Key items of awareness I've learned about NCOV (novelcornonavirus)
by Don Bradley
I became aware of this around my birthday, the 10th of January. Kept an eye on it, as advised from above. The light and the awareness grew with each passing day. So, here we are, one month later, and I've learned more about China, the CCP, and how things work over there than I've ever imagined I would in this life. In such a short time.
This isn't an article about China or its politics, though it should be obvious to anyone who have seen the videos that ONLY bitchute would let me put up, that living in communist China sucks massively. These poor people live in a constant state of surveillance fear. (as I have, for 3 decades, without the fear.) They live in TOTAL FEAR of what they say, do, or even speak about in their homes, knowing the worst kind of Big Brother is always watching, listening, and punishing, anyone they consider to be a social malcontent and malefactor.
This article is NOT about that.
It's about key takeaways regarding that damn weapon they engineered to wipe out millions. And the fact the thing appeared all over the globe in the same 48 hours is simple proof they purposely seeded this thing EVERYWHERE! And there are STILL DOZENS OF DAILY FLIGHTS OUT OF WUHAN TO ALL OVER THE GLOBE. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?
Let's get to it. (this list will be updated as more stuff drops into my noggin to add to it. Also, if you believe something should be on this list and it passes the BS plus Dad test, it will go on here.)
- It started out in the alternative press as a few cases in Wuhan, all the blame going to the designated patsy. For 10 - 20 days, the numbers were small, the upticks nominal. Until they could no longer lie to suppress, as the true death tolls got out. It's the same pattern again everywhere else right now. 10 - 20 days seem to be the time lag between business as usual and all out crazy martial law and quarantine.
- If the above initial pattern is part of their designated operational plans, we can expect the above point to be the same everywhere. We don't have much time to prepare.
- Turns out, adding two zeros to any number we are officially given, is much closer to reality of the thing, then the suppressed lie the MSM feeds us.
- There is no way you can truly prevent this thing from hitting, regardless of your preparations. And there are only TWO solutions to this sobering fact. One, Prayer. Two, keep your PH alkaline or this thing will rip though you like crap through a goose. This point is the only point, that in the end, matters. All else, is secondary.
- Every single thing that goes into your mouth, must push to the alkaline. My Juicing and Raw Foods blog covers that whole reality en toto. Off the top, no more processed sugars, coffees, greasy skidmark foods, and the like. Not while we are in this pandemic. Keep your body alkali. You can get those strips you put in your mouth or those test thingies, that will tell you moment to moment, exactly what your ph is.
- The virus can only thrive and survive in a acidic host. As Max Gerson discovered, cancer can only exist in an acidic environment. Change that, you beat the cancer. Every time.
- Get your mind right to face the horror, if your country has been designated as a NWO depopulation site. As I did, this last month. You'll have your zombie days, of just going through the motions. That's normal. It's weird, tuning into all those Chinese and their fear and suffering, it affects you. Well, when it's people you know, your hometown, and the lock-down is in place, you know the rest. Get your mind right and do it now, so you can be strong for others.
- The doctors in Wuhan said the most effective treatment they found, was oxygen administered. But nowadays, you need a prescription to get oxygen bottles and masks. poop. When people were choking to death, the oxygen boost saved them, they said. MOST EFFECTIVE TREATMENT for those on the suffocation track. There are other tracks, because the bastards designed 10 different weapons inside the corona flu virus. It's these little suitcases of viral antigen love that kill you.
- Pick a day on this month's calendar as being the day your household goes 100% alkali. Stick to it, without fail. Do not wait until this plague is moving quickly through your area, by then, you already have it. You have been blessed with foreknowledge. The poor Chinese never got that. Their deaths count for nothing if you do not act on this advance notice.
- 4 major provinces - not just Wuhan - are hit hard, all cremas working 24/7. 1 per hour, per oven(20average), per crema (212), per day, for 30 days. Though it's been 48 days there. THREE MILLION DEAD. ACCORDING TO FUNERAL HOME STATS. We must take this very seriously. If they are letting this out in your country...come a open stores, empty streets, cops with guns with shoot to kill, you know the rest. Then it takes 3 weeks from exposure to beating it. That means alkali system. Or morte.
- Take colloidal silver, under the tongue, thrice daily, hold for 2 minutes before swallowing. An ozone machine running round the clock will kill any airborne bacteria or viruses instantly.
According to doctors who are somewhat honest, this was designed as the worst kind of flu one could ever, ever make. Instantly airborne with a long shelf life before it dies off - the longest they say, 28 days. The only place it could go from here is to become more HARMLESS. It's already as bad a pathogen as one could design.
Clearly, whoever was behind this Frankenstein wanted slaughter on a wholesale level. They are getting it too.
You know how in all those videos, it seems more and more of the victims fighting the system ARE CHINESE SECRET POLICE GUYS? And guys who are not wearing any protection,except the mouth mask, which isn't enough, ever.
Check this out
"Angry People Will No Longer Be Afraid" - 1000s Of Chinese Miltary/Police Quarantined, 1000s Diagnosed After CCP Lies
Earlier today we highlighted the aggressive censorship that is underway in China to keep "control of the narrative." Sadly, the citizens that were charged with trying to keep "control of the people" were potentially treated even worse as The Epoch Times reports, thanks to a lack of information (or perhaps withholding) from Beijing, thousands of soldiers and officers of the People's Liberation Army, as well as police have been diagnosed with the deadly virus and are currently under quarantine.

It is reported that 1000s of military and law enforcement have been diagnosed with the new virus, and thousands are being quarantined.
A staff member at the Central Theater General Hospital (Hankou Hospital) in Wuhan confirmed armed police officers were hospitalized.
Among them, 1,500 Chinese soldiers and 1,000 armed police are being quarantined, and China Human Rights and Democracy Information Center, headquartered in Hong Kong, reported on February 10 that 10 CCP soldiers and 15 armed police have been diagnosed with the new virus in Hubei province.
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital (Hainan) Hospital in Sanya is preparing to test 3,000 people for new virus pneumonia samples.
300 armed police were isolated to a training site of the Hubei Provincial Corps of the Armed Police.
An epidemic has emerged in the Chinese Navy. After a serviceman of the Navy Submarine Force in Sanya, Hainan, was diagnosed with Covid-19, 300 sailors were isolated, and training programs on nuclear submarines, scheduled to start this month, have been suspended.
Recently, the Central Military Commission has issued 12 emergency notifications about the epidemic situation, and is enforcing strict regulations on the "leaders of epidemic work", "the epidemic situation in the camp and family areas", "isolation observation", etc.Most critically, these diagnosed cases (and quarantines) - and who knows how many dead - are not being reported as Epoch Times reports...
Alleged violations will result in disciplinary action or dismissal.
...confidential documents stipulate that if the military's epidemic situation involves military secrets, it may not be reported to the local provincial and municipal governments. Therefore, current illnesses in the military and the armed police are not reported to the territories on the grounds of confidentiality.The situation among these personnel, charged with keeping order and maintaining curfews during the early days of the virus, is notably worse than it could have been thanks to Chinese Communist authorities denials and delays early on. As Epoch Times notes:
Wuhan pneumonia started as early as December of last year, but the Chinese Communist authorities have concealed the epidemic from the local to the central government, making the epidemic out of control.
The Chinese Communist Party did not publicly acknowledge that the virus would be "person-to-person" until January 20, and the city was closed to Wuhan on the 23rd, but at that time the epidemic had spread to dozens of countries and regions across the mainland and overseas. By now the epidemic has been completely out of control.Recently, Xu Zhangrun, a former professor at Tsinghua University School of Law, stated that under the outbreak of China, the CCP's organizational disorder caused human disasters to be greater than natural disasters, which may lead to great changes. The article said,
"The anger of the people has erupted like a volcano, and the angry people will no longer be afraid."We suspect the military and law enforcement who were "just doing their jobs" are now getting more than a little angry too - who will control the rising social unrest if the police and military turn on the CCP?
"The CCP ’s defeat has arrived, and the countdown has begun."
source zerohedge