Saturday, May 18, 2024

Edomite Protests crushed by MOSSAD

That is not Israel, it is a lie. A project of atheists, zionists, a godless lie. It is a holy struggle against the godless oppressor - these Edomite devils who worship lucifer and kidnap, rape, and murder OUR children.

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jehudi, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2:9 


A few weeks ago at a group of pro-Zionist/Israel thugs showed up to the encampment at UCLA and beat the shit out of the unarmed protestors with metal poles, baseball bats, and 2x4s for over 4 hours straight while the LAPD watched and did nothing. It was captured on livestream and even on helicopter cam for the whole world to see.

For weeks the LAPD, the FBI, and the DA have been unwilling to identify and arrest the ones responsible. This injustice will no longer stand, the identities of these criminals who are guilty of countless violent counts and even attempted murder (pic related) are now being released.

Through the investigation we have identified one of the perpetrators as Alon Abishoor. Alon Abishoor comes from a very wealthy family and through my investigation I have found him and his entire family to be running a money laundering scheme with nearly a dozen 501(c)s and a fraudulent real estate company along with multiple investment LLCs.

The LAPD has black listed wypipo from its ranks. Here is 2022 graduating class. First three rows are gay/lesbian couples. Most aren't even US citizens. That's how rigged the jewbies did in the system to screw over this country.

Any questions?

Effiminate cops with guns, badges, and an average class IQ of 98.