Same day as this, Moss Landing Giga Site blows up as well. January 16, 2025.
Golly...these Elon events just seem to pile up. World hates him and all his brands tank bigly.
still, no worries Elon. In minecraft, you can pay someone to game for you so you can pretend you are just like the people you've been scamming with your magical and mostly fictional creations.
- Cars that explode like bombs because they were designed to do just precisely that.
- Big bird launches that explode. The rest that "appears" to work just fine is CGI, as is proven every single time.
But it's everything. After the H1B scam that created such a visceral reaction to your mere presence in the public space, you'd think you'd just shut up and go away. Ten bucks says you are at the Trumpsters Inauguration. I hope you are.
Like the Juden Peterstein, you went from darling to doomed in 18 months. The more you be whatever it is you project onto the world, the more you will be hated in your beingness. What happens when those dark web videos leak out into the world of your little doings? You know, with captured Palestinian children? What happens then?
I would well imagine several hundred million Muslims wanting to have some face time with you out in the desert. And willing to die to make that day happen for you. Anything is possible, Elon Oak Musk.
Are we still going to Mars?