No. More like a couple of hundos.
The poor penny; priced out of hyper inflation existence.
But it's not the real thing, in this case.
Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters...then folding money. It's just another vector to attack cash. Because, digitally they say, all those pennies add up. Yes they do. Into billions. Just listen to HOW-CONVENIENT it would be not to have the jingle-jangle in your pocket or purse. Just think about that. Only that.
But all those shaved and missing cents add up to billions; simple math, you know. Who gets that?
But don't LOOK at that accounting factoid, lest your mind starts functioning again. Can't have that. Better to sleep and believe it's time for pennies to die, because some adrenochroming elite scumbag told you it is.
But don't think about the real why. Why would you do something INSANE like that?
Darn it! If you start thinking about the dead penny scam, who knows what you'll be thinking about after that! Can't have that.
Next thing you'll know, could actually be any truth you care to consider. So consider it. Possibly a God above, YHVH. His creation on a flat plane. And that YOU-YES YOU-are the POINT OF CREATION.
After all.