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Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11
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Saturday, December 28, 2019
Tow truck guy shows up, says he tows a LOT of Teslas. “I hate this car”
It seems as though there is a new Tesla horror story on social media every day. Writing about and highlighting all of these would necessitate an
entirely new Zero Hedge department focused solely on this one task, so
we save our "horror story" posts for the ones that stand out. Such was the case with a story that spanned four days over the
holiday when Serena Dai, editor for Eater NY, celebrated her holiday
season with her father -and their bricked Tesla.
the rolling turd mobile. Price? $105,000.00
Serena took to Twitter to highlight her horror story, one exasperated
Tweet at a time. First, two days before Christmas, she noted that her
father's Tesla had "bricked" and wouldn't open.
My parent’s @Tesla
wouldn’t open with app or keycard tonight. Literally a brick in a
parking lot, had to call customer service and get it towed. Tow truck
guy shows up, says he tows a LOT of Teslas. “I hate this car”
Serena calls to get a tow and when the driver shows up, he remarks that he tows "a lot" of Teslas and that he "hates this car".
“It could be something very very minor or it could be something
major,” the driver says, according to Serena. Even with the smallest
issue, the car requires a tow, she notes. She also says her parents have
had the car for less than a year.
Huge tech world energy: Look at all these cool features!!! But also, you can’t get into the car without fucking Bluetooth -__-
...but like any good Tesla cult member, she says her father defended the car needing repairs so soon. For the 4th time since he bought it. Total repair costs so far, $20,000.00 parts and labor.
But our burns seem to be sliding off of my dad, who I guess is a Tesla bro now.
Him: “You have to look at the big picture.”
Me: “Does it involve getting stranded at the mall for an hour and a half”
And so the car was promptly returned to them and the story ends, right? Wrong - of course. Serena took back to Twitter 3 days later to share an update to the story: Tesla had "lost the car",
saying it "cannot be found at the service center" where it supposedly
had been taken to. Oh, and don't expect the company to supply a loaner
car in the interim, either, she said.
I'm dying: Tesla is currently
telling my parents that the company might not have a loaner car, as too
many Teslas have been towed in Houston over the last few days. (because Teslas are steaming piles of shite, especially in cold weather. DB)
From there, Serena tries to get customer service the only way people
seem to be able to - by pleading with Elon Musk on Twitter. "
What's the deal?" she asked Musk on Twitter. "Treating your biggest
fans (AKA my dad) like this doesn't seem like the best business
practice," she continues. Finally, later in the day on the 26th, she remarked that the "car is back".
"They took hours to find it because without the key, they couldn't
find it even though it was in the parking lot," Dai concluded. The issue
that left Dai's father without a car for 4 days turned out to be a
"loose cable". Repair cost? $7,800.00
This saga has been truly
astonishing. I know that there are always bumps for early adopters, but
this is expensive heavy machinery, not an app. What if something had
come loose while we were in it?