Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Trump 3rd term - Living in a Hollywood movie

The Trump 3rd term - Living in a Hollywood movie

Don Bradley February 5th, 2025

When you think about it...

From a certain point of view...

This whole business since 2020, US Election and the Great Awakening kicking off...

Has been like living in a freakish, other worldly, production of gargantuan production values.

The whole Sniffy-Kamala production show of the doddering doofus as Commander in Chief. What other era would have tolerated such nonsense? Just one week of that madness would have resulted in torches and pitchforks, with vigilance committees forming on the right and on the left. Very few would have escaped alive; and enough of them-wishing to save their skin-would have spilled the beans on the whole show. The Trumpy would have been hanging from the capitol boneyard for all to see. Among hundreds of fellow conspirators. Really.

Not now, of course. We swallow it all as a matter of course and shrug our shoulders. Name me another generation—for those of you whom study history and have lived long enough to have known great grandparents who used to ATTEND vigilance gatherings when a outlaw or thugs visited the area. Or at least heard about them. What other generation would have stood for this shite we see before us every day?

  • Child and people trafficking, by the millions annually. Wherein dock workers will openly declare not a day goes by that they don't hear children and people screaming from containers being loaded and unloaded from ships. Not a single cop investigates? Not a single onesy? The biggest movie of 2023 was about Child Trafficking—huge hit, seen by most, and then NOTHING. Like they were watching a rodeo. A thing for an afternoon and then block it out of the mind.

  • a tiny country being backed by a superpower, as it bombs the shite of its neighbors so said tiny country could steal their land. And over and over again, to where they are fighting on three fronts. Because said superpower is also fighting there. People just haven't been told. Yet.

  • Where ALL the celebrities worldwide speak satan worship, do satan worship, wear satan worship, right in our faces and nothing...nothing at all. Wow.

  • Where even though the truth of flat earth has been proven ten million times by just checking it out for yourself, as I did in 2015 and verified from On High and Scripture, but NASA and CIA just go on an on, with fake stuff easily proved out as fakes and no one pitchforks and torches them? Not even once?

  • Where we allow jewish doctors to chop off our son's penises and take off our little girl's breast, after being brain washed in a public school by gay and lesbian witches. A little bitching; a few protests. Then nothing.

I could go on for hours, but the point is made.

Of course, it's a bad Hollywood movie, but there's all the money in the world making sure it goes as planned. And for a time, it is.

For a time.

Then it won't.

The masks fall, the people see, they become very angry, and then? A Great Cleansing takes place.

But, that cleansing cuts both ways, as any two edged sword does. They fall, we fall, we all fall down...kind of thing. Just like the nursery rhyme from when all the wells and food stuffs were poisoned by certain Edomite/Ashkenazi elements let in certain countries in Europe and elsewhere. The pitchforks and torches came out then. They will again.

They know this. Better than anyone, I can tell you. This is one of the reasons why they are doing all possible to erase that group from Earth. And...they have various Sampson Options on the table and are ever ready and willing to use them, should things go too very badly for them.

  • You have the instant death cell phone call option. That clears out entire counties or states, in a single pop. A noon signal. most folks will be up and around in the middle of the day, not so much at other times. Fact. They even put it in a movie. Satanists and Dad's annointed both got the message right off.

  • Scorched Earth. Serious Fusion weapons the like the world has never seen. One of these big boys go off, an entire country can be made uninhabitable.

  • The rake option. Turn you into a character from the Walking Dead. Another cell signal. It will finally start occurring to people that those death towers need to come down, as the blade runners in England do. When enough guys with guts see this, a chance appears. But it has to all happen at the same time, or they'll station drones 24/7 around cell towers and pop the leading elements. Just saying. Tactically speaking.

  • They control most of the water on Earth. Not too very hard to put something in the drinking water to produce an effect. Oh wait, they already do that. Fluoride and Graphene Oxide. Now think for a moment. Is it REALLY that hard for yet another barrel of something quite ugly to go into a dialed in city or town supply? Every single person I've ever seen at these places is a satanist, covenite. Total control over the people.

  • Etc, etc, etc.

They also want a civil war. Keep us distracted. You see it everywhere. CIA/MOSSAD shills constantly race baiting threads. Pajeet this, black that, mexican those, schoolyard, stunted baby stuff. Divide and conquer. It's pervasive and everywhere and then they project/blame it on the readers for THREADS THEY INITIATED ala why does this board hate Pakis so much? Well, Jewbie boy/girl/thing, you are THE ONLY ONE STARTING THOSE THREADS, no one else is. They bring hundreds of thousands of people from lands they impoverished with demonic trade sanctions and exploitation, then paint these arrivals as devils, then drop the whole smash into our laps. This is what nephilim hybrids, bloodline of Cain do. Going thousands of years back.

Fortunately, YHVH has His own plans for this time. Things hinted at in Scripture, broadly, but no detail. Not even the demonic hierarchy knows.

Wait and see.

They don't get things entirely their own way. Also, this: to you awakened and growing in strength, power, and following Christ Yeshua and putting on your whole armor. As our Heavenly Father guides you to do and be, do and be so. Don't worry about the patsy Christians being villainized by the satanic machine. These are coven assets playing a role; actors. Our Father YHVH has your back. If He didn't, I would not be here writing to you.
