Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world.
Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11
Join me and let's follow that high road...
8,000 people now in quarantine in Calif. There's more, but they aren't talking. It's finally showing up in the papers out here, but its all lies and bs and about how its just the flu. I simply cannot believe how they can spread such untruths, sentencing so very many to an early grave. And the rest of us, too. The more that become sick, the more likely the rest of us are getting sick.
My friend who moved? Turns out the owner lives on the property, hovers all the time, is openly gay, and has six times now been caught in her house or just leaving it as she comes home, her stuff rifled. Because he rented the place out as an LGTBFKO weekend rental with AIRBNB (now outlawed in Ojai), he is still treating the property as a hotel room and not a home, in violation of so many Cali laws its beyond weird. the walls are purple, the energy is dark, and the place has so many demonic cold spots, every one of my christian movers couldn't stand being there. He's a thief, a pedophile, and has become obsessed with the Christian tenant. And already, has twice now reneged on this lease agreement. So you know what that means...I told her a week ago, DON"T unpack. And now, we have the proof of why. But now, mister "I'm with her" has to deal with me, as of tomorrow. Each door outside has a sign on it reminding him of the various California laws he is breaking. It's that bad. Of course it is. Because it never ends. And how can you move when quarantine is the reality we are all about to face. At least his demons will be bound and banished, his coven laid waste, should he be found around or in her house again. (this post is more for him, than you the reader, as you can tell.)
Costa Mesa Tells TPTB to F off on Corona Virus and stuff.
I am being criticized for not doing enough, regards information, etc. Wow...given the whole move, various related and unrelated injuries, and other blather, frankly I'm amazed at how much article, research, and video anecdotal I've produced in a matter of weeks. I get very little sleep, because, all the previous requires research, prayer, vetting, and then writing the whole horrific mess up. I AM GUILTY of poor presentation and editing. There has been no time to run things by an editor, or take an hour or so, ON EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE TO make sure the grammar is just so, etc. Frankly, there is no time. And frankly, if that is upsetting to anyone, then take a good long look in the mirror, because snarky shallow attacks say more about you, than I. And I get these shallow arrows every day, even from people I know, because, what have you done for me lately and the ugly way of coming at me, rather than with joy and seeking my hand to help them. Hey whatever.
My second rebuttal is this. I don't work for you. I work for Yahua, the Almighty, and the king of Earth, Yeshua. The Holy Spirit guides and decides and your guilt attacks have no power here. Be ye gone. Frankly, I expected at least this from your bloodline of Lucifer gang. Moving move along, or you can experience demonic eviction, one of my favorite past times to help satanists in their slavery to that tranny wanker, Satan. In point of fact, I've become quite good at it over the last 20 years. Try me and find out. And being your kind has no repentance, their anger at you for coming at me and putting me on to them, has been and will be, most unfortunate for you. Unless masochism is your thing. So, let's double down. We'll do you AND your coven, too. That way, your high priestess will want to take a meeting with you and that .45 revolver she's so on about. Have I made myself quite clear.
Was out early this am, doing store and POB blathers. Helping some folks and getting ready for the future. Saw the local lying rag of a newspaper, the agency took over in year 2000. They had an article on Ncov. It was a lying puff piece about the plague MIGHT BE in Canada, but no worries stateside. And everyone is reading her pack of lies and as they do, believing them. Father Please turn your Holy Face against those who lead the innocent into wrong action with lies, as you led me to this morning. PSALM 58:3
People stare at me, giving me that look. I look back my eyes filled with sadness. People aren't dropping dead around me yet. But we don't have long to wait. They can hide and lie about it up to a point, but then one day, whammo. Everyone knows its here, its deadly, and there are lines to the hospital and health care offices. Then things get very ugly very fast, not long after.
So I wait. Pray we get that pass. That our land, from sea to shining sea, is granted a reprieve. Russia sealed its borders, so did Israel. No one is said a word. All good. We even think it, and we are downright SOBs and the scum of the world.
If we get that pass, then fine, I got all my stuffs to lunch and whatnot for the next several months, along with regular meals and such. But then, when late fall and winter comes, we get round two. And as anyone knows who researched the Spanish Flu, the second years was twice as deadly as year one.
Doctors say, being corona, unable to immunize this flu. Just the kind of flu this is and always has been. So, even if you beat the thing and make it to warmer, sunnier weather, there is still the next go around November through March ahead. And you can re acquire the weapon all over again. Gee whiz, lots to look forward to.
Store was empty going in at opening time in the am. Always is, other than the help. That's the ticket. Get in and out in 15 minutes. Just fill up the carts and damn the torpedoes.
Animals are carriers of the flu. Checked it out, it's true. Going to have to keep the indoor animals in a dedicated room or make them outdoor animals. Something.Maybe the garage. I don't know. Being in apartment creates more problems than solutions. Gosh, is there ANY good news about this thing? The HOPE factor is REAL LOW on this mess. Red Horse Indeed.
Had a brainwave this am. I can gas my outdoors clothes when coming inside, by putting them in closet or small room, spread out, with the ozone machine. Nothing can stand up to ozone; that stuff is murder on viruses and bacteria, happily. Also, makes the clothes smell fresh and stuffs.
--------------------First, some highlights
Turns out, the Chinese were not given masks, latex gloves, or any kind eye gear. They had to buy their own. No one told them that masks alone weren't enough. It's why so many of the CCP thugs are dying in huge numbers, too. To this day, no money, no masks. And graft is huge. Many officials are charging way over the top for them, so instead of throwing them away when you get inside, people just use them over and over again, and they end up as infection vectors in the home...killing everyone. Nice place, this China. If you have to use the same virus covered mask all week are done for and frankly, it should be obvious. No wonder ENTIRE FAMILIES are dying off. I have a way out of hell. Toss your used mask in the microwave for 5 seconds. Any virus on that thing will be as good as dead. Then, it's like getting a new mask again. Do this and live.
Your ear is a vector for infection. If you go out, shove a little toilet paper in them to keep the bug weapon out.
Keep crunching the ugly Spring, China will have lost near 300 million.Just on funeral home and crematorium reports alone. Because math is math and in my world, 2 plus 2 equals 4, not 1.7 That's just China. Given the EU is as satanic as the CFR can be, their numbers won't be much better. Neither will the USAs. You add it all up. This plague is truly Biblical, no matter how much the satanists hide the numbers from the world. Their little NWO, one world one people plan like they had under Nimrod, is killing an awful lot of souls here.
And then there are cases showing up where there is no possible way the virus could have gotten there by train, rail, bus, or car and yet, this or that place comes down with 60 cases of infection. Everyone is dumbfounded. Let common sense and critical thinking prevail. This is a for sure tell, they are intentionally spreading the virus WHEREVER they want it to be. These people are monsters, without souls, and they will find their exit from earth quickly arranged.
Amazing how in this crisis, the satanic left's only response to any of it is the go straight to the race card - there isn't any - and play off some guilt trip (satanic weapon, guilt and false guilt). These people are as dumb as posts. Really.
'What Coverup?': WHO Refuses To Acknowledge China's Early Censorship Of Outbreak. No surprise. WHO was and is about poisoning the world, under the UN. They don't save lives, they spread deadly vaccines in lands that don't know any better and who are easily bought off for doing so with a bucket of rice and a few bucks. Of course they are maintaining the lie. Their whole existence is a lie of death and from day one. They are, in fact, the enemy.
News reports claim the death toll in the city of Qoms in Iran has already hit
50. If true, that would be far and away the largest number of deaths in a
single country outside mainland China. Will IRAN LIE like everyone else? wait and see.
We are now at that place where virus SHOULD start becoming active and visible. That's right, this week. Enough time has passed. My son just left San Francisco, where everyone was coughing and sneezing. This might be our last week to get supplies and move freely without running into roadblocks and you know what that means. Pulled from your car, your goods taken, and you shoved in the back of a windowless van, painted black. And then it's all very, "she left 2 hours ago, I don't know why she isn't back yet. If 2 hours turns into 10, she won't be coming back. And she doesn't answer her phone, because like in CHina, they are all tossed in a pile to be burned along with the bodies, as my early videos showed. PHONE CALLS TO NOWHERE.
Then you think, "If I see a roadblock, I will turn around." BIG mistake. They will have guys with guns, in vehicles, just for such an eventuality. Time comes, this is what you do, if YOU HAVE TO BE OUT. Before turning down any street, stop 100 feet from corner, get out with door left open and edge up to the corner so you can see down the street you want to head into. If you see a roadblock, quietly get back to you car and turn around. It's too late. Go home and never come out again, for any reason. Even if someone pleads for you to come over. Because leaving is bullet in ear, lost goods for your group or family. Find a way to surveill a major artery traffic point without being seen, so you can know if this is happening where you are. Then let everyone in your dial list know, before they turn off the cell phones. Both will happen about the same time. Road blocks and comm disruptions.
Take a beat and think through every single action you take from here on out. Every one. Taking anything for granted will just get people killed. Usually you. Remember, you got this info early. People are depending upon you, they just don't know it, and are thinking selfishly. Entire countries are shutting down. It will happen here too, we simply don't know when...yet. If I find out, I will tell you.
Say goodbye to the old life you used to know. That time is past. Get over it and prepare for the new life, whatever it may be. So start acting like it. Act like you have a mind and do what is right, without being told over and over again. It's a shame for you to play the fool, the dunsky. Knock it off. we've no time for such stupidity. And you should embrace the new everything. For the old way now, WILL KILL YOU.
When the traffic cameras in your area go dead online, the roadblocks are coming. Possibly that very day. Keep an eye on them. bookmark them, check them. Let's be smart people.
When Will We Admit Covid-19 Is Unstoppable And Global Depression Is Inevitable?
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Given the exquisite precariousness of the global financial system and economy, hopes for a brief and mild downturn are wildly unrealistic. If we asked a panel of epidemiologists to imagine a virus
optimized for rapid spread globally and high lethality, they'd likely
include these characteristics:
1. Highly contagious, with an R0 of 3 or higher. 2. A novel virus, so there's no immunity via previous exposure. 3. Those carrying the pathogen can infect others while
asymptomatic, i.e. having no symptoms, for a prolonged period of time,
i.e. 14 to 24 days. 4. Some carriers never become ill and so they have no idea they are infecting others. 5. The virus is extremely lethal to vulnerable subpopulations but
not so lethal to the entire populace that it kills its hosts before
they can transmit the virus to others. 6. The virus can be spread by multiple pathways, including
aerosols (droplets from sneezing/coughing), brief contact (with hotel
desk clerks, taxi drivers, etc.) and contact with surfaces (credit
cards, faucets, door handles, etc.). Ideally, the virus remains active
on surfaces for prolonged periods, i.e. 7+ days. 7. Those infected who recover may catch the virus again, as acquired immunity is not 100%. 8. As a result of this and other features, it's difficult to manufacture a vaccine that will reliably protect against infection. 9. The tests designed to detect the virus are inherently limited,
as the virus may be present in tissue that isn't being swabbed. 10. The symptoms of the illness are essentially identical with
less contagious and lethal flu types, so people who catch the virus may
not know they have the novel pathogen.
1. Long global suppy chains, four, five and six layers deep, so
those in the top layers have no idea where parts and components actually
come from. 2. Just-in-time deliveries and limited inventories dependent on
complex logistics, so any shock quickly disrupts the entire network as
key nodes fail. 3. A global supply chain dependent on hundreds of financially
marginal factories and suppliers who do not have the means to pay
employees for weeks or months while the factory is idle. 4. A global supply chain dependent on hundreds of financially
marginal factories with high debts and expenses that will close down and
never re-open. 5. A global consumer economy dependent on the permanent expansion of debt. 6. A global financial system with extremely limited capacity to
absorb defaults as suppliers and zombie corporations (i.e. companies
dependent on ever-greater borrowing to survive) fail. 7. A global economy burdened with overcapacity. 8. A global economy dependent on "the wealth effect" of rising
stock and housing markets to fuel spending, so when these bubbles burst
spending evaporates.
These are precisely the characteristics of our precarious global economy, dependent on rising debt, vast speculative bubbles, vulnerable supply chains and marginal consumers and producers. As noted here before, it doesn't take much to break a system dependent on ever-rising debt and speculation. This
chart illustrates the dynamic: when debt loads, speculative bets and
expenses are all at nosebleed levels, the slightest decline triggers
collapse. Put another way: the global system has been stripped of redundancy and buffers. A little push is all that's needed to send it over the edge. Given the exquisite precariousness of the global financial
system and economy, hopes for a brief and mild downturn are wildly
unrealistic. The global economy is falling off a cliff, and
calling it a "recession" while debt and speculative excesses collapse is
a form of denial. When debt and speculative excesses collapse, it's a depression, not a recession. If we can't call things by their real name then we guarantee a wider, deeper cataclysm.