Sunday, February 11, 2024

Body Hacking - intentionally blowing the brain fuse by satanists

 At least all you vaxxies will know how they are doing it to you. Before we have to waste you when you rake out on us all. Fortunately, the rakes will seek out Edomites first and last. There is a blessing in that.

Even so, I'm very much afraid that you vaxxies will have to be wasted regardless. One way or another, letting rakes walk the countryside at night seeking the living is going to be put down. The UN intends to send out entire divisions into areas for the sole purpose of eliminating all meatsacks, rake or no, just to be of the "safe side."

If you let them.


"There will be no longer the same world. The world has reached a stalemate. A change of values is on the doorstep."

There are also remote-controlled nanoparticle drug delivery systems activated via radio waves. 

These could theoretically be used to deploy viruses.

No, viruses do not exist - but an engineered self-replicating genetic weapon CAN work like a virus when injected into the blood. Marburg 'virus' is a good candidate for this. Imagine them hitting switch on 5G and a small group in a remote area suddenly becoming violent, blood coming out from everywhere and attacking others. Through controlled regional activation, they could give the appearance that it is some kind of airborne virus outbreak causing people to turn into 'zombies'.

In April, expect the worst from the devils. It would also explain the 'Sensitive Event' addition to Google TOS - questioning the Event will be censored 100% during it - and it will be VERY deadly, not fake like covid, so normies will have 0 patience for it and last thing they will want to hear is its the vaxx that they took and that they are a ticking time bomb.

from the internet:
This was initially tested when rap was popularized. There's something clearly wrong about these songs and the kind of vibrations they generate, especially when played through the "special" kind of speakers.

There are videos which showed how certain bugs or animals reacted to sound waves - forming a "cyclone" like structure and running in circles.
Compare this to the Jewish parties where they all commit to the same thing - form multiple rings, each spinning in opposing / the same direction. (and conveniently, Saturn has rings. a lot of them.)

That the goal is to cross the brain barrier by injecting shit in people's blood and then trying to turn all of them into controllable drones. Trying to kill self-consciousness by disabling the brain just enough for the subject to lose the ability to break free (kikes don't care about the soul - once it is freed, what the body suffered ceases to matter).

I hear these Jew beats sometimes and it causes part of my brain to react to it, as if something is pushing it directly, or as if ants are trying/crawling through it.