Meet California State Senator Susan Eggman.
Eggman, along with many of her Democratic colleagues, are supporting Senate Bill 1414, a bill that would make soliciting underage prostitutes in California a "felony punishable by two to four years in prison, a $25,000, and registration as a sex offender."
(California state law, as it stands now, only punishes this crime with a misdemeanor.)
Sadly, it looks like a small minority of California Senate Democrats want to keep it that way.
But after the Public Safety Committee, controlled by [Democratic State Senator Scott] Wiener's rebels, was finished with it, it was so watered down Grove wanted to take her name off it…
Here's a reminder of who Scott Weiner is:

Instead of a felony, the crime would be a 'wobbler', meaning the court can decide whether to charge the accused with a felony or misdemeanor.
The need to know or reasonably know the sex worker was underage was reinstated and first-time offenders would not always have to register as sex offenders.
The most controversial change was to make the bill essentially not apply when the victim was 16 or 17, leaving the crime a misdemeanor in those cases.