Monday, January 24, 2022


"War. In the middle east and in the western pacific. Does really matter what countries and why? They lie about everything and we can expect no different with regard to any greater or smaller wars they come up with. Big time vax resistant countries, like Poland and others, will be especially targeted. Can't have a country not under beast control, so while the world deals with tsunamis, banking crises, and other issues, they will mobilize and destroy those provinces and countries worldwide that are not on board with any new currency or the vax weapon pogrom."

Don Bradley 12-26-21 

He's not a good guy. They have to tell us their plans. Yes, we will be involved. Yes, it does go nuclear. Yes, its our own nukes that will be dropped by our own USAF. He is flat out telling you our military in the US, has abandoned its traditional role of defense of the country.