Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world.
Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11
Join me and let's follow that high road...
So, as I am wont to do, I did my bi-monthly update to the mirror, of the Daily Messenger blog to WordPress. I am blocked. I tried several times over many days and in different ways, but its no use.
Nothing official mind you, just F YOU boy, kind of thing. The kind of passive/aggressive censorship where they retain plausible deniability.
So, I am in search of new mirror digs. If anyone has a suggestion about a reliable blog server that will allow the occasional massive data inflows, please drop me a line.
Mirrors are necessary, especially when I spend so very much time raining on the parade of evil having its way with the world.
Remember, the site must be able to take a great deal of data, posts and pics. And no restrictions for webmaster or user. Tall order in our time of censorship, I know.
They serve the beast and the beast's bitch. Then she died and all hell broke loose.
Jezebel a month before her death in Sept 2016. Too much adrenechrome and human blood cannibalism known as KURU, which creates a terrible medical condition over the long term. She had EXACTLY the medical symptoms of the disease which is WHY her SS detail was filled with doctors and not field agents. It was only a matter of time and that time was on 9-11-16. A poignant and much deserved fate for such an evil bitch as she was. I am proud to say, I personally took it upon my self three months before her death to work on her, spiritually speaking, with fire and demonic eviction. Her death came as no surprise to me. It saved this country from a nuclear holocaust and a satanic/demonic wave of evil beyond imagining.
Hillary Clinton checked every box for a violation of the Espionage Act.
So much so that, in giving her a pass, the FBI figured it better couch
her conduct as “extremely careless,” rather than “grossly negligent.”
The latter description was stricken from an earlier draft of
then-director James Comey’s remarks because it is, verbatim, the mental
state the statute requires for a felony conviction. It wouldn’t do to have an “exoneration” statement read like a felony indictment.
In point of fact, the careless/negligent semantic game was a
sideshow. Mrs. Clinton’s unlawful storage and transmission of classified
information had been patently willful. In contemptuous violation of
government standards, which she was bound not only to honor but to
enforce as secretary of state, she systematically conducted her
government business by private email, via a laughably unsecure homebrew
server set-up. Her Obama administration allies stress that it was not
her purpose to harm national security, but that was beside the point.
The crime was mishandling classified information, and she committed it.
And even if motive had mattered (it didn’t), her purpose was to conceal
the interplay between her State Department and the Clinton Foundation,
and to avoid generating a paper trail as she prepared to run for
president. No, that’s not as bad as trying to do national-security harm,
but it’s condemnable all the same. While Clinton’s mishandling of classified information got all the attention, it was just the tip of the felony iceberg. Thousands
of the 33,000 emails she withheld and undertook to “bleach bit” into
oblivion related to State Department business. It is a felony to
misappropriate even a single government record. The destruction of the
emails, moreover, occurred after a House Committee investigating the
Benghazi massacre issued subpoenas and preservation directives to
Clinton’s State Department and Clinton herself. If Andrew Weissmann and
the rest of the Mueller probe pit-bulls had half as solid an
obstruction case against Donald Trump, the president would by now have
been impeached, removed, and indicted. And that dichotomy is the point, isn’t it? In the Obama Justice Department — as extended by the Mueller
investigation, staffed by Obama Justice Department officials and other
Clinton-friendly Democrats — justice was dispensed with a partisan eye.
If you were Hillary Clinton, you skated. If you were Donald Trump, they
were determined to dig until they found something — and, even when they
failed to make a case, the digging never stopped . . . it just shifted
to Capitol Hill. No one knows the skewed lay of the land better than Andrew McCabe. The FBI’s former deputy director is in the Justice Department’s
crosshairs. His lawyers are reportedly pleading with top officials not
to indict him for lying to FBI agents who were probing a leak of
investigative information, orchestrated by none other than McCabe. McCabe is feeling the heat because the evidence that he made false
statements is daunting. So daunting, in fact, that even he concedes he
did not tell the truth to investigators. Listen carefully to what he
says about the case — there being no shortage of public commentary on it
from the newly minted CNN analyst. He never “deliberately misled anyone,” he insists. Sure, he grudgingly admits, some of his statements “were not fully accurate,” or perhaps were “misunderstood” by his interrogators.
But “at worst,” you see, “I was not clear in my responses, and because
of what was going on around me may well have been confused and
distracted.” Uh-huh. Seems to me that General Michael Flynn “may well have been confused and distracted,” too. After
all, it was on Flynn’s insanely busy first full day on the job as the
new president’s national-security adviser that McCabe and Comey
dispatched two agents — Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka — to brace him for
an interview. As our Rich Lowry recounts,
Comey later bragged to an audience of like-minded anti-Trumpers at the
92nd Street Y that he knew this was a breach of protocol. Because
seeking to interview a member of the president’s staff in a criminal
investigation is a big deal, the Bureau is supposed to go through the
attorney general, who alerts the White House counsel. That ensures that
the administration is aware of the situation, and that the suspected
staffer is advised of the reason for the interview and given an
opportunity to consult with a lawyer. Of course, if protocol had been followed, McCabe would not
have been able to have Flynn grilled without preparation and without
counsel. That put Flynn in a very different posture from Hillary
Clinton. She got every courtesy. The FBI not only
scheduled her interview well in advance; before she showed up, before
they asked her a single question, they had already finished drafting
Comey’s statement exonerating her. Not just that. Clinton was permitted
to bring along — among her phalanx of lawyers — her State Department
aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, key witnesses who had gotten
immunity from prosecution. (In a real investigation, they’d have been
considered subjects, not witnesses.) Allowing witnesses to sit in as
lawyers was not just a violation of Justice Department practice (to say
nothing of common sense). Federal criminal law prohibits
former officials from lobbying the government on behalf of another
person in a matter in which the former official was heavily involved
while working for the government. Recall that when he decided against an indictment of Clinton, Comey famously pronounced that “no reasonable prosecutor” would charge her.
Even though Clinton’s conduct technically transgressed the law, the
then-director rationalized that he could find no prior Espionage Act
prosecution for gross negligence on facts analogous to Clinton’s case. Where exactly would we expect find analogous facts? Not much
precedent about secretaries of state sedulously setting up
non-government communications systems for years of correspondence
involving thousands of classified communications. But let’s put this
historical anomaly aside. Let’s even ignore that military officials have been prosecuted
for less-egregious classified-information violations. Here’s the point:
In giving Clinton a pass, Comey explained that “responsible”
prosecutorial decisions “consider the context of a person’s actions, and
how similar situations have been handled in the past.” Okay . . . then how is it that General Flynn gets investigated and charged? Flynn, as a member of Trump’s transition team and incoming
national-security adviser, had been consulting with the Russian
ambassador, among other foreign counterparts. Context? There was nothing
illegal or illegitimate about such communications. And even if it had
been appropriate for the FBI and the Justice Department to inquire into
the foreign policy of the incoming president elected by the American
people, the Bureau did not need to interview Flynn. They had recordings
of the conversations. What reason could there have been to question
Flynn about them — without playing the recordings for him — except to
lay the groundwork for a false-statements prosecution? Moreover, how have similar situations been handled in the past? In
investigating Flynn, the Obama Justice Department and the FBI theorized
that he might have violated the Logan Act, a dubious law that purports
to criminalize foreign policy freelancing by private citizens. Despite
being on the books for over two centuries, the Logan Act has never
resulted in a successful prosecution. Not once. In fact, it has not even
been used to indict anyone in the last 170 years. Indeed, but for its
desuetude, the Logan Act would certainly have been held
unconstitutional; because the Justice Department never invokes it, no
one has had the opportunity to challenge it. Yet, the Logan Act was used
to justify investigating Flynn — a transition official whose very job
entailed consultation with foreign officials. As we noted a few days ago,
the FBI and Mueller’s investigators prosecuted George Papadopoulos for
lying about the date of a meeting. Though the lie was inconsequential to
the probe, they made the then-28-year-old eat a felony charge. And
while they could easily have had his lawyer surrender him for processing
on the charge and quick release on bail, they instead choreographed an
utterly unnecessary nighttime arrest that forced him to spend a night in
jail. Suffice it to say that Paul Combetta did not get the Papadopoulos brass-knuckles treatment. Combetta was not prosecuted even though he brazenly lied to the FBI
about the circumstances of his destruction of Clinton’s private emails.
He was the key witness who had been in communication with Clinton
confederates before and after his bleach-bit blitz through Clinton’s
emails. In a normal case, prosecutors would charge him with obstruction
and false statements to pressure him into cooperating. In the Clinton
caper, though, he was given immunity . . . and duly clammed up. No false-statements charges against Combetta. No false-statements charges against Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin,
intimate Clinton aides who claimed not to know about Clinton’s private
server while they worked for her at the State Department — even though
emails show them involved in discussions about the server. In the Clinton investigation, if you were a lawyer, such as
Mills and Samuelson, the Obama Justice Department said “pretty please”
and gave you immunity — rather than a subpoena — to induce you to
surrender private laptop computers containing classified Clinton emails.
And then the Justice Department, in consultation with the Clinton
camp’s lawyers, imposed restrictions on what the FBI could look at and
what its agents could ask. After all, we wouldn’t want to imperil the
attorney-client privilege, right? Well, at least as long as you were not a lawyer in the Trump-Russia investigation.
If you were, as was Melissa Laurenza, an attorney who worked for Paul
Manafort and Rick Gates, prosecutors and the FBI compelled you to
testify about client communications. If you were Trump lawyer Michael
Cohen, the FBI executed search warrants at your home and office, and you
were prosecuted. So was Alex van der Zwaan, an attorney who worked with
Manafort and Gates in representing Ukrainian interests. He was induced
to plead guilty to a false-statements charge in the Mueller probe. And needless to say, if you were Manafort, there was no act-of-production immunity for you. And
no one asked “pretty please” for you to turn over evidence. Under the
Mueller team’s direction, the FBI got search warrants allowing them to
break into Manafort’s home before dawn and at gunpoint to seize
documents. Of course, this seems like kid-gloves treatment compared to
what was done to Manafort’s friend and fellow Trump adviser, Roger
Stone. The S.W.A.T.-style raid on Stone’s home included helicopter
surveillance, an amphibious team (apparently to guard against escape by
sea), and so many FBI vehicles that the CNN crew that just happened to
be on scene almost couldn’t find a parking space! Was that show of force
really necessary for a 66-year-old man charged with nonviolent process
crimes whom the court released on bail a few hours later? Mueller spent nearly two years trying to make an obstruction
case against Trump for endeavoring to influence the Russia
investigation. Congressional Democrats are still trying to
breathe impeachment life into this effort. By contrast, the
media-Democrat complex was unperturbed when Obama publicly announced in
April 2016 that he did not think Clinton should be indicted. Far from
accusing the 44th president of endeavoring to influence an
investigation, the prosecutors and the press amplified Obama’s
narrative that Clinton had not intended to harm the country — and
dutifully looked the other way when the FBI airbrushed Obama’s name out
of Comey’s Clinton exoneration speech (the president having
knowingly communicated with Clinton through her unsecure server when she
emailed him from a hostile foreign country). The goal was to make Clinton’s crimes disappear, while suspicions
about Trump were was blazoned on the public consciousness. Even though
the Trump-Russia probe was a counterintelligence investigation,
then-director Comey went public about it in March 2017 congressional
testimony. That was stunning. It is not enough to say that the
Justice Department and the FBI customarily neither confirm nor deny the
existence of any investigation, no matter how comparatively trivial.
Counterintelligence investigations are classified. They are never spoken
of. Yet, Comey both revealed the investigation and identified the Trump
campaign as a subject, suspected of “coordinating” in Russia’s
cyberespionage. For good measure, he gratuitously added that an
assessment would be made about whether crimes had been committed. As any
sensible person would have foreseen, the FBI director’s proclamation
was taken by the media and the public as a signal that President Trump
was the prime suspect in one of the most heinous crimes in American
history. To say the least, a different tune was sung in the Clinton emails probe. There,
Comey acceded to the instructions of Obama’s attorney general, Loretta
Lynch, that he not publicly speak of it as an investigation. Just call
it “a matter,” he was told. Funny thing about that: it sounded exactly
like what the Clinton campaign was saying at the time. I don’t pretend to be a McCabe fan. Nevertheless, I have sympathy for him.
The 2016 election will define his career, but it does not fairly
reflect his long years of service defending the rule of law and American
national security. If we could consider his case in a vacuum, and I had
my druthers, I would not want to charge him. He was fired for cause in
disgrace and is slated to lose at least some of his pension. These are
significant penalties. I’d like to be able to say, “Enough is enough, no
need to pile on with an indictment.” But there’s more to it than that. A lot more. For one thing, McCabe is suing the government for wrongful
termination, arguing that he was fired due to a political vendetta
carried on by President Trump. I certainly agree that the
president should not have commented on McCabe’s case or status. As I’ve
repeatedly argued, the president’s often-unhinged commentary makes
investigations and prosecutions much more difficult to execute. It has
already resulted in slap-on-the-wrist treatment for deserter Bowe
Bergdahl, who should have received a stiff sentence. That said, though, it is an audacious strategy on McCabe’s part
to (a) ask the Justice Department to exercise clemency by declining to
charge an eminently prosecutable false-statements case against him,
while (b) simultaneously hauling the Justice Department into court on an
accusation of bad faith in a case in which McCabe leaked and then
provided explanations that weren’t true. If I were the attorney
general, my inclination would be to say, “If he’s going to make us go to
war, let’s go to war on offense — indict him.” More significantly, we are now living in a law-enforcement world of McCabe’s making. Again, in a better world, I’d prefer to take account of the
considerable positive side of McCabe’s ledger and what he’s already
suffered, especially if he exhibited some contrition. That is, I’d
ordinarily be open to declining prosecution. But then, how about the
positive side of General Flynn’s ledger? And why, if it would be
overkill to charge McCabe was it not overkill to charge Papadopoulos?
Why do Clinton, Mills, Abedin, and Combetta get a pass in a criminal
investigation triggered by actual crimes, but Flynn, Papadopoulos, van
der Zwaan, and Stone get hammered in an investigation predicated by no
crime — just a fever dream of Trump-Russia cyberespionage conspiracy? FBI and Justice Department officials keep telling us they
grasp that there must be one standard of justice applicable to
everyone, not a two-tiered system. So, here’s the question: If Andrew
McCabe’s name were Michael Flynn, how much mercy could he expect from,
say, Andrew Weissmann?
Satanists wallow in spiritual filth, so it makes sense they want the physical world to be wallowing in the filth of their stunted souls. And this freak isn't the only blue haired idiot to say and restrict the cleaning of human waste from the streets of America.
Authored by Mac Slavo via, Even though the courthouse and plenty of Seattle’s streets are
covered in human fecal matter thanks to the socialist policies that have
pushed people into poverty, a democrat has decided the streets cannot be cleaned up using a pressure washer. Using this method to get the feces off the streets is racist said city council member Larry Gossett in a tweet. The King County courthouse in downtown Seattle is located near the
social service centers and several homeless shelters. A tent city has
sprung up in the little park outside. There have been several assaults
on courthouse employees, and even two attacks on jurors In May and June,
leading to citizens summoned for jury duty to voice concerns about
their safety, according to a report by RT.
Judges Laura Inveen and Jim Rogers, backed by King County Sheriff
John Urquhart, asked the county to do something about the violence and
the fecal matter that continues to pile up, the Seattle Times reported last month. Among their requests was a daily power-wash of the sidewalks, which “reek of urine and excrement.” Bu Councilmember Larry Gossett objected to the measure because power-washing “brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists,” according to the Seattle Times.
Seattle is trying to figure out how
to clean poop off their streets but A Democrat Councilman doesn’t like
the idea of using a pressure washer hose because it reminds him of hoses
used against civil rights activists...
High-pressure water hoses were used by police in Birmingham, Alabama
against civil rights protesters back in 1963. They have also been used
to wash sidewalks in most American cities on a daily basis ever since,
without being accused of racism – until now. We have democrats to thank
for the ridiculous and unending racism that’s lingering.
This is 2019 when everything is racist – the New York Timessays so – and anyone who doesn’t call it out is assumed to be an enabler, according to the rules of the “woke” cancel culture. So, the sidewalks of Seattle must remain covered in human waste, lest someone gets offended. -RT
“Gossett’s concern here is nothing short of insane,” wrote Kat Timpf in National Review. “What
else are you going to do — not wash them? Because I really, really
reject the idea that leaving sidewalks covered with human bodily waste
is the less offensive move in this (or any) situation.” And many on
Twitter agreed that Gossett’s view was insane.
These people have serious mental issues. They shouldn't be running anything. 🙄
claimed pressure washers were racist in 2017, however, it’s 2019, the
streets are still filled with human poop and the solution from democrats
is to not wash them. Because…racism. This is now our dystopian reality.
Planned and coordinated invasion of Greek islands of Jihadis and Africans 130 brand new speed boats with 500 to 600 illegal invaders onboard landed in the outskirts of Skala Sykamineas on the island of Lesvos on Thursday afternoon, captained by white Americans and Germans. All boats invaded at the same location in less than an hour. A coordinated operation, involving enormous amounts of money, supplies, food, weapons, and expensive boats.
Last time this happened was in the peak of invasion crisis in 2015. It was shortly after 5pm, when several brand new boats piloted by white Americans were spotted on their
way to Sykamia having crossed into Greek territorial waters with the
Frontex apparently in the role of passive bystander. A total of 546 people, men, women and children disembarked following instructions by illegal aliens by white NGOs with brand new speed launches,Aegean Boat Report reports. Notice how all pictures have the smugglers faces smugged out.
Add caption
According to local media,
the illegal aliens are excepted to be transferred to the hot spot of Moria
already overcrowded with more than 10,000 people, while its capacity is
designed for 3,000. The Illuminati agenda of shoving illegal aliens into any country they can is proceeding apace. No one is arrested, and this operation continues around the clock, with the "poor refugees" givens thousands of Euros in cash and maps and guides to get them quickly into the major cities with assistance to file for govt assistance within 24 hours of arrival. It is the largest number of illegal aliens massively coming to Lesvos from the Turkish coast since the invasion crisis in 2015-2016.
This picture is not of the invaders, but the smugglers and NGO assets. IF they showed you pictures, and none are available, of the invaders. Heavily armed, no women or children, and under 30, then no one would have any sympathy. Just the opposite, if thousands of armed black guys came into your town and started taking over entire sections of it, you'd be very unhappy. Or completely insane to want that. Just ask the locals in Europe how this jihadi invasion thing is working out for them.
This is an invasion force, well funded, organized and coordinated.
thousands of invaders instantly appear in towns and cities overnight and brashly and violently taking over large sectors of the cities. Many towns have become instant no go zones for local residents.
They say that 60,000 illegal aliens of Moria have not been medically registered. Political and military leadership of the Greek Shipping Ministry are concerned not only about the massive arrivals on Thursday but also for their increase in the month of August. Next to the massive arrivals on Lesvos, a total of 1220 illegal aliens landed on the islands of Farmakonisi, Kos, Lesvos as well as in
Alexandroupolis in north-eastern Greece. According to latest data, the islands of the Eastern Aegean Sea
Lesvos, Chios, Samos, leros and Kos are hosting more than 24,000 illegal aliens.
The Ministry is to hold an extraordinary meeting on the issue is to take place on Friday noon.
There are reportedly still 4 patrol boats in the area of Sykamia. Which seemingly do nothing.
The massive arrivals coincide with the growing tension
between Turkey with the US and the European Union. Granting smugglers freedom of movement would increase the political pressure, Ankara seems
to think.
from the internet
any facts about the "NGO"
odd omission there
I live they only have to travel 5-6 miles or less to get here. Those
pics were at a place on the north shore. 2-3 mile journey. Spotters are
watching Turkey coast guard doing nothing to stop them.
It's an illegal invasion, the working of World Judea, financed by the
likes of Soros and his ilk. They are trying to systematically destroy
white civilization - an act of war.
Ah New Africa will welcome their replacements, most (people formerly
know as) Europeans are actually excited about their own impending
extinction, they not only facilitate it but even demonize those who
would stop it. Some day science will understand this mentality of self
immolation but until then we can only slowly shake our heads in horror
as we watch the greatest race to ever walk the earth build up its own
funeral pyre.
If Europeans are so stupid, they must suffer. Americans are dumb too and must suffer too.
Very soon, Russia in the West will border the European Caliphate. And in
the East in the Alaska region, it borders on Latin America.
Hello new wonderful world! Hello to all stupid globalists!
Nice, new boats...provided by whom? Investigate!
Once again those NGOs are guily of massive replacement invasion of white people.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some of those ngos financed by soros and run by kikes at work :
How to destabilize an ennemy, or an entire continent : send them waves of jihadi killers.
(((Our best allies)))
tow the boats back to Africa. Shoot the captain on site, for international piracy and human trafficking. Sink the boats.
These people are modern-day slavers. No mercy.
all funding for NGOs. End all tax advantages to Foundations/Charities,
end all Foreign Aid. They can find normal jobs. If they want an
occupation where they feel good about themselves they can start a
business and experience what real work is like.
Sure many of them are nice and well-meaning, but my God, they are
coddled and utterly clueless. There's no reason for taxpayers to support
their Savior Complex dreams.
It takes 3 hours just to feed the people in new arrivals. We were
worried about the day when Erdogan told his coast guard to start letting
boats through. That is exactly what's happening. He will flood Greece
and the EU with refugees. 6000 refugees in the last 90 days just on
Lesvos. Chios and Samos are being over run as well.
Sounds like every liberal run city in America. Whites who hate themselves, because the jewish meme tells them to hate themselves. And the fuckers do it, to all amazement.
According to a new report from Done Deal, Ireland's largest classifieds site, and first reported by Raidió Teilifís Éireann News, electric automobiles across Ireland, on average, lose 41% of their value over the first three years.
Done Deal said a new vehicle purchased three years ago in the country
will depreciate by 33%, however, for electric and diesel cars, that
figure is 41% and 43%, respectively.
Done Deal found gasoline cars hold more value over the first three years than any other types. After the three years, gasoline cars lost 24% of their value, while Hybrid engine vehicles depreciated by 26%.
"The biggest impact on Electric Car resale value appears to come down to quality of manufacture, which means they are pretty much gutless, plastic shitboxes" said Martin Clancy from DoneDeal.
"Electric cars produced even in 2016 have a much shorter range and
fewer features than the newer models, which isn't much even now. As the Financial Times recently
pointed out the retention value of electric cars is still a relatively
new area, with concerns over the depreciation of battery life and
performance linked to the value of the vehicle itself."
The most popular electric car in the country this year isn't a Tesla,
but rather a Nissan Leaf with sales of 944 units, followed by the
Hyundai Kona (897), Renault Zoe (219) and E-Golf (171). Tesla came in
dead last with only 60 new units sold, 38 were Model S and 22 Model X.
Almost a quarter of all new Tesla sales were in Dublin. In cold weather an average charge can get the driver less than 100 kilometers, before grinding to a halt. In snow conditions average range is less than 60 kilometers. Tesla cars have the worst performance issues and ratings of ALL EVs.
when winter hits, the hours spent recharging is a big part of a driver's day. Which means not much driving and hence, freedom exists. That's when it hit you. A gasoline car drives all day and night, and can be filled up in less than five minutes. An EV requires hours of enormously expensive recharging just to a fraction of what a tank of gas a combustion engine vehicle does.
And that is ever the point. Restricting your travel, which means freedom of movement, under the bullshit guise of global climate nonsense save the planet shit. When you factor in the enormous damage lithium mining does to the environment coupled with the massive pollution coal fired electrical plants create just to make the juice for the car, the whole climate hoax scam falls apart.
That is if you have a reasonable and logical mind. But, if you are a satanic cunt who is unable to process reason and facts and prefers to be a nasty blue haired idiot than facts mean nothing to you. You prefer slavery. That's the order of the day, and you are happy to go along with it, because all the dykes who run and manage the liberal social reality insist on insanity and slavery as the goal of all their political goals. Back in July, Tesla's Elon Musk insisted that the company's electric cars will be appreciating assets.
If we make all cars with FSD
package self-driving, as planned, any such Tesla should be worth $100k
to $200k, as utility increases from ~12 hours/week to ~60 hours/week
He claimed in a podcast interview in April that Tesla cars would only
appreciate when they're fully capable of autonomous driving.
He stood by his claim, again, this time, it was on Twitter in
mid-July when he responded to a follower who called his statement
"really dumb."
Not sure if joke or just really dumb. These are absolutely not appreciating assets and saying otherwise is a fool’s errand.
As far as the Done Deal report, electric cars are a terrible
investment at the moment; technology is evolving so quickly that last
year's models are already out of date. So far, no used Tesla's have appreciated in value in Ireland.
Mars is easy, just head north to Devon Island and its done. Of course you get to also get to keep the BILLIONS of dollars expended on space vehicles and all that junk they claim they are researching and building to get there. A plane ticket is less than a thousand dollars, and NASA already has accommodations for technicians and their cameras to fake the footage. As they've been doing all along.
Now that they admit to it, though it has been a technology they have had since 1990s, people should be more cautious what they say in front of cameras, even if they are across the parking lot or two blocks down the road. Facial recognition is a fact of life - they know who you are. Lip reading is a fact of life - they sure as hell know what you are saying.
Cover your mouth, wear sunglasses with large frames when out, turn your back to any camera when you see it is pointed in your direction. Most cameras have audio mics, and they are VERY sensitive and they have software that can clean up all area noise, including other voices, until they have you cold. That's how bad it is and has been for years. Years. Not now, years. And especially if they are in the same room. "The capability to run lip-sync technology to determine what people
are saying would have a very suppressive effect. It would change the
nature of our society," Porter told the Evening Standard. "People wouldn’t feel they could have a conversation outside. We increasingly see the football manager cupping his hand over his mouth to give instructions for fear of being exposed."
"Just extrapolate that by millions and what it would mean if
people knew there was a capability of walking down the town and your
lips moving could be picked up and extrapolated into a conversation," he added.
But the plain fact of the matter is, all cameras have FACIAL RECOGNITION AND LIP READING TECH already and for years. Decades even. That they are finally admitting to is the only thing that is new, the bastards.
Porter's comments follow the launch of an official investigation into
the use of facial recognition technology by the Metropolitan Police by
Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham - who says her office is
"deeply concerned" about the software.
Earlier this month, the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch also
warned it had uncovered an “epidemic” of facial recognition technology
being used around shopping centres, museums and conference venues in the
The pressure group said it had found that millions of people were now having their facial features unknowingly scanned and stored in data bases. Mr Porter conceded that such technologies could become an important tool for law enforcement.
However, he added: “It’s important to protect a free and open society
and at the moment we are at risk of ceding that to the impact of
"It’s the 70th year since George Orwell released 1984 and it’s
relevant to say we’ve got to listen to those warnings and say we don’t
want that society and what do we do about it," said Porter.
Wow, this guy just makes up the lies as he goes along. Whatever street cred jagoff had, it's gone now. A man worth $40 million is complaining about the system keeping him down? Really Spike? Dat ebil white man don keepn yu down? You are shilling for your real masters. and btw, read a history book before you start making a supreme fool of yourself.
Well, no kidding. I always tell people visiting me to leave their cell phones in their car because I do not like talking to all the various police agencies that spy on me through the phone. If they won't do that, I say little and keep it superficial and boring. Of course the CIA and FBI already has the car and house bugged, but the cops get at you through phones and wifi. Keep those out of the room or turned off. Look up DIRTBOX, STINGRAY, etc. If you doubt the above. DB
Authored by Mac Slavo via, It’s for their own good, of course! A New Jersey police department has unveiled technology that will allow 911 operators to stream video from callers smartphones. And ANY COP who wants to at any time, 24 hours a day. For the time being, callers have to turn on the live video stream,
meaning they are consenting and giving the police permission to see
what’s happening as they call. This is the first step to automatic
surveillance upon calling people who are assumed to be there to help. According to RT,the
technology allows the 911 operators to use the phone’s camera and
microphone. This is the first step down a very slippery slope.
911eye, developed by Capita Secure Solutions and Services in
conjunction with West Midlands Fire Service in the UK, represents a step
toward a terrifying surveillance infrastructure that can turn any
internet-capable device into a remote-activated surveillance tool. West
Midlands Police were the first to embrace “pre-crime” technology in the UK, developing
the National Data Analytics Solution to sniff out potential offenders
and divert them with ostensibly therapeutic “interventions.”
If the fact that it was developed by the people behind the real-life
version of ‘Minority Report’ isn’t enough reason to give 911eye a wide
berth, take a look at Carbyne911, one of its competitors. Funded by deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein through former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, Carbyne911 markets itself as the solution to mass shootings. The
program – founded by current and former Israeli intelligence personnel,
which isn’t at all worrisome given that this country spies on the US so
extensively it scares Congress – lets emergency dispatchers commandeer the camera and microphone of any internet-capable device within a certain range of the person who made the call. –RT
Investors in this technology include Peter Thiel. Thiel’s
company Palantir has been described as “using war on terror tools to
track American citizens,” and its advisory board includes Patriot Act
co-author Michael Chertoff, the former Department of Homeland Security
chief. At least two US counties have reportedlyadopted
Carbyne911, despite obvious privacy issues and basic human rights
concerns. Not to mention the fact that while most of its employees and
personnel have military-intelligence connections, few have a background
in emergency services, which should also alarm anyone who wants their
freedom and privacy in a world where they have neither. Keep waving those flags and repeating “I am free.” This message brought to you by the U.S. Ministry of Truth. Police forces across the United States have been transformed into extensions of the military. Our
towns and cities have become battlefields, and we the American people
are now the enemy combatants to be spied on tracked, frisked, and
searched. For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail or even death.
It's too late. His article is 20 years too late and now with wifi and smart phones and Siri and Alexia, and RING, the clowns and jokers have every possible surveillance angle covered.
And these perverts listen and watch you in the bedroom, because they are satanic degenerates.
These fires have been burning for twenty years, and in most years far worse than the current year. Why make a big deal out of it now? Is climate change legislation up for a vote at the EU or UN. Is something they want off the table, so they change the narrative? The tens of thousands of fires burning in the Amazon right now have
caught the attention of environmentalists, politicians and celebrities
alike. Unfortunately, many of them have been spreading lies in the form of decades-old pictures and incorrect facts, such as
the claim that the Amazon is the "lungs of the world," according to Forbes.
the Hollywood satanic cabal, up to its usual tricks of virtue signalling while it rapes and murders young children
The Amazon Rainforest produces more
than 20% of the world’s oxygen and its been burning for the past 3
weeks. It’s our responsibility to help to save our planet. a steaming load of shite. Patently false, again. Nothing these monsters say is even in the same zip code with the truth of the matter. As usual.
Our house is burning. Literally.
The Amazon rain forest - the lungs which produces 20% of our planet’s
oxygen - is on fire. It is an international crisis. Members of the G7
Summit, let's discuss this emergency first order in two days!
And while the fires raging in the Amazon are undoubtedly concerning, "the photos weren’t actually of the fires and many weren’t even of the Amazon," according to Forbes.
The photo Ronaldo shared was taken in southern Brazil, far from the Amazon, in 2013. The photo that DiCaprio and Macron sharedis over 20 years old. The photo Madonna and Smith shared is over 30. Some celebrities shared photos from Montana, India, and Sweden. -Forbes
And as the New York Times noted on Friday, "These fires were not caused by climate change," nor is the Amazon the "lungs of the world." "It’s bullshit," said Dan Nepstad - one of the world's leading experts on the Amazon forest. "There’s
no science behind that. The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen but it uses
the same amount of oxygen through respiration so it’s a wash." Also debunked is a claim by CNN that the fires are burning at a record rate, as well as a claim by a leading climate reporter that "The current fires are without precedent in the past 20,000 years." How in the hell would this idiot know what fires were burning where, in the last 20,000 years? Considering these kind of records have only been kept since the 1920s. According to Nepstad, the number of fires in 2019 is just 7% higher than average over the last 10 years.
From the Internet learn what is like to be a leftist lunatic!
Get a Karl Marx book ...check Become a fat nasty lesbian...check Lose IQ...check Get covered in satanic sigils of Lucifer...check Get pregnant and make sure the baby is murdered late term...check Die hair blue and always scream insane hatred for all things white and Trump...check purchase your leftist libtard approved pink pussy hat...check I'm sure there's a few more
was a pilot years ago flying over countries relying on Monsoons and
during the dry season the slashed and burning fields were constantly
visible EVERYWHERE. The Amazon has been farmed by the same slash and
burn techniques by the natives for thousands of years. Environmentalists
panicking? Yea, because they don't jack **** about anything pertaining
to the real world. Their fantasies make them more dangerous than the
drug cartels. At least that money eventually goes into the economy, not
into some government bureaucrat's pocket.. -----------
Antipope "francis"(fake pope of a fake catholic church) wants to hold a
"synod" down in the Amazon in October to worship the trees, proving he is a wiccan priest and a closet satanist. No surprise there.
Huge buzz about Amazon rainforest fires but no news on Siberia forest
fires that are as or even more devastating! The funniest thing that
Putin ordered to set up forest on fire to clear the evidence of selling
that forest to Chinese in massive numbers. And russian officials didn’t
even want to fight with those fires until huge public outcry.
politicians and Hollywood trailer park trash are and continue to be
exposed for the liars and garbage which they are. Only a hand full of people show up to listen to Socialist
politicians, unless your Bernie. In which case, all of the crazy people
in society walking the streets show up looking for more free taxpayer
funded government stuff. Hollywood's ticket sales are collapsing and box office hits have
become box office blunders as ticket sales continue to decline into the
ground. They are cursed now, and their demons can no longer sway the free jacks to believe or support their satanic pedo ways, fuckers. After the stunts from the NFL millionaire players and the total
decimation of NFL ticket sales, TV viewers, ESPN ratings plunge, and NFL
pay per view subscriber collapse, a person might think that being a
lunatic leftist is a not winning formula in any business or career. But these steaming bags of cannibalistic shit stains double down with fake outrage on whatever obviously stupid play their government handlers come up. And with a straight face. No one but the ignorant and members of the covens openly believe or support their lies. -------------
It's simple. Whatever the media obsesses over (constructing a narrative) you can count on it being bullshit.
If they obsess over the death of Jeffery Epstein, you can count on it being bullshit
If they obsess over Trump being a mean, racist, dictator who is destroying the country, you can count on it being bullshit
If they obsess over the Amazon burning to the ground, you can count on it being bullshit.
"Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House ... but I choose love," Madonna said from the main stage area near the National Mall.
but like the rest of the elite, she doesn't get in trouble at all. She's CIA, a witch, a pedophile, and a nasty ass KVNT.
Threatening to blow up the White House or promising to give blow jobs for Hillary votes. Ya just gotta want to spank Madonna with a baseball bat.
odd omission there
Very soon, Russia in the West will border the European Caliphate. And in the East in the Alaska region, it borders on Latin America.
Hello new wonderful world! Hello to all stupid globalists!
I wouldn't be surprised to see some of those ngos financed by soros and run by kikes at work :
How to destabilize an ennemy, or an entire continent : send them waves of jihadi killers.
(((Our best allies)))
These people are modern-day slavers. No mercy.
Sure many of them are nice and well-meaning, but my God, they are coddled and utterly clueless. There's no reason for taxpayers to support their Savior Complex dreams.