Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pedophile Epstein dead of "suicide"

member of the tribe

is still alive

or he died

by arkancide

Burma Shave

So let me get this straight. 
He told them nothing. 
He implicated nobody. 
All the evidence that could tie him with others already destroyed by his wife. 
Hes dead. 

So all those powerful pedo friends got away with it scot-free. In the so called "Greatest Nation on the planet". 

There's absolutely nothing anybody can do. It will all be forgotten in a week. 


Oregon, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma are being prepped. 

It looks like their map is to create a baphomet on the country

LBGTFKO are coming for your kids, its in their advertising now. In their circles, Epstein is a "hero" for raping and slaughtering and trafficking thousands of children.
Baby rapists and killers, Alefantis. James Alefantis accused of rape by former employee who showed pay stubs to prove it.
>Rape victim receives death threats from JA, shuts up.
>Someone starts investigating the Pegasus Museum, a nondescript building with a strange airlock-like moving platform on the upper story that disconnects the stairs from the upper level, like something that would be used to impede emergency services to give pedos time to deletos. Building overlooks a children's playground.
>Researcher receives death threats from JA, shuts up.

This is why they hate Julian Assange

James Alefantis = J'aime les enfants = I love children (in French)