Saturday, February 22, 2025

Demonic influence slowly spills over

Demonic influence slowly spills over

Don Bradley 2-22-25

Several days ago, Eduardo made an article entitled What are the kind of people demons hate the most?

In it, he reveals a great truth that demons steal from the people of the world their soul, bit by bit, and replace what they have taken with their reality: the shadows, the astral, the place where there is no color, only shades of lifeless, cold, gray. This influence has been affecting our world for a very long time. Satanists, kabbalists, etc of all stripes are part of this reality. They project outward what they themselves, over time, are slowly becoming. Lifeless, without spirit, and gray shallow husks that cannot feel joy, happiness, or love.

This has slowly reflected itself in our reality, by the satanic slugs who own all media, manufacturing, and frankly, our world of number, weight, and measure. In short, what these unholy nephilim hybrids are becoming, they project onto our world. Their only recourse is FEELINGS, which become the center piece of their otherwise lifeless, colorless existence.

How can you tell a witch? Her whole existence, over time, becomes one of FEELINGS over substance, because in her spiritually dying world, everything is grey, lifeless, colorless. Trannies are the perfect example of this—they “feel” like a woman and therefore they “are” a woman. They over compensate by making themselves up with clown hair, bright gaudy clothes, and sparkles—the very things dying inside themselves. Take note. This matters.

The following are studies in colors over the a period of time in all areas. I noticed this most distinctly in the early 2000s, in fashion and mainly, automobile colors. The wide palate of colors in the 1960s had become just 3 colors by, say, 2006. White, black, grey/silver. Bright, cheerful colors were being replaced by washed out dismal shades of these same colors, but with a distinct grey scale. Movies began to appear washed of color, and color corrected to reflect a grey reality that doesn't exist, except in the shadows where the dead and demons reside.

Look at fast food places, first and foremost. McDonald's went from bright reds, yellows, white, and blues, to flat grey. Same with all the others. Starbucks, etc. All the jewish/edomite/ashkenazi owned goyslop eateries are now grey, lifeless tombs, with doors. Exactly like cemeteries.

Exactly like the reality where demons exist—the shadows.

This is no accident. Their mental/emotional worlds are grey, lifeless, heartless, places of despair and hopelessness and they translate what they themselves are, onto our world. That's what's happening.

It is not about commonality. That's a subterfuge, a dodge, a lying grift to explain away the shift to their inner nothing reality. They force onto the world what they themselves have always been. Hate filled, lifeless, colorless, slugs of the dark side that exists in that kind of ugly reality we call hell. Because they seek hell in their doings, it is revealed in every expression of themselves.

These demonic devils pretending to be children of men have brought hell to Earth, yet most do not see it. The children of men, of Adam, sense this inwardly and just say “everything looks so ugly now.”

That's a great truth.

And this is why.

