Some comments out there on the reality of things in the West. With additions. This is a tiny list, but it makes the point
Where I am in Canada, all the short-haul tiny prop and turbo-prop planes are all flown by grizzled old boomers-- and I know I couldn't possibly be in safer hands.
- DEI stopped well qualified pilots from flying big you know.
- DEI is an upside down's IMPOSSIBLE for white males to be promoted, retained, hired etc...because after you fight through the meat grinder of other talent, you can't get through Anti-white filters...replicate this across the ENTIRE economy...
- Then teach white kids to hate themselves, their families, culture etc...teach white women to hate motherhood.
- Make the honkys troons and freaks; brainwash them into believing they were born in the wrong body.
- Brainwash the lie about creation. Globe Earth, fake moon landings, fake space stations, astronauts are actors. Put a globe in every classroom by 1965.
- Make sure all banking, education, government, the arts are controlled by powerful Edomite necromancers and witches. Absolute control of every narrative.
- Create powerful intelligence agencies filled with multi-generational witches, wizards, and sorcerers. Create war against civilization. Agencies control every aspect of modern life, behind the scenes, while pretending to protect what it is hell bent upon destroying. Repeat in all countries, bar none.
- Arrange false flag events to mind control the perceptions of the masses and to traumatize souls.
- Blame whites for every ill in history; hide the jewish creation of the slave trade and ownership, blame whites instead.
- End white music and movies, replace with minority music and actors.
- Make sure most news shows are loaded with witches whom are minorities.
- Create historical dramas with black actors, to confuse those under the age of 50 into believing they CREATED civilization. All the kings of England become black, as do the queens. Repeat in every country. George washington is now a black man and always was, don't you know.
- Create in secret two things: a vast underground civilization tied to military bases and perfect anti gravity craft of all kinds to create and false coming of the Messiah. For Nimrod/Apollo/Abbadon.
- Create new pronoun personas. Enforce by law or else. They/them should be answered by "how many demons are in there with you?"
- Attach hexes and spells on every product. X becomes part of signage everywhere and branding.
- Replace all religious leaders with witches and wizards. Lie about the path of salvation, sell prosperity and do what thou will instead.
- Create software that is hexed with demons, no exception. Google uses Adreno and Chrome as their prime modalities for consumers. Demon AI takes over with Apple system X and MS system 8.
- Take the small children of ALL races and ritually slaughter them after torture, then feed the bodies to the masses in fast food and ALL processed meats.
- Pump society full of pharma poison, put abortion mills in every community...
- Open the borders...especially to witches and cartel assets.
- Release all killers of color with no bail bond. Many die, repeat offenders with felony rap sheets spanning decades now.
- Offshore all manufacturing...starting in 1975.
- Make all national holidays Babylonian; erase the festivals of YHVH.
- Have the jews create false dates for YHVH's fall and spring feast days and make it mean something else entirely.
- Change the times, seasons, and beginnings of the year. April new moon becomes January 1st worldwide.
- Go off gold standard-create hyper inflation that never ends.
- Keep the country involved in endless wars for Israel overseas. To exert control and remove useless eaters.
- Lower every safety standard to almost nill, so selected minority groups can get in. DIE realities guarantee their quick advancement.
- Destroy real history, introduce false paradigms, ala Tartarus becomes a recent civilization instead of the region in hell where the worst of the damned spend eternity.
- Identify every soul that comes in and target it for destruction. Break families that carry Christ's light with honey pots and financial woes. Repeat and keep repeating.
- Have the EPA close down all independent gas producers and thousands of small gas stations, with the scam of "our meter detects gas in the dirt. Rip out all the tanks and replace everything or shut down." No one can afford to do so, so close down; all pumps and tanks remain, that's still okay. Owners of ten or more stations get a pass (all the corporate gas stations remain unaffected.)
- Make sure all teaching positions are either witches or Edomites. Fail white students and achievers; pass along those with degrees who can't even read or write. They can't tell you how many states there are, do basic math, or where the capitol of the USA is. Or England. Or France. Etc.
- Force children into debt at 18 to get useless accreditation degrees...and they still cannot get a living wage.
- Bankrupt the middle class with ever higher housing, food, education, and transportation prices. An $2,200.00 truck in 1970 becomes a 125,000.00 truck in 2020.
- Destroy society in one generation. 70 years. It worked.
- Welcome to Jewish Zionism warfare.