Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pedophiles abuse children - Trannies used to condition and mind control kids

Look at the anger they manifest when you interrupt their children's homosexual brainwashing session.

Desmond tranny poster boy for pedo gays, Times Square Poster. MK ultra sex bot child and plaything for rich pedos.

Netfux TV show about trannies programming children. We have reached bottom. The only place left is tranny necrophilia, which is coming next. A TV show about a tranny fucking a dead corpse in the morgue. Already in the works, waiting for a green light from the High Priest of the Netfucko coven.

Netfux TV show about trannies programming children. Pedo cartoons with nasty witches aiming their privates into children's faces. That this is allowed and CPS and the police stand F'd up do you have to be.

Registered sex offender, serial child rapist, in 3 states, does Tranny reading for schools and libraries. Library and school defend the guy. See what I mean, the satanic network runs EVERYTHING. Or this bastard would be in jail, rather than getting probation only AFTER THREE CONVICTIONS. Belongs to drag group that openly mocks christian values. His convictions were for rape victims between ages of 4 and 8. Drag group openly uses pedophilia symbols in their media kits and outfits, declaring they are ALL ABOUT RAPING EXTREMELY YOUNG CHILDREN. This is the third time he has been exposed at schools and libraries for his crimes, but not by the schools, but by concerned parents to did research on these sick monsters.

Tranny on UK soccer team, clearly a guy, no estrogen hormones. Look at the face of the girl on the opposite team and the visible hatred and disgust of having to compete with a gorilla twice her size and 5X her strength. Guess which team won? And guys who do this, only do it because of orders from the Talmudic coven and for getting success these losers could never get in men's sports. On the other hand, these women vote democrat, support LBGTQFUKO, and burn coal. They are getting what they deserve and should shut up and shout and cheer when these manipulating conmen do to them, what they themselves made possible.
The Satanists are giving the children their tranny freak name. A part of SRA, where alter identity is part of of the shattering of the mind. It's not just about story telling.It's about conditioning, creating a different mind that is deviant and sexually damaged and behaves in freaks ways. Teachers, satanist parents, and local government all push this. 4 our of 5 Tranny freaks have been arrested for prostitution and these same whores are allowed in schools and libraries to read explicitly sexual stories that would make a stripper blush.
Jewess Tranny Handler, announces plans to indoctrinate kids into pedo victim hood. Own business that does gay and tranny literature. Of course she does, the satanic network has trillions to fund its field assets.

That is one unhappy, terrified child. How many times has she been raped already by the guy holding her with freak gear on?

Tranny, kids, and dykes

Virus Breeders...VBs