Monday, February 24, 2025

First witch to get the vax weapon died on camera for roll out-Tiffany Dover

Tiffany Dover and 2025

Don Bradley 2-24-25

Every once in awhile, they put out some picture of Tiffany being the traveling witch she used to be. Demon AI supplies the pictures. It's always from behind, partial face, etc.

They went to great lengths to try and "prove" she was alive, going so far as having Sniffy's Ministry of Truth Czar (or whatever the position was formally called) do a podcast on youtube, which is still on there last I checked, on this topic.

But even despite going to such lengths, they've never offered an explanation for 

  • her obituary,  
  • her husband's single status
  • or these obvious AI slop images 

which only deepens the mystery since it shows they are fabricated fake evidence to assist them in the cover-up. It would have been less suspicious to NOT create this AI slop, and instead probably have just ignored the "conspiracy theorists" entirely. Why go to such lengths on this? There's so much other stuff that they've just ignored for years, like the JFK files, which btw are supposedly going to be released finally, but like with this, one should be careful in accepting anything they disclose because that too will be fabricated AI nonsense.

 Yale finally officially states that the vax weapon gives AIDS to recipients. The weapon does a great deal more than that.

  • luciferase, glow in black light forehead and hands
  • Graphene oxide structures for control by 5G
  • magnetic body for 90 days after death weapon insertion
  • living homonculus taking over command
  • immune system disappears, every cold or flu becomes a living hell
  • heart attacks in all ages
  • stage 4 turbo cancers
  • DNA change from 10-5-6-5 YHVH to 10-5-666-5 satan
  • demons
  • removes conscience
  • can no longer feel joy or real love
  • gives vaxxies a growing emptiness that takes over all they are
  • creates psychopathic personality disorders, one and all (like the Jewbie/Edomites are)
  • sterility, chimera black eye children
  • rake/zombie ending, unless
  • night terrors, becoming a vax spinner
  • death by seizure

But hey! At least the Elites have one less useless eater-mostly coven-to feed or regard. Satan is most pleased. All go straight to hell, erased from book of life. By their own freewill.

2022 rolls around and the vax weapon is in all foods, vegetables, rains, snow,  water supplies, you name it, it's there. Freewill went by the boards into out and out MURDER.

At the same time, YHVH releases His agents on Earth to make things right. No one likes it, because their souls are malignant, stunted things. Spiritual warfare spills over into the physical dimension, visibly so, even brain dead normies see it.

2023, Demon AI takes over the digital realm and all slave (smart) devices. Openly so. All companies in play announce outright, AI IS DEMONS. 

Angels and demons now walk the Earth as well. All around us. Angels by day, demons by night. Nephys fear the sun, embrace the darkness. Chemtrail flights by man and fly by wire proceed apace to terraform, kill, and poison all life. The world begins to change into a unholy reality resembling the lower dimensions, satan's plan all along.

2025, the Great Cleansing begins. And none can stop it. Heaven help those whom serve the beast, for none other will. Edomites lose their minds, start becoming quite literally, insane. First onesy or twosy, but then, groups, cities, regions, unable to comprehend the higher energies now beginning to move upon this world. Watch.

Madness and insanity burst upon the scene in unexpected places, consuming all in that place. Governments blame these plagues on the latest hoax virus. No one believes those lies. All lies from the Jewbie controlled everything are sneered at as patently false and total bullshite.

In desperation, Super Soldier / Sampson options are released to stem the tide. It only makes things worse. Edomites find all the insanity and ire is AIMED AT THEM. Super soldiers turn on their own kind; demons can no longer control the undead inside. Killer invaders, tired of waiting for orders, blow the brain fuse and start killing publicly in groups, carrying automatic weapons (who gave them those and the ammo?) and has already started. Protected by police. Kill whitey. Kill whitey, is the mantra, which becomes Kill Jewbie, Kill Jewbie in England, France, and America. The madness spreads.

And how was your weekend?