Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Pope Francis Deathbed Sermon Urged Christians to Pray to Lucifer For Real Enlightenment

 Be mindful of some guy named Petrus Romanis, taking the Unholy See. His job is to shout out for Lucifer, declaring Christ the false god of the Christian. When this demonic freak appears with that blather, know the time is short. Very, very short.

Either way, they may do a name change, because his identity is already blown.

Will let you know, either way.

There isn't much time left for repentance, on this side of things. After that, it's hell on Earth and you should already know by know how that is going to play out. I've been telling it for years. Things are happening very fast.

They will officially announce his death on New Moon, for the Mega Ritual Friday Night. Even though they already have, twice.
