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DB updates (Newest on top, oldest pushed down)
Israel closed its borders today, no one says a word. We mention the same thing, and all of a sudden, we are hate filled racists. Guess which country is going to survive.
Coronavirus compared to other virus outbreaks
South Korea Reports 123 New Coronavirus Cases; Italy Declares State Of Emergency - Half of Italy on Quarantine Lock-down. So it begins in the west. Italy refuses to hide numbers as in America.
- South Korea reports 123 new cases, 1 new death
- Italy announces 79 cases, declares "national emergency"; Northern Italy put on lock-down.
- Japan cases triple in a week to 121
- Japan confirms "seriously ill" patient in Tokyo
- Hubei reports daily numbers
- Chinese scientists find virus in urine
- Experts propose 27 day quarantine, say 14 days likely not long enough
- Cases outside China go exponential; USA continues to hide all numbers
- 32 UK and European citizens arrive back in UK on evac flight
- Outbreak reported in South Korean psychiatric ward
- WHO team visits Wuhan; will give Monday press conference
- Iran reports 10 new cases, deaths climb to 6
- San Diego says 200 under 'medical observation'
- Young woman infected five relatives without ever showing symptoms
- South Korea cases surge 8-fold in 4 days to 433; country reports third death
BTW BUTTIGIG is CIA, it's on an old resume of his from 2003. It totally fits the SRA buttboy is totally gay. That's their thing.
The below article has necessary info, but it is insulting to the extreme to the reader. I do not let "Todd" off the hook, however. Here we go...
Stating the obvious, unless any reader has been living under the sea for several decades, we have exterior hostile and deadly forces that will be working against humanity's survival called ‘governments'. Sorry for insulting your intelligence, this article is full of that. I didn't write it. But, the info is necessary, only the arrogant ego we could do without, eh Todd?
Also, the handful of survivors (due to a mutation of one sort or another; unknown) will most likely not be geographically close enough to have contact. (Todd has no way of knowing or predicting that and his conclusions are spurious. DB) Even if they did manage to find one another this would also be a 'game of survival' as most of the deadly human obstacles will not be resolved either. These include Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that are not shut down, there will be a lack of medical care as well, no ability to survive in a non-domestic situation since most of humanity has no experience with something as simple as starting a fire without a lighter or the pragmatic experience of growing food, herbal remedies etc. Everyone I know, knows how to grow and most of the guys, know how to get a fire going...Todd. DB
But reinfection alone is not the whole issue.
The issue is that once you get the virus the first time you become a carrier...you need to break down the virus into its component parts and then look at them functioning together to understand the whole of it.
The first component part is the virus' packaging.

As a corona virus, it is highly mutagenic which is why there is no 'vaccine' nor any hope of developing one. Those protein keys that sit on the outside are in an evolutionary dance with the body for the 'key' shape that is correct. One of the most telling things they said early on - and the reason why we know that this is a bio-weapon - is because of a slip-up one of the researchers said while examining it.
He said, "It is a bio-weapon because there is no change in the outer shell of the virus (SARS), while there is splicing happening on he interior---the HIV (retrovirus)/TB (fungal) additions)."
So, it's totally impossible. Any naturally occurring alteration would have altered the SARS glycoprotein exterior as well. It is a bioweapon. Now, the keys (glycoproteins) that are part of the outer shell are actually bacteriophages which is why their is nothing that we can do to stop it. So, basically all of the bacteriophage diseases (coronavirus) are like a colony of bacteriohages that are a super-organism.
Bacteriophages were never meant to be wielded against a higher life form because we have no real defense against them reproductively. A bacteria, which may have 100+ generations in a day is moving at the proper reproductive rate to be in an evolutionary dance with a bacteriophage.
Bacteriophages are a group of viruses that used bacterial cells as host and reproduce by infecting bacterial cells. Like all other viruses bacteriophages are also consisting of a protein coat that provides protection to the genome. Most of the phages are DNA viruses that code for several genes responsible for virus replication. A major problem of using plasmids as a cloning vector is the size of the gene of interest is small. However, bacteriophages help to overcome this problem, as larger genes can be transferred by using bacteriophage as a cloning vector.Bacteriophages always acted as a single entity and always had a specific target bacteria. They are the single largest killer of life on the planet every day. For example, each day all of the different bacteriophages kill 40% of all bacteria life in the ocean.
They have a target bacteria that they are 'in a dance with' and their evolutionary shifting function is something that may be altered daily or weekly so that the protein keys work...the bacteria, on the other hand is rapidly modifying its own 'key' receptors so that the bacteriophage will not have access to its cells.
So, these supra-organisms of bacteriophage colonies
This is how versatile they are...they started to blame the testing kits; saying 10% of the testing kits returned a false result...but that is wrong...the bacteriophages no longer had the protein keys they were looking for with the testing kits because they had mutated beyond them.
This is how fast this thing is
So they decided to start looking for the TB aspect in the lungs as well as using the testing kits to screen the [declining] number of people who will have the original glycoprotein signature. I guess they do not want to admit how totally outclassed they are by the virus that it is capable of out maneuvering their ability to even test for it consistently let alone DO ANYTHING about it.
Ok, so, this would be bad enough if this was the only issue (this is what SARS basically is). It is not the only issue though.
The HIV aspect:
The insertion from the HIV enables the supra organism of the SARS bacteriophage to rewrite the RNA of its target so that it produces or sheds billions of copies of itself (this is why these fit so nicely together because this (to a lesser extent) would have been something the bacteriophage would have done naturally anyway but they dovetailed the HIV in there to allow it to reproduce the supra organism COVID rather than just the smaller macrophage. The R0 factor on this is off the charts, and this is where the Wave comes in.
two weeks when they first entered the Wuhan market. I need to digress for a moment to the bacteriophage:
The reason you can be an active and asymptomatic 'shedder' is because it takes a lot longer to kill an entire collective symbiotic system of cells than it takes a bacteriophage to kill one bacteria.
So...IF ONE of the COVID 'virus' enters your system and attaches to an ACE2 receptor it will commandeer that cell and begin manufacturing the COVID virus andfrom that point forwards you are the walking dead.
Essentially you are ASYMPTOMATIC while you are shedding virus because it is killing you as slowly as possible while you, as a Supra organism yourself, have no idea you are even ill because the body experiences many millions of cell deaths everyday and this is not an unusual state for the body.
This is why there is latency (slower death) when you have fewer ACE2 receptors. Because an abundance of ACE2 receptors means that more COVID catches hold and reproduces faster, NOT THAT is doesn't catch hold in someone with fewer receptors but rather it simply takes longer for it to overwhelm the host body.
This is not a 'positive' but rather a 'negative' since there will be no indication to either you or anyone else that you are shedding the virus for a month or more while your body is being gradually overthrown.
I am guesstimating - based on what I witnessed in Wuhan - that each person sheds BILLIONS and BILLIONS of COVID viruses into the environment as it is USING ALL THE RESOURCES of the human body in non-stop production of itself.
Bacteria have limited motility and they cannot 'move about' in the same way a Supra organism like a human being can; so to the COVID virus you are like an airplane that will takes its COVID 'passengers' to new and interesting places...i.e. spreading the infection).
When the body has COVID and 'dies' from it, that is when it is at PEAK production and replicating it inside the body...there is literally no more room or resources (hormones and proteins the functional chemistry of the human body and required for continuation of life) for anything other than COVID replication.
So, again the genetic breakdown that we know thus far is 88% SARS, 2% HIV and 10% TB that utilized synthetic biology to assemble.
SO2 to stop their weapon from spreading? Doesn't pass the smell test, or you would announce it to the public for publicity credits that you were fighting the thing. IN fact, they denied even the presence of Sulfur dioxide of any kind. Because body bags when burned produce a great deal of SO2, which would make their death toll numbers the lies were know them to be...Todd. DB
Todd...How long have you been CIA? Multi generational, via mommy, or recruited in college?
The aspects of SARS that made it 'not very good at killing' were all modified to produce something with ENHANCED ability to kill. Where SARS was weak, HIV and TB were both strong. By splicing the HIV and TB into the SARS virus, they enhanced it to an ELE status.
When someone realized they were not having any effect killing the airborne COVID virus, they stopped with the mass poisoning of Wuhan using SO2.
SO2 but the human body doesn't have enough SO2 in it to account for the levels of SO2 that Wuhan was exhibiting.
And Rense used to have truth tellers on his show, but since it became owned by a front company of the agency all those years ago, poor saps have to read or listen to liars like you.
These are only a matter of mathematical functions since the RNA of COVID is not 'alive' in any sense of the word what we are concerned about it reproduction success in distribution functions. Let's say that there are (or, were, last I checked which was 1 week ago - in 'viral time' an eternity) 24 mutations of the original bioweapon.
But let's say that Version 5 was the most successful...reproducing 80% of the time.
There is no conferred immunity because of the nature of the highly-mutagenic key nature of bacteriophages. So, if a particular key is successful in gaining entry for reproduction, then the next wave of infection would be the mutation that enjoyed the highest reproductive success.
Also, keep in mind that since every infected human now sheds the virus continuously until they die, they are living with a compromised immune system. Meaning that much of their DNA/RNA is not given over to their own needs but rather to the parasitic functions of reproducing the virus. So 'recovery' in the classic sense of conferred immunity is impossible.
The HIV insertions have allowed COVID to co-op the functions that it used to be responsible for.
Therefore, for the rest of your life, you will shed the virus that you were infected with.
However, with part of your body becoming non-functional in terms of hormones and proteins it will be lacking the materials and resources needed for its OWN reproduction and function since those have been co-opted for viral reproduction. Wicked stuff.
Note carefully - The 2nd WAVE is going to cause massive failure in whichever systems the nCov has targeted inside your body.
ACE2 receptors are found in the heart, lungs, mucous membranes, testes (and probably ovum; leading to infertility), kidneys and liver...etc etc etc. When the 2nd Wave mutation hits people there are no more proteins and hormones that will allow organs to function...and they simply cease working. Remember how people are simply dropping dead in their tracks. I know that the Doctor said that it 'was the medicine'...but it is not. It is a product of having your body turned over to a BioWeapon to manufacture ITSELF. You become a walking bioweapon factory for the COVID virus
We have absolutely no idea what the long term ramification are for 'survivors' of the virus since we know nothing about what having RNA co-opted over months and years (lifetime) will lead to...for example a goiter is a lack of iodine in the human body...but what if iodine was an integral component of viral production? It would take all the resources for itself and leave the body bereft of iodine (and I am just using this as an off the cuff example).
Your thyroid gland produces two main hormones — thyroxine (T-4) and triiodothyronine (T-3). These hormones circulate in your bloodstream and help regulate your metabolism. They maintain the rate at which your body uses fats and carbohydrates, help control your body temperature, influence your heart rate, and help regulate the production of proteins.
Your pituitary gland and hypothalamus control the rate at which T-4 and T-3 are produced and released.
The hypothalamus — an area at the base of your brain that acts as a thermostat for your whole system — signals your pituitary gland to make a hormone known as thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Your pituitary gland — also located at the base of your brain — releases a certain amount of TSH , depending on how much thyroxine and T-3 are in your blood. Your thyroid gland, in turn, regulates its production of hormones based on the amount of TSH it receives from the pituitary gland.
Having a goiter doesn't necessarily mean that your thyroid gland isn't working normally. Even when it's enlarged, your thyroid may produce normal amounts of hormones. It might also, however, produce too much or too little thyroxine and T-3.

They MUST KNOW that you need one of these, FOR LIFE, to resist the spread of it and yet they are treating it as if it was 'just the flu'. Drs in Wuhan were spending 14 hours a day in protective gear with one diaper on for that entire time because it was too infectious for them to risk removing their protective gear. Uncountable TRILLIONS of particles must be circulating in the hospitals and ERs. Not to mention airplanes, cruise ships, trains, busses, cars, stores, sports arenas and stadiums

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Todd's disinformation pieces are from a Psywarfare unit, army guy in background is a big reveal. |
Most Patients In South Korean Psychiatric Ward Infected With Coronavirus
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Add 3 zeros to any number the MSM puts out. S. Korea is on its way to doom land. So is the US. |
DB upcoming list, which will grow. If we don't get a pass, and this whole weapon hits us hard as its doing in Chicom land.
- People stop going to work. Because...seeing one chick keel over dead is enough to keep everyone away. Or even hearing about that. A few of these events, and word of mouth will shut down the entire economy from top to bottom and no amount of working from home will save it, because...only so much of a business is paperwork. You know, the easy jobs the wimmins get with higher pay. the men's jobs they allow us to have, the PHYSICAL LABOR PART...when that turns off, it's over. Once they give it a think, everyone will realize that if you saw the "keel over" you are ALREADY INFECTED, PHUKO. It's too late.
- Companies will attempt to short term bribe people in showing up and a few will fall for the ruse. Until they realize dead people don't get paid nor can spend ANY OF IT. Or, if they are REALLY smart, they tell miss bossy, "you show up for work and I will too." That will put an end to that nonsense. Also, what's you price? if you are making shite wages, like most do, unless you are wimmins, an extra five an hour to come in is a joke. Even double or triple wages, same thing. Your life? For an extra $30.00 an hour? Is that your value? And all your answers will be the right ones, believe me.
- Stores, banks, libraries, etc close. For good. When stores and banks turn off, so does the machinery of commerce and then Finish. Won't matter how much you are worth, what you have in the banks, and all that. For they will be closed and you will be broke, and no one can handle your money and sell you groceries. You're fucked.
- Food gets scarce / unavailable. Just buy anything canned or that can be made with simple salt, pepper, water. Nothing fancy. Easier the better. get a cheap propane camping stove and lots of LNG.
- Martial Law. This alone is the worst of the worst. The officer on the scene, decides the scene and what happens to whom. It usually involves being hauled of to somewhere.
- Easy to put up, 2" diameter poles with 360 deg cameras to watch whole streets in case people leave their home; then they can be dealt with by the men in black with guns. They will have units whose singular purpose is to round up and kill. People who are dead inside already. So pleading with them for mercy is a waste of spirit. You know...satanists...no compassion. If you can slaughter a child and drink their blood, how much easier is an adult LIKE YOU?
- Power / natural gas grid goes dark, gasoline stops coming. This will happen the same week. Power and gas. Keep you home.
Road blocks, manned by armed army guys, usually National guard, sheriffs. You run into those guys, NO ONE ever sees you again. YOU ARE F'D. - House to house snatches of select enemas of the state. People who critical think, share truth, love Dad. They die first. I AM A DEAD MAN. And don't think outwardly stinking on Dad will save you, they will work against lists, no matter what you say. Their satanic vessels know who all the elect are. They consider this a big win...to slay us. then you get that crown of glory, which frankly I have never cared about, ever. Means nothing to me. I am who I am, because I am. Not for some tard reward. Keep it. I am because a life with loving bridges is more wonderful than the other path. Keep the crown, give it to someone who wants the red badge of courage. I just want that loving embrace...from ANYBODY.
- This is TSHTF.
An executive order was issued ... to officially initiate pandemic plans, the Military Times reports. On Feb. 1, U.S. Northern Command was directed the Joint Staff “to commence prudent planning in their assigned role synchronizing the department’s plans for pandemic flu and disease.” However, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Mike Hatfield says that in no way “does the planning indicate a greater likelihood of an event developing."
(Sure Mike, we believe you. )
First off, the event already developed. So, you already blew past that first lie. I thought you soldiers had some kind of code to be honest and all that. Or did they rip out those pages from the Navy manual? Why was the Navy's plans initiated on 2-1-20, the witches black sabbath of IMBOLC? How can we trust anyone who quite obviously sucks the satanic dick?
This is why spiritual people of the world, in the past, advised keeping prudent stores for a year. It's even in Genesis, with Joseph in Egypt.
But such stores do not fit the space requirements of the modern urban-plantation lifestyle without inordinate sacrifice. A reasonable person might say making those sacrifices is the hidden price of the cities' entertainments.
Remember this Mike:
Lying to Americans only tells us that you cannot ever be trusted, now, with anything you say. Which doesn't surprise any of us. So many well poisoners out there, with amazing art work, top shelf. CIA is busy this week I see.