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Out smashing satanic altars, about a dozen we found in the hillsides that day. Doing my part to piss off wiccans and witches, everywhere. I am always amazed at how many we find, doing this work. |
Good morning all,
What can I say? There more I dig, the uglier it gets. This information brought forward is for all our awareness so we may each of us, act accordingly in protecting friends and family, from the plague. To call it anything else is to undermine the seriousness of this world event.
67,368,000 bodies per week. Hubei and Wuhan, see math below in related section.
It's the sabbath today. My heart is full of gratitude, Yeshua, and a nice smile at all the folks out there who report in on what is going on in their country, locale, whatever. This anecdotal, honest seeing of things AS THEY REALLY ARE, helps all of us in facing this crisis. And preparing so that we may help and serve others, who are constantly lied to by the media, the governments, and by the NWO Illuminati Network. Damn them.
Also, many of you are doing everything you can, taking risks, and doing whatever...for others. Dad's blessing be upon you all, I pray our Heavenly Father. You are the best. In the worst of times. In point of fact, many are helping me, help others. With food purchases, funds so that others can have protection, and of course, putting themselves in harm's way. These are great souls in the making, tried in the furnace of life and death, with pure gold and silver, the outcome. As Dad said he would do to this last generation. I am very grateful and glad to know you all. You are the smile on my face, all of you.
Let's get to it. Sorry, no upsides today. Fair warning, what follows isn't pretty. But in the knowing, you find freedom with truth. So when the paid liars come at you, their arrows do not land. I beg you, free others with your knowing. Please.
Longtime reader in Brazil to start today off, sent this to me in the wee hours.
- "Last Tuesday Brazil announced his first confirmed case, the "virus" is the same from Italy. Timing was suspicious as it happened right after Brazilian carnival. So I'm keeping watch to Italians to see if the mortality and chaos are similar to China. Since the 1st case, it took Italy about 20 days, 2 deaths and 80 confirmed cases until real city lock-downs happened. Off course this are the official numbers. So that might be the time window before they start implementing more "draconian" measures here. I might get trapped in a different city than my family because of this. So far they are telling the "just a flu don't worry" story, so population is not very worried yet. But an online run to buy a mask has already happened and it's getting hard to get an n95. I've got mine. So there is some mistrust about the government.
- "The first Brazilian case was identified in the Israeli Albert Einstein hospital in the city of São Paulo (in the same state where I live). This is the same place which operated our president's (Captain Bozo) bowel cancer, under the guise of a false flag knife attack, on September 7th 2018, independence day in Brazil. So it's likely the virus case is a bogus one to justify the use of their bio-weapons in Brazil.
- "In China, the mandatory vaccinations law took effect in December 1st. The oldest confirmed case was backtracked to December 1st, although some think the outbreak was probably already going since October. (we already know. DB)
- "In Brazil, today government announced an anticipation of 23 days of the flu vaccination campaign, which will start on March 23th. 23 and 23, this is no coincidence.They intend to use the flu shots to help medics discern common flu from coronavirus cases during diagnosis. So you get the flu shot and you show up sick and they know for sure YOU HAVE CORONAVIRUS and not the flu!!! Bull shot! That's their plan, spoken today by the minister of health himself in a press conference. So we might expect deaths to really start ramping up after March 23th. And the main target of the campaign are elderly people, which is the announced group risk for the virus disease. All fits perfectly. Very convenient for a country that just supposedly had a retirement fund crisis to just get rid of elderly people.
- "In the meantime I see BBC news of China under reporting the cases and how horrible Chinese quarantines are. Why are they telling this? Are they trying to scare westerners? Is the west version of the weapon different enough for this to be necessary? Jimstone freelancer is reporting about a binary weapon that has pork as one of the components and triggers lung inflammation with sticky clear phlegm and no fever. He writes he saw evidence of it being used only in China so far. If that is so, there might be hope for the common people after all elsewhere in the world. Hard to confirm this though.
So Brazil is about to get a flu vaccine. Like China did, and the date? Witches sabbath, first day of spring, Passover, all in the zone. They love their satanic timings of things. I guess the death numbers in China, which I will cover shortly, are such a success for these satanic killers, they are doing it everywhere now. I fully expect mandatory flu vaccines in at least California, Washington, NYC, big metros and states.
They will, in the US, make it a mandatory on this wise.
- get the shot. If not, then
- No buying or selling,
- No public travel,
- health inspections of your domicile, where they then decide
- if you not taking the shot, is endangering the lives of others. Then they take you away anyways, in that van with no windows. DO NOT GET IN THE VAN. You will never be seen again alive.
- Hospitals in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc are all reporting plague victims. It's just the numbers that are the lie. They always say the same thing - unknown origin. Sure. They know. As much as they are trying to hide the plague here, it's now at a point where the numbers are getting too big to keep things buried. We are very nearly to that day of the light switch, when it all changes overnight. Store runs, empty streets, hospitals with lines going a mile down the road. That's how it started in China, when there light switch day happened. That's the first week, even the second week.
- Oregon Officials Confirm Third Coronavirus Case "Of Unknown Origin"; Risk Of "Community Outbreak" Is High.
- I am convinced at least 15% of the population I see around me already has the virus. And now, as incubation times come and go, sure enough they are showing up at their doctors and hospitals, sick as dogs. It's already happening in California.
- Health authorities in Texas and Oregon report 12 new coronavirus case. Only 12? Like China, America intends to lie about the numbers, while it starts burying people by the truckload.
- US coronavirus case total hits 63, 2nd case 'of unknown origin' confirmed. These low numbers are just offensive to me. Offensive.
- WHO says 20 vaccines in development. You mean you want to slam this poison in the veins of billions of people and kill as many as possible, because that's what the WHO has done over the years in Africa. Go to villages, inoculate the locals, they get sick, and a third of them die. Go to next village.
It's Time To Stop Pretending That In All Of Africa There's Only 3 Covid-19 Cases
Africa has recorded only two cases up to now, one in Algeria and one in Egypt.
The spread of contagion to countries with poor public health systems has alarmed the World Health Organization, which said it could “get out of control”.
Via Golem XIV's blog,
Surely it is time to stop pretending that in all of Africa there are only three cases of Coronavirus (1 in each of Algeria, Egypt, and Nigeria)? Everything we now know about the virus makes this virtually impossible to believe.
We know that despite alarm being expressed by other African nations, Ethiopia has continued to keep open its air link to China via Bole International airport. The Ethiopian authorities have justified their decision by quoting the WHO president’s ‘expert advice’ that travel bans were not going to stop the virus and therefore were not recommended. As reported by Global Research,
… he made the inexplicable statement that other countries were not warranted to ban air travel to China as precaution. He declared,” It’s not a time for judgment… This is a time for solidarity, not stigma,” refusing to recommend any international restrictions on travel or trade with China.
This seems very odd and ill-advised ‘expert advice’ when at the same time the official line is that while we may not be able to stop the spread of the virus we should strive to slow it down to give us as much time as possible to look for treatments and a vaccine.
What else do we know? Well we can see from recent events in Italy that the virus spreads very fast before anyone is likely to show any symptoms. We also know how easy it is for over-worked doctors to not pay enough attention to symptoms which on their own are not all that serious to begin with and could be the result of the common cold or ordinary strains of flu. The Corona virus does not present with the kind of dramatic symptoms that make it easy to spot.
We also know that the two things about this virus which makes it very dangerous and almost impossible to stop. The first is the very long, unusually long, suspiciously long latency period when someone can carry the virus and be highly infectious without showing any symptoms at all. The second is that Covid19 is easily transmitted and very highly infectious.
Despite having all the advantages of wealth and warning none of the best prepared, best off countries have been able to stop its spread. Is it believable that the Coronavirus is not already spreading in African countries?
If Coronavirus is spreading in Africa then everyday we hear no reports of it, is another day it is spreading unreported and untreated. Is this alarmist? I certainly hope so but common sense tells me its just tragically very likely.
The latency period before someone shows symptoms means that it is quite possible for someone to be carrying the virus but show no signs whatever when they arrive at the airport and are screened. If they did have the virus then given its infectivity it is highly probable that other passengers being in close contact in a sealed environment like a jet for many hours are going to be infected. None of them will show any symptoms when screened. How many of them will travel on to other airports, other cities other towns where there are fewer if any facilities for testing?
Could this scenario happen? Well we already have the case of a Chinese worker to flew into Kenya, who was not stopped or quarantined at the airport and travelled on to a road construction site in Kitui county outside Nairobi. Why was he not stopped? Well for the perfectly good reason that he was not showing any symptoms. The case came to light because when the man arrived at the construction site,
…road workers contracted by Sinohydro Corporation reported a case of a visibly sick Chinese national in their construction camp.
The Kenyan article went on to say that his colleagues were told to isolate him and observe him but not to come into contact with him.
The case made the papers in Kenya because when local police arrived at the camp they were denied admission by the Chinese company Sinohydro Corporation. It was also reported in the Kenyan press that a local medical team were also denied access.
Medics denied entry to Sinohydro Mutomo camp
Its interesting and important to note that an article in the ChinaDaily refuted the story the very same day. According to the Chinese article the man was not sick and his quarantine was routine. Which may well be true.
Kitui County Chief Officer for Health Richard Muthoka confirmed that his medical team was also denied entry to the camp.
“Our medical team wasn’t allowed to access the Chinese camp in Mutomo but we have taken the necessary measures to swiftly establish what is happening and ensure all people working and mingling with the foreigners are safe,” Dr Muthoka stated.
All this was 10 days ago. There has been no update that I can find. But whether the man was carrying the virus and was sick or whether it was all routine precaution is not really the point. Given the long latency of the virus we know from what has happened in Italy that the man could have been carrying and spreading the virus. Even if he was not how likely is it that no one entering Africa has been?
If I am in any way right, and I fervently hope I am not right, then all the headlines telling us how China getting its epidemic under control will not really matter from a global point of view. Of course it will be a huge triumph for China and I hope they succeed. But because the world seems to be turning a blind eye to what might be going on unreported in Africa, we could soon find that we have merely substituted one huge reservoir of infection for another. And Africa, unlike China is not going to be able to contain it.
In South Africa which is considered one of the African countries better equipped to deal with the virus this was the headline in The South African.
Coronavirus in Africa: Scare in Namibia, as SA hospital ‘not ready’ for cases
Tembisa hospital has been designated as one of the facilities where Cornoa virus victims would be quarantined and treated. The only problem is as the paper reports,
The 44-bed neo-natal unit is often overcrowded, and staff have previously complained about their working conditions, casting doubt over Tembisa’s ability to host coronavirus patients.
The report goes on,
Jack Bloom, the DA’s leader in Gauteng, is upset that this location was chosen as one of three Gauteng hospitals to house patients with the deadly disease:
Meanwhile in Rwanda,
“Tembisa Hospital has been identified as one of three hospitals in Gauteng that will treat coronavirus cases, but this hospital is severely overcrowded and is only just recovering from antibiotic-resistant klebsiella infections that caused the deaths of 10 babies.”
“Unlike the other two identified hospitals, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg and Steve Biko, there is simply no space at Tembisa Hospital to isolate coronavirus patients. It cannot be that Tembisa Hospital was chosen simply because it is near the OR Tambo airport where coronavirus-infected patients could enter the country.”
Rwanda health minister fired
Rwanda’s president Paul Kagame on Sunday … who was speaking at the National Leaders’ Retreat…accused several of them [ministers] including the ex-health minister Diane Gashumba of lying… to him about the availability of kits to test individuals for the deadly Coronavirus, Covid-19.
“One morning, I called one of the leaders and the Prime Minister about the Coronavirus and asked that they examine each one of us ahead of the Leader’s Retreat. I told them to tell the minister of health to ensure this."
“She responded that we have 3,500 kits, and that using 400 of them to test leaders would seriously deplete the number of kits we have. …
“Later we discovered that we do not have the kits as she said. We have kits for only 95 people and not 3,500.
Ironic and horrible as it is to say, the only saving grace might be that the virus will have already become endemic in Europe before that happens.
So much for Africa and Europe. What of America? There too the virus is going to reveal ugly things that people don’t want to face up to. It is just a fact that America has third world levels of poverty and neglect in almost every city. What will happen when the virus gets into those forgotten populations? Will very crack head and meth tweeker self isolate for the public good? Or will they be driven by hunger and a desperate need for their fix to be out every day, sick or not, many turning tricks and all looking for a fix? How is that going to work?
Will America lavish upon those people a level of medical care that they have never given them before? Suddenly the people living in tents and under freeways, defecating on city streets because they have nowhere else, are they going to be given hospital beds and isolation units?
Lets suppose the FEMA camps are opened up. How is it going to work putting those people, the people we prefer to forget, in the same camp as your grandmother? Social cohesion?
This virus is acting like an x-ray in all our countries and what its showing is not pretty.
The screaming at night in Hubei and Wuhan. https://www.bitchute.com/video/eueD5Z99MUDq/ Goes for hundreds of miles in every direction, it is reported. These are the survivors, the people who have watched and are watching, others die. And for two months now. And, all they have left is their horror. Many are throwing themselves out the window, to their deaths, rather than go through another day of this endless, heartless, horror, China is putting them through
Because we know, they don't get water, or power, or food, if they test positive. This means that once you get the thing, it's a foregone conclusion that the government has already written you off and is just waiting for the "community" managers to come get your stiff. This is so, because they are so overwhelmed with the dead and dying, they just leave you alone to die in your welded shut apartment. These people know they are doomed and there is no way out of it, though some try. Those that try, get picked up and executed by the CCP.
- -----------
The latest daily numbers have grown so exponentially in the last 2 weeks that it boggles the mind. Here they are
- 400,000 new incinerators already in place, 1,000,000 more being built and to be deployed in the next week alone, nationwide.
- 912 existing funeral homes and crematoriums. This includes hospitals. Hubei and Wuhan numbers only. Remember this. This is just for that area, which is ENORMOUS.
- Each unit processes 1 body per hour
- x 24 hours a day
- That's about 401000 x 24 equals
- 9,624,000 bodies every 24 hours, or per day.
- x7 days equals
- 67,368,000 bodies per week.
70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive
Corona infects China's Great Fire Wall
Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day
2100 dead in Iran, regime covers it up
Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious
HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS
SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement
China figures likely simulated
WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases
nCoV "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1
This virus is like a bio-weapons researcher's dream come true.
1. Infectious for weeks before the patient shows symptoms
2. Highly contagious. It appears to be several times as contagious as the flu
3. Will survive on smooth surfaces like doorknobs, faucets, phones for 9 days
4. Survivors don't have immunity. 14% of the "recovered" had already caught it again when they went for follow-up checkup
5. It is cross-species compatible; mammals, reptiles and birds are all capable of getting infected. It supposedly originally came from bats, but that is one of the few species that the Wuhan fish market doesn't sell. Among the possible "intermediate" species that Chinese authorities suspect are snakes, lizards, turtles, marmoset, rodents. And we now know that, when they ordered pet owners to turn in their pets for disposal, it was for good reason: Dogs in Japan and Hong Kong have tested positive.
6. Even if you recover, you will probably have lung (81%), heart (38%) or kidney (28%) damage
7. Outside of China, there is a 16% death rate among people who have an outcome. China keeps their death rate at 2% by dumping all of the people who are still sick in the same pile as "recovered". That's like if a hospital for the terminally ill claimed that they have a 100% successful recovery rate because none of the dying patients had actually kicked the bucket yet. Also, an abnormally large number of the virus patients in Wuhan have died of heart attacks, kidney failure, or lung disease instead of the virus, so they end up in the "recovered" pile....
This is a virus that will kill about 16% of the people it infects, leave survivors with permanent damage and no immunity, is easier to catch than the common cold, is infectious for weeks before victims show symptoms, can survive on commonly touched surfaces for over a week, can be transmitted by pets, bird poop and mice, and binds to human cells 1,000 times easier than SARS. Even in their wildest fantasies, bio-weapons researchers couldn't have dreamed up a better weapon...
The core of this virus is identical to a "chimera" coronavirus that is capable of incorporating snippets of various other viruses like SARS, MERS, HIV, H1N1 that was created at University of North Carolina, funded by a grant from the Wuhan level 4 infectious disease lab, which also sent two of its researchers as consultants.
Corona-fear: France bans all mass public gatherings in confined spaces as German, Swiss fairs canceled
-----------BREAKING: LOMBARDY REGION ASKING RETIRED DOCTORS TO WORK IN RED ZONE HOSPITALS, doctors by the hundreds, coming down ill with Corona plague in Italy.
When looking at the genome sequence of the new coronavirus, Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University in Tianjin found a section of mutated genes that did not exist in Sars, but were similar to those found in HIV and Ebola.
>In a follow-up study, a research team led by Professor Li Hua from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Hubei province, confirmed Ruan’s findings.
>The mutation could not be found in Sars, Mers or Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 per cent similarity in genes, it said.
>This could be “the reason why SARS-CoV-2 is more infectious than other coronaviruses”, Li wrote in a paper released on Chinarxiv on Sunday.
>Meanwhile, a study by French scientist Etienne Decroly at Aix-Marseille University, which was published in the scientific journal Antiviral Research on February 10, also found a “furin-like cleavage site” that is absent in similar coronaviruses.
From Italia Daily telegram:
Okay this is very big.
Basically Lombardy Region is looking with the central government if it's necessary to recall retired sanitary personnel in order to ease the work of the already stressed staff.
Some medics are working even 30 hours shifts.
This will have various results:
- Current medical personnel in non-used hospitals may be called up to take the turns of the overloaded personnel.
Some hospitals have been defined as "non-usable" in the fight against the virus, as those will be needed to perform the various operations of the used up hospitals.
Things like surgeries and medical checks are provided by those hospitals.
- Called-up-retired-personnel very probably will be used to replacement of current staff in "non-usable" hospitals.
- Students in the medical univestities may be called up as "fresh meat" in hospitals soon.
Probably the best students will be sent into the "usable" hospitals, while the others will be used in the "non-usable" ones.
> System overload soon.