Saturday, November 3, 2018

Guilt Vs Shame - Guilt is satanic, shame is awareness of wrong doing

When you put the Hebrew name of Lucifer on all your buildings, it kinda tells the world who you really are.

Guests turned Traitor

All of the groups are behaving exactly how you would expect them to act, excepting the traitors. Traitors always act with deception and lies. The Guests are the biggest problem, as they’re speaking pretty words of guests-good normal-bad.
The real problem is that Normals have chosen to believe the Guests, despite Millennia of evidence that the Guests are liars.
Our special Guests love the Constitution. They love rules. So long as the rules are written down, they know they’ll figure out how to go around them, doing what they want without breaking the rules.
We do our best to follow the spirit of the law. They follow the letter of the law. If the letter of the law isn’t violated, no matter how badly the spirit of the law is violated, then they’ll stand tall and claim they did no wrong.
That’s the difference between racial guilt and racial shame. Our people are motivated internally to do what’s right. Their people are motivated externally to avoid doing wrong. The results are strikingly different.
If they put that much effort into working around the spirit of the Ten Commandments, do you really think they’re going to try and obey the spirit of the Constitution? Even God gave up on them. Why do we still treat them like our equals?
I believe that NW European White Gentiles are nearly alone in the world for having inherited a genetic racial predisposition to a guilt-based, rather than shame-based, moral sense. And all the shame-based races take advantage of that White Gentile character trait when they are within subverting distance.
Every time they want to emotionally blackmail and sentimentally manipulate the white goyim, they use the image of a brown toddler. Aylan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian boy, started the #refugeeswelcome madness and the mass-invasion of Europe. Than the “howling beanlet” Guatemalan girl started the “children in cages” and “abolish ICE” insanity.
It seems they prepare the field for another “humanitarian” fake crisis with this photo, to shame again the white goyim to accept another “caravan” of invaders.
I’m so sick of this strategy.

It looks more like a spoiled kid who didn’t get any of her favorite candy for Halloween.
It’s a nicely paved road FFS!!!!
Has anyone actually BEEN to Central America? Paved roads without wear, tear and potholes are like snowballs in Kalgoorlie.

Who walks thousands of miles in hot pink patent leather ballet flats?


That’s some brand spankin’ new looking Target gear she’s got on there. Nary a sweat stain or dust from all the trekkin’ across the jungle and desert! Fresh off the 50% rack?
Clean face too, no dust or soot at all. Very clear to see all the fresh tears.
BTW, no kid sinks to their knees from exhaustion. They pass out on their feet and fall the hell out.
That staged pic is some prime time movie-of-the-week drama right there.

She looks pretty well-fed too. Look at those chubby arms.
And mom’s shoes got a nice sheen on ’em too… don’t look too walked in.
Poor choice of footwear for ‘trekking’ across central America…and horrible taste to boot…
Seriously though, that pic was taken outside some Target/Walmart parking lot in the US while the kid was throwing a tantrum. I’d bet next weeks paycheck that was taken anywhere but in the caravan.
Yeah, they could find better agitprop photos. Is this supposed to look like a long-suffering, exhausted child who walked half a continent crossing mountains and valleys? She seems more like a girl throwing a tantrum at the toy store because her mother didn’t want to buy her all the dolls on the shelf.
Hey, Chaimstream Media, if you are permanently in propaganda mood, at least do it intelligently. You are not even trying anymore.
Read through the comment thread at that Twatter link. Have a vomit bag at the ready, because the bathos has curdled into lumpy-throated schmaltz.
Women, of course, are hardest hit by this agitslop. Are women really this gullible and manipulable?
YES. Resoundingly.
Which is indirect proof that Game works, because women will fall for anything that tugs at their emotions, whether maternal or libidinal.
I figure the savvy player can re-purpose this nation-wrecking psyops into fruitful courtships. I’ll call it Dramatic Toddler Game. You can fib to a GloboAmeriGirl that you spent last month helping migrants cross the border, and one day you had to literally carry an exhausted toddler across the border into the waiting arms of crying US Marines. Everyone was touched. Please impeach. Go the extra mile and pantomime yourself carrying an invisible toddler. Look deeply concerned and sympathetic. Stroke the invisible toddler’s forehead. Say a few cooing words in Spanish. mi pobrecito…
Or, if you prefer the shock and awe approach, cast yourself as a sort of grown-up toddler throwing a dramatic fit because the girl you’re hitting on won’t laugh at your jokes (or some other suitably humorous pretext). Drop to your knees just like Dramatic Toddler, clutch your breast, wrest a few Fakes Sobs, and look heavenward while lamenting out loud, “I JUST WANT TO CROSS THE BORDER OF YOUR HEART”.