured by Elon Musk and his devoted followers that the Cybertruck would be super safe and could float on rivers like a barge for a time or something. Anyway, that’s curious because CHP said only the Tesla driver was injured, albeit minorly, but still. One would think the Corolla striking this stainless steel slab would’ve been demolished and the Toyota driver injured, but that wasn’t so.

In the meantime, we’re waiting to see more Cybertruck crash scenes to gauge if the outcome of this one was an outlier or if all stainless steel refrigerators behave this way in a collision.




Grocery prices have tripled in just two years

 Dude pushes 'reorder' button on groceries he purchased from Walmart in 2022 -- and he is shocked to learn the price for the full basket of groceries has more than TRIPLED in two years. The Biden government is lying about Inflation.

Yeah. Everyone knows that. When a jar of pickles is 7 dollars, yeah, we know.

While the Biden regime downplays inflation, real people are feeling the pinch and digging for the truth. Take this young guy, for example: he hit “reorder” on a 2022 purchase in his Walmart grocery app just to check today’s prices for the same items. The shocking price hike he discovered tells you all you need to know about the real state of Biden’s cruddy economy—it’s far worse than we even imagined.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

as a high profile individual against the establishment expect assassination attempts

This is why you as a high profile individual against the establishment drive a older FORTIFIED BMW M5, Audi RS6 or equivalent with bulletproof glass, no fancy electronics that operate the car or track the car but have the ability to navigate so you can always pull up to the nearest police station to pull into, always park in your garage.

If you drive a car anyone can connect to wirelessly; you have a possibility it being your assassination tool. It's why cars are now all digital.

  • No, don't drive a mustang, no dont drive a porche, don't drive a ferrari or anything of weak construction.
  • You want a car that won't kill you in a crash by being too weak structurally, but can accelerate past other vehicles on the road with relative safety or if absolutely necessary outrun cars that aren't super cars, the super cars aren't dangerous anyway they are too flimsy to be used by hitmen etc, they are always in inconspicuous normie cars like SUV's.
  • Always chose a random store to go to.
  • Always buy the things you need for a week or more.

Then, they change out your toothpaste with a polonium slug toothy pastey and see you later anyways, no known antidote. Or sodium morphate. Or heroin. They love shellfish toxins, quite deadly, some painful, some fast, some both. I have had all these experiences, including being shot, shot with CIA hyper guns (2x), etc. I've had flaps cut into my tires on the inside, so that delaminate and explode at 70mph; oil drained out of engine while in store. Is it a coincidence that most of these people died in single-vehicle car crashes going twice the speed limit? Fly by wire technology to remotely control a car, speed it up and crash it exists in modern cars and ALL jet aircraft made since 1985. Car "crashes" are their favorite assassination method. Find out what BOSTON BREAKS/BRAKES means.

And people wonder why I keep my head on a swivel and am ALWAYS READY to rumble on a moment's notice. Always. Every single person I meet gets a thorough examination and in that split second, I am deciding. An outcome.

Just how it is.


The death list of whistle blowers, a few friends, and others who went up against the beast system. Men of steel and valor. Enemies of the state should never drive Teslas. You ever notice that the best shabbos goys and jewish ass kissers never die?

  • Fico from Slovakia now Haider.
  • Jim Keith.
  • Cyberspace orbit guy.
  • Stevan Marković, 
  • Robert Boulin, 
  • Francois de Grossouvre
  •  isaac kappy
  •  seth rich
  • tracy twyman, 
  • john macafee 
  • Michael Hastings
  •  Remember when the governor of Georgia relented and allowed forensic examination of the Dominion voting machines in his state, but then his car exploded on the highway killing his daughter's boyfriend, and then he changed his mind about allowing the examination for, and then the investigating officer committed suicide about four days afterwards?
  • George Patton
  • The Grey Slate guy and family
  •  Gary who exposed Freeway Ricky and the CIA distributing guns and crack cocaine to the inner cities.
  • This list would take days to write out.



Discussing adrenochrome on Oprah



Tunnel collapses have mattresses visible EVERYWHERE


Under every synagogue, white children scream while being raped and murdered.

Same as every coven in the world.