From yesterday's article on our spiritual world
Israeli planned destruction of America and the world
- Blow up a few major cities with nukes and moabs...blame it Iran.
- Draft everyone Canaanite Israel doesn't like, especially white males.
- Turn off power...blame it on terrorists.
- Blow up dams (which they are already doing elsewhere) in US; blame it on domestic terrorists and white Christians/Hamas. Israeli operatives make videos pretending to be Hamas, taking responsibility. FBI/CIA does the same for whitey. And if you think this is your aha! moment ala "how can they show videos if the power is out?" Just because the power is out in Canada and the US, doesn't mean the rest of the world's power is out. Whatever they do here, they have to blame game the rest of the world into perceiving thoughts they want them to think. C'mon...let's not be naive.