Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Hidden History of World War II – David Irving

The extermination of the jews did happen, just not in the magnitude claimed before or since. But it did happen. Not with gas chambers, but with finnish machine guns and trenches. About a quarter of million, give or take. So it did happen. They've just embellished the thing since to retarded proportions. Sadly, every country in Europe and in the Far East suffered far worse under war, as the jewbies did intentionally by the German SS. Though no one ever talks about these peoples or their deaths, they seem not to count. Only the jewbies matter; other races do not. To their thinking.

The Japanese executed some 4,000,000 Chinese peoples. Learn about the Rape of Nanking. No one says a word about that. Because they are Asian. But Germans were and are, white. Satanists were in control of the SS.

So going overboard and saying they were not intentionally exterminated is ludicrous. Learn about operation Rhinehardt. 


The Hidden History of World War II – David Irving
