The MAC addresses bluetooth keeps picking up around the undead vaxxed is already keyed 24/7 via the person's own cell phone to the big D box black cube system. They are already under full beast control.
Remember those videos the last few months of people getting a phone call, then keeling over having a seizure and heart attack? Field testing of random body types, age, race, gender.
And certainly, targeted kills for loud mouths.
What happens when everyone who has been weaponized all get a call at the same time, in the same locale?
You already know.
Remember that video of the Russian hacker who, using bluetooth, got all the data being sent out from the vaxxed and he got their
- name
- address
- their current gps location
- heartrate
- vax taken and when
- and whether they were walking, sitting, standing, or sleeping.
He got it all.
That's the connection they are radiating.
It's the death connection.