Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
Demon possessed trannies
I can clearly see how woke has worked its wonders in the modern world - the demon trans. Do they get a special color bar on the nimrod flag?
Why I Don’t Want To Be Made To Support Israel
I'm of the same mind. I have no side to be on in their jewish real estate seizure operations; not for Gaza nor Israelis. It's sad to see this again, senseless slaughter for land, but that's been the agenda since before WW1 and they've been doing it for a generation and longer. My only thing, is that the world see them as they really are - reptoid nephilim. that's it.
I realize, my dear readers, that many have picked a side in this fight, which really isn’t theirs, but which they have made theirs to the extent it often seems this fight is more important to them than events at home. They have declared “My mother, drunk or sober”, and see everything through that loving lens, dismissing any criticism out of hand as false, suspicious, or malicious. This is human nature.
I do not wish to talk you out of whatever side you have picked. I want to tell you why I do not want to be made, as I am forced by our rulers, to pick a side. As it is, my side is not represented. If it were up to me—and it isn’t, and never will be, so there is no point becoming anxious or angry—Jerusalem would be Christian because Our Lord sacrificed himself there. But if you want to argue that all groups, and not just one, should and must have their own ethno-states, then I’m right there with you.
As it stands, the position I take—again, this will never matter to our rulers, so calm yourself if you must—is that of not having anything to do with that certain area of the world. The bad blood, as we shall see, goes back too far. It is not my responsibility to step in. I do not want to pay for any meddling, yet pay and meddle I must, because our rulers have decided I must.
I am also, unlike some, not keen on World War III. We see, for instance, Russia, the ancient enemy of some, but not me, has moved the frigate Marshal Shaposhni into the Mediterranean. Pleasure cruise? Sampson Option anyone?
My hope in this post is to cut through some of the propaganda, and so quiet tempers, and perhaps, in some meager way, reduce the chance of global war.
It’s true: the propaganda on this subject is, like it is everywhere else, thick. Though those of us on Team Reality see its presence on almost every other subject; some of us, because of sympathies with the goals of it, do or will not see it here. Yet ask yourselves: when does the media not propagandize? Why would this subject be different for them?
The grossest mistake you can make is supposing all violence started last year, for no reason at all except some kind of innate and inborn hatred on one side, and that the retribution which followed was fully justified in all its brutality (which itself is dismissed or denied entirely). But, dear reader, the vicious fight between parties has been going on since before 1947. Both sides having their hand in (a media-favorite word) atrocities.
Let’s continue our review of a small fraction of the history of the conflict to see the truth of this. The first part is here (blog, Substack). From a man who was there and who was a witness and participant in events from World War II up through the long past it: Lieutenant-General Sir John Baggot Glubb, a.k.a. Glubb Pasha (see the link for details on Glubb, if you don’t remember).
He summarizes the violent foundation of the Jewish ethno-state in A Soldier With The Arabs (1957). He reminds us that “In 1946 and 1947, no voice was raised in America in support of Arabs [p 57].” Due to massive changes in immigration that has changed. It turns out there is no magic dirt in America. As recent events have, as Team Reality predicted, well demonstrated.
Here is the Glubb’s summary:
In so far as Israel was concerned, to save the persecuted Jews of Europe was doubtless a noble task. But the proposition which I venture to submit is that the Jew should not have been settled in Palestine by the use of military force, and against the will of the people already living in that country. That was indeed the heart of the matter. To give help to persecuted Jews, both moral and material, would have been a generous policy. Britain and America could have mediated between them and the Arabs, but the fatal error was to use violence—and to leave a tradition of violence, which Jews and Arabs alike only too readily absorbed. Neither side considers any solution to their present deadlock, except violence….
Selfish violence [by Jews in settling their new homeland] sooner or later brings retribution, though it may be long coming. [p 225]
In The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival Glubb recalls that “In 1948, about a million Palestinians were driven from their homes by force.” By force. In the demand for living room. On that violent forced removal, Glubb reminds us in his The Changing Scenes of Life: An Autobiography:
Whole villages were bulldozed down and then ploughed over [by the nascent Israelis], so that the refugees would have no homes to which to return. After the armistice, some of these refugees attempted to return to their homes at night to see if they could retrieve any of their possessions. All such persons caught by Israeli patrols were shot dead on the spot, without arrest or trial.
As a result, the infiltrators began to carry weapons and a little sub-guerrilla war developed, which need never have happened…
The second principle on which their action was based was that of ten-fold reprisals. If one Jew were killed by a refugee infiltrator, ten Arabs must be killed in revenge. For this purpose, a platoon of Israeli soldiers would be sent across the line to kill ten Arabs in a border village.
These events are never, of course, recounted in modern propaganda. But so are these next events forgotten (all from A Soldier With The Arabs). Of course, it might be said Glubb was merely angry and had a grudge because Jewish terrorists, who, à la the King David Hotel, in 1947 planted a bomb at his house which nearly killed his wife. By coincidence, Glubb was away at the time, and his wife had just turned away from the window outside of which was the bomb.
Here is some of the history:
As May 1948 and the end of the [British] mandate drew nearer, fighting and confusion in Palestine increased. Battles took place in the very streets of Jerusalem. The Jews began slowly and methodically to conquer and occupy Arab quarters of the city.
[p 71]
Outside the area which was to be awarded Jews, in a place called Nevi Yaacov or Nebi Yqoub, Jews had set up a “colony” and built a “concrete blockhouse” on the road leading to the colony.
From the end of 1947 until May 15th 1948, this blockhouse was continually manned by armed Jewish “soldiers”. When British control began to relax, these men, whenever the spirit moved them, would enter the blockhouse, shut the door and man the loopholes. They would then first at a few yards’ range at any Arab vehicle attempting to pass. Many Arab buses and taxis suffered casualties in this manner, often to women and children…
…A little Arab Legion bedouin corporal called Auda Dhuweihi, rather a friend of mine, was standing in the road. On his left, an Arab taxi was overturned in the ditch, the Jews having shot the driver as the car drove past. Pinned underneath the overturned taxi were an Arab woman and child. A few yards away, the Jews had come out of their blockhouse and were smoking and laughing.
Then this event in 1948, which you might recognize sounds very modern, in which “the Irgun and the Stern Gang were invited by the Hagana to capture the village of Deir Yaseen.
[W]hen the [Jewish] terrorists entered the village, they found in it only old men, women and children. These were massacred apparently without explanation, and without regard to age or sex. Two hundred and fifty dead bodies were thrown down the village well. The Irgun and term at first openly claimed the credit for this massacre. The Jewish Agency officially expressed its horror. [p 81]
Glubb goes on to say that the “Jewish Agency regularly registered its horror at the terrorists’ outrages, but it never took action against them for terrorist activities against non-Jews.”
In 1947, a senior British officer was asking a Jewish official about the partition plan about to go into effect. The British officer asked whether the Jew would have trouble “in view of the fact that the Arab inhabitants would be equal in number to the Jews.”
“Oh, no!” replied the Jewish officer. “That will be fixed. A few calculated massacres will soon get rid of that!”…
So much might be idle boasting or dismissed as mere gossip, but:
Later on, when the problem of the Arab refugees became a tragedy which drew the attention of the world [now forgotten], Jewish apologists claimed that the Arabs had voluntarily become refugees, and that they had not been driven out. [p 81]
What is fascinating to me, and perhaps to you, too, is that after recounting these events (of which I only gave a small sample into 1948, with many more similar events on both sides to come), he said this, much in the spirit of plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose:
Two or three years later, I was discussing these events with a prominent English Jew. He expressed incredulity. “You cannot be right,” he said. “No Jew would do such things. You have been deceived by anti-Semitic propaganda.” [p 82]
This brings our mini-history to the official founding of the Jewish ethno-state. Which is where we’ll leave off (for now), except to note that at that beginning the Jews “were already in occupation of considerable areas allotted to the Arabs and had begun (as will be seen later) to conquer Arab Jerusalem.”
There were and are, some of you will be now screaming, misdeeds from the other side, too. Why not highlight those as well? What for? Most of us know of these already because of propaganda.
It must be clear by now, I hope, that the hatred felt by both sides against the other goes back a long way, has become permanent and generational, and that playing Innocent Victim is absurd. However politically efficacious.
My point is not to take sides. I don’t care if you do. My argument is that I do not want to be forced to pick a side. I want nothing to do with it. These are not my people. I do not want to be forced to have anything to do with it, nor to have my money pay for any of it. And I do not want global war to begin over a fight that is not mine.
Incidentally, not everybody in Israel is pro-war. Here’s Haaretz: “Resisting the ‘Ecstasy of War’: Gaza Through the Eyes of Religious, Left-wing Israeli Soldiers”.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Women Celebrate As Their Chance To Become A Victim On Campus Just Skyrocketed
Women—not all but a good number of women, that is—hunger to be Victims. This allows them both status, for ours is increasingly a culture that holds Victims in the highest regard, and an excuse to indulge in emotion, which is a woman’s specialty.
Something joyous happened last week, celebrated by these women across the land. The government made a move which makes it miles easier for women to become Victims. This happened in updated Title IX laws.
You will recall Title IX was one of several new bulk bills foisted upon an as-yet mostly indifferent public in 1972, as part of something called the Education Amendments, Expert’s needless meddling into education. Title IX itself, loosely said, prohibits “sex-based discrimination” in any education facility that takes or accepts federal money.
Incidentally, I say colleges and universities below, because that’s where most of the action is, but these new laws (and they are laws, de facto if nothing else) apply from Kindergarten on up.
It is fascinating that, at least according to Wokepedia, that the original Title was just 37 words. And that it was passed at a time when Equality in the sexes had not yet been reached, i.e. when “only 42 percent of the students enrolled in American colleges were female.”
Females are now, says the government, in both undergraduate and graduate schools, some 58 or more percent. This is still not Equality, a condition that cannot be met until females are something like 90 percent or higher. (Equality never means equal, of course.)
What’s even more amazing is that the law, once a mere sentence, is now, with its latest accretions, has blossomed into a 1,600 page long behemoth. Or perhaps we should say beshemoth. Here it is. What is astounding about that is that there is now, in 2024, when females outnumber men everywhere, even more discrimination than ever before!
They say.
Naively, you would expect that as females become a larger and larger proportion at universities, discrimination necessarily must diminish.
If universities were all men, discrimination would be at its peak, since women would not be able to participate. And, you might think, that if universities were all female, and no men, there could not possibly be any discrimination, since there would be no men around to discriminate.
My friends, that is where you go wrong. For two reasons.
The first is that you have forgotten that many women need to be Victims. Thus, as females increase in proportion, and therefore also power, at universities, it becomes easier and easier for them to make the rules define them as Victims. USA Today agrees: “The new rules expand the definition of sexual assault and harassment.”
Since there can scarcely today be any rabid professors prowling about in rape gangs slavering after freshwomen, as there were, we are told, in 1972, what counts as discrimination must change. And does. Now a mere unwanted comment is “harassment”, and the women whose ears have been so shocked get to call themselves survivors, as long as she feared violence.
There is, you might not know, a hierarchy of Victims, with survivors being near the top. The new law is packed with ways to become a survivor. “[S]urvivors,” the law states, “need to feel validated”. Indeed.
What female Victims dislike is being questioned or challenged on their status. The good news is that (again USA Today) “College student survivors will no longer be required to attend live hearings or go through cross examinations.” The seriousness of the charges are now sufficient proof.
Believe all women, yes. But not their words. Believe their goals and desires, one of which, as I repeatedly emphasize, is becoming a Victim.
The second reason you go wrong is that now men can call themselves women. And that it is illegal, at least on campuses, to call these males men.
These men, or at least those clever enough to better understand the female mind, and seeking to indulge their fantasy to the maximum extent possible, want to be Victims, too.
They grasp that the surest path is to threaten themselves with violence. There is sometimes such violence, but it’s nearly all self-inflicted because these men are crazy. Alas, sometimes Reality intrudes and fantasy cannot keep up.
Yet the men, the law says, cannot be blamed for their own behavior, and so the blame must be put elsewhere.
Here comes the cleverest move. As women and men pretending to be women increase on campus, thus driving the demand for Victimhood ever higher, yet their primary threat (men) disappear, they redefine men as the system itself!
It’s like “systemic racism” for sexual harassment. They can’t find actual “racists”, so they say the system itself is “racist”, thus allowing “racism” to increase without bound. Colleges are having a harder and harder time finding men, yet want “discrimination” to increase. So they say (in the law) there are “widespread systemic shortcomings”, “systemic forms of discrimination”, “systemic forms of abuse”, and that there is “systemic discrimination in academia”.
Oh: the way out is to eschew federal monies, thus giving Title IX no force, but greed prevents this.
Demon possesed at the gym
Be advised. When they throw the rake zombie signal, these won't move like The Walking Dead, all slow and feeble like. No. They will move and do move, at lightning speed, with great strength and demonic power.
Be ready.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Canada introduces blood-curdling new ‘thought police’ law that would make even Stalin blush
In America, this law should be struck down in Federal court for violating the 1st, 5th, 14, and no expostfacto law.
Sounds like its time for another plague. It sure does.
The Canadian law proposal is outright mad. It is retroactive, which goes against all our Western legal tradition, according to which you can be punished only if you infringed a law that was valid at the time when you committed a crime: “And it isn’t just stuff you’ve posted after the new law comes into force you can get into trouble for – oh, no – but anything you’ve posted, ever, dating back to the dawn of the internet. In other words, it’s a gold-embossed invitation to offence archaeologists to do their worst, with the prospect of a $20,000 reward if they hit paydirt. The only way to protect yourself is to go through all your social media accounts and painstakingly delete anything remotely controversial you’ve ever said.”
And there is worse!
“Although, that won’t protect you from another clause in the bill – and this is where it trips over into as yet unimagined dystopian territory. If the courts believe you are likely to commit a ‘hate crime’ or disseminate ‘hate propaganda’ (not defined), you can be placed under house arrest and your ability to communicate with others restricted. That is, a court can force you to wear an ankle bracelet, prevent you using any of your communication devices and then instruct you not to leave the house. If the court believes there’s a risk you may get drunk or high and start tweeting under the influence – although how is unclear, given you can’t use your phone or a PC – it can order you to submit regular urine samples to the authorities. Anyone who refuses to comply with these diktats can be sent to prison.”
By externalizing the defense of free speech to the right and extreme right and by endorsing repression, the liberal left is playing a very dangerous game here. For those of us who are NOT on the right and extreme right, this is rather disheartening… The left is actually shooting itself in the foot and will come back whining, ‘amazed’ that ordinary people are so ‘ungrateful.’ Indeed it seems to have forgotten that the rule of law implies to solve disagreements in the voting booth rather than by silencing those who disagree with us. How can it hope to get the support of the public for this insanity?
Artemis moon landing CANCELLED until end of decade
Moon landings..."on the moon"..."in space." What a bunch of stunted souls to deliver this load of nonsense upon mankind. Sending up big bird can't cost that much, with the billions you gimps siphon off, its cheap; folks like to see these babies blow up. At least they get something for their money.
Friday, April 26, 2024
Federal regulator finds Tesla Autopilot has ‘critical safety gap’ linked to hundreds of collisions
Autopilot is programmed to aim for cars and pedestrians when it senses the driver is distracted. Nice.
- Federal authorities say a “critical safety gap” in Tesla’s Autopilot system contributed to at least 467 collisions, 13 resulting in fatalities.
- The findings come from a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration analysis of 956 crashes in which Tesla Autopilot was thought to have been in use.
- Tesla’s Autopilot design has “led to foreseeable misuse and avoidable crashes,” the NHTSA report said.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Jewish blessings
Remember, the world you see and deal with is mainly the product of our Jewish money lenders. Consider
After this, remember, when they genocide you, they will strip you naked, rape your wives and children in front of the men, blind fold and gag you, then drive you out naked into a field with big open pits and machine gun you into the next dimension. (ammunition donated by Sniffy cabal with US money).
A mass grave containing more than 300 bodies was found outside Nasser Hospital in Gaza. The UN has raised its concerns, as many of the dead were found naked and with their hands tied. RT Middle East bureau chief Maria Finoshina brings us the details of the grim discovery.
The Tesla Kill Box that looks like a car
And the demon Elon purposely makes the windows shatterproof now so that none shall escape a fiery end. They can and have, sent a signal to ignite a small magnesium/powdered alum detonator to assure ignition.
The high heat fire destroys the evidence, the passengers, with no residual trace. A crime that conceals itself.
The Tesla is a weapons system. It's why the BIG PUSH into EV. Slavery, control where you drive and when and get out of lien, KABOOM.
It's for this and other reasons, chieft assclown elon has a HUGE MEGA curse against his "wares" in any shape or form.
warhammer gaslights its customers whom are pissed off!
Even the comments are SUBTLE agents of GW, still obliquely conforming to the gaslighting their customer base. This is MKing your audience.
More and more games are doing this. Most don't complain, because the games are pointless anyways.
It's Wokehammer! Games Workshop engulfed in gender row with fans after it said Warhammer squadron that was previously thought of as men-only has 'always had females'
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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Red shoe club - having hunted and killed, a white child. |
Not a single soul under the age of 40 supports Israel and jews are terrified
Suck on it, rabbi. "They will see you AS YOU REALLY ARE".
Once that happens and it ALREADY HAS, you cannot get your MK, go back to sleep goy while we rape and murder your children - and further, now they want your destruction. As foretold.
No one likes a race of demonic serial killers like you people. No one. Calling American citizens "useful idiots" to our faces just cements the loathing and contempt of you slugs.
They're crying because it's an actual grassroots movement and not a paid jew shill that they can turn off. They've never had the whole world hate them at the same time. Jews will never recover from this.
Still think you are winning?
It's Just getting started, schlomo.
Turbulent times at Tesla: Mass layoffs, slow sales and suspected arson
More evidence of the Elon curse erasing his fiefdom.
- - -
Jordan turned up at work on Sunday morning expecting a normal shift as a Tesla test driver.
But instead at the office they were told they couldn’t drive — their job was to train the electric carmaker’s self-driving software by riding along with it as it navigated real city streets — and asked to wait around on standby until the issue was resolved. "Don’t worry about it," a manager told them.
So Jordan waited for eight hours, and only learned on Monday morning that they were among the estimated 14,000 Tesla employees who were laid off across the world this weekend.
"It felt kind of s****y," Jordan told The Independent. "They could have sent me home. They could have given me the heads up." (The Independent agreed to refer to Jordan by a pseudonym to protect them from potential retaliation.)
Several newly-unemployed workers told The Independent the layoffs seemed to strike chaotically, without rhyme or reason. Some who’d been reprimanded repeatedly stayed on, while others with clean records were ejected. Some were laid off from already overworked teams, others saw the writing on the wall when their daily tasks dropped off as sales did.
This week’s layoffs appeared to be the largest in Tesla’s recent history, targeting 10 per cent of its roughly 140,000 employees, ranging from salesfolk in China through factory workers in Texas to engineers in California.
Simultaneously, Tesla lost two prominent executives: Drew Baglino, a long-serving lieutenant to chief executive Elon Musk who had been with the company for 18 years, and Rohan Patel, a former climate adviser to Barack Obama who led Tesla’s dealings with governments and regulators.
‘I think they were expecting to sell more cars’
Those laid-off struggled to figure out why they’d be selected over other employees.
"I’m used to a culling of familiar faces with ‘performance reviews,’ but I was in good standing," a laid-off customer care worker in the US told The Independent.
"I don’t know why we were the 10 per cent. Is it because I had a conversation with HR last month about a social concern?” the anonymous worker asked. “Someone heard a rumour that it had to do with desk tidiness, which seems ridiculous. But I’m left grasping at straws."
Israel - 300 bound bodies revealing mass exeuction of women children
A mass grave containing more than 300 bodies was found outside Nasser Hospital in Gaza. The UN has raised its concerns, as many of the dead were found naked and with their hands tied. RT Middle East bureau chief Maria Finoshina brings us the details of the grim discovery.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
NASA is the largest user/consumer of helium IN THE WORLD for satelloons
There is no space, only the firmament above. Satellites are satelloons.
The Canaanites don't like pushback
That's just too bad. They HATE you now. They know what you are.
It's funny. The jewbie NGOs bring in millions of muslims and thugs and then bitch, when the protected pets turn on their slavers.
The adjudication of 2023 is most powerful, considering the Most High has made it so.
When foreign powers threaten death and black listing on US citizens, where is our government? If their "hated" Russia made such threats, missiles would be flying. The snapper heads that rape children do it and its A-Okay. Israel has assassinated American citizens before and the US didn't do anything. I could see them just sending in spec ops teams to university campuses and just executing everyone and Congress would do nothing and then approve a new aid bill for Israel.
Israel rules America.
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There is NO ISIS, or HAMAS, or any enemies of Israel. Israel is the enemy of the world; they create their enemies as fictions. |
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Here you go E, more targets for your prayers. |
Israel attacks families, homes, women and children. The US fights those that wish to punish the "chosen phreaks" outside of Israel.
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Genocide of a people and the US paid for it. Still is and will continue to as the Sniffy government is all dual israeli/US citizens. |
Trump stands with Tel Aviv. Okay mister warp speed. We believe you.
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He is not for the US. Why didn't he ever give money to Americans under hard times. Because the jewbies wanted whites to have hard times to better ruin their lives and erase our lands. |
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Father of the Death Weapon. Okay, if that's how you want it. |
invasion battalions have orders to invade the space of locals
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When Detroit, LA, Atlanta, NYC, etc all look like Monrovia in Africa. |
They are not there to ski. They are there to bring disruption and destroy any good they find and make a ruin of it.
This is why the jews wants to silence Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
He is a voice of truth revealing the chosen one evil of our time. They tried to kill him.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Child sex predator sting: Bay Area fire captain among 24 arrested
Oh, and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE, you unholy bastards. And starting all those fires for years on end to please your satanic overlords.
- - -
Gay Bay Area fire captain arrested
Among the men arrested in the
undercover operation was Spencer Parker, 43, of Carmichael, who was
employed as a San Jose Fire Department captain at the time of his
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Coven, has 2 murders under his belt since putting on the uniform he'll never be prosecuted on. |
The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office filed a criminal complaint against Parker on April 3, the same day he was arraigned in Sacramento Superior Court. Parker is scheduled to return to court Wednesday for further proceedings in his case, court records show.
Phillip Cozens, Parker’s attorney, declined to comment about his client’s arrest, saying they’re “awaiting further developments” in Parker’s pending criminal case. The attorney also declined to confirm his client’s resignation from the Fire Department following his arrest.
The San Jose Fire Department has confirmed that Parker’s employment with the department began in 2008, he worked his final shift March 31 and he resigned from his job on April 12, a day after he was placed on administrative leave, the San Jose Mercury News reported.
The San Jose Police Department has said it is conducting its own independent investigation into the former fire captain, who was arrested in Folsom, NBC Bay Area reported.
Yolo County murder-suicide
Another man who was arrested in the sting operation was David Castillo, 44, of Woodland. He was released on his own recognizance pending prosecution in court.
Sheriff’s officials said Castillo was killed earlier this month in an apparent murder-suicide in Yolo County in which his mother shot her son and then turned the gun on herself.
The Woodland Police Department has said the April 14 shooting at a home in the 100 block of Nevada Avenue was believed to be a murder-suicide. The man and the woman found in the home’s backyard that evening were both pronounced dead at the scene.
The Yolo County Coroner’s Office has confirmed Castillo and his 74-year-old mother Linda Castillo both died from gunshot wounds at the Nevada Avenue home, but the deaths have not been formally ruled a murder-suicide, the Davis Enterprise reported.
Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper on Monday announced the arrests of 24 men, including a San Jose Fire Department captain, who are suspected of sexually soliciting undercover investigators posing as children online.
The three-day sting called “Operation Spring Cleaning” was conducted in the final three days of March by the Internet Crimes Against Children team of investigators, which works out of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office.
Cooper said the undercover investigators were posing as children 13 years old and younger on various social media platforms; the suspects often directed who they believed were children to commit sexual acts or asked for pornographic material.
Some of the arrested suspects, Cooper said, made arrangements to meet with these supposed children to have sexual contact with them. The Sheriff’s Office shared on Facebook a video showing investigators arresting some of the suspects, including one man who allegedly arrived with lingerie, sex toys and a 6-foot ligature presumably to be used to tied or bind someone or something.
The sheriff said those arrested included men in positions of public trust, and that the suspects are not limited to any age, group or socioeconomic background.
Emphasizing that this was only a three-day operation, Cooper urged parents to take charge of their children, determine what they’re doing on social media and protect them from online predators.
“People meet up with kids, they contact them on social media platforms, ask for pictures, and they meet up with them and engage in sexual activities with these children,” Cooper said during a news conference. “It goes on on a daily basis. So, we just touched a bit of it.”
fluoride murder
Distilled water friends. I switched to distilled water (make my own) in the mid 1990s. I raised four sons on distilled water and organic cooking and NO CHILDHOOD VACCINES. Do the same for your family. It's not that much extra work and frankly, if you love them, IT'S NO WORK AT ALL.
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Go ahead and murder your pineal gland - the perfect crystal that has to do with AWARENESS and SPIRITUALLY SEEING. |
Your steak tastes like shite
I bet the snapper heads are salivating about sneaking this in our food supply. And whose to say it isn't already happening? They do it with other meats. As shown on this site, they use people mixed chicken and sell it to us.
Buy chicken on the bone and with the skin. The skin reveals the hybridization. Now, go in a store and see how much of chicken these days is skinless. And mfr meat is made from tumor cells, for rapid growth.
Eating fake meat is literally eating cancer.
Smartest liar in the world. Hahahahaha.
You married a guy? You married a guy. You sick phreaks.
In those days, no HRT drugs like today. Guys just wore dresses and wore earrings. Best the phreaks could do. How could any sane person, meeting such a phreak, ever refer to this thing as "madam" in public or even pretend without breaking into open laughter. No wonder they kept wifey out of the public eye on this one.
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I bet it can bench press 250. |
25k bond for repeat tranny pedo caught again
When you are a protected class (african, gay, tranny, democrat), the bail is cheap and the charges either reduced to misdemeanors or dropped entirely. This phreak bagged a young boy from a school playground.
Like they've done before.
They allowed this thing back on the streets? Wow...
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I wants muh dranky drank and dat boy rite der! |
Sunday, April 21, 2024
import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world
Notice how Israel NEVER allows blacks or browns into their countries, except as day labor and then they are kicked out, pronto.
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Diverse caregiver smacks 93-year-old dementia patient before trying to choke her out
Jewish Elder Care facilities hire these kind on purpose - to rage attack helpless whites. Fact. Hundreds of videos like this.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
The Majdanek Myth hoax
Why do you Canaanites just constantly like about every little thing? No wonder dogs don't like you. There is everything false in you.
Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? NO
No. After. Joseph designed and built the first pyramid at Saqqara. Anyone telling you its tens of thousands years old built by "space aliens" is either a programmed sleeping soul or a witch serving the beast system.
Because they are all demonic satanists. Their demons cannot even stand to hear His Holy Name, in any language or version, because it burns them.
Friday, April 19, 2024
Tesla is recalling every single cybertruck because the accelerator pedal gets stuck.

Sticks in the full throttle mode - max speed - plan to kill a lot of people do you?
Hey Elon? How ya doing there? Still rocking the effects of the curse. People know, dude, they know. Your machines are death weapons disguised as cars and trucks. You and Boeing have a great deal in common. You both are on your way out, in a big, ugly way.
People know.
They really are developing a loathing hate for what you do and stand for. Those things are a large scale terrorist attack waiting to happen.
They didn't tell you things would or could go this way, happen to a big mucky muck like you. But it was all handed to you, including the script of your life.
Jewbie Elon with the Pedo Plague. Why am I doing this? That's what all those children keep asking as you peel the skin off their bodies and cut off their privates. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!!"
- because I can
- I will it
- or some other vain shite are one sick piece of work, I must say. Maybe if you go to the wailing wall and whine to dickless about how unfair your life has become. And, can't anything be done?
That silence from the angry one says a great deal, does it not?
the sores on the privates are the worst, like a raging case of triple doom herpes. Kind of takes the giddy out of boom boom these days, right?
The Tesla kill box.
- Get yours today and run down the neighbor's boy.
- Drive while your truck speeds wildly out of control, head on into another car. $80k truck; gas pedal comes off and jams the pedal down.
- Or try the new handy/dandy auto-drive that hunts down pedestrians.
- Or how about that swerving into oncoming traffic an accelerating?
- We save the best for last! The Tesla assassination mode can turn any Tesla into an phosphorous level firestorm that will totally erase any trace of the passengers, as well as melt the asphalt the former car now melted klunk will fuse with.
Have fun champ.
McDonald’s and the Cushites
Don't eat at these places.
Not because of the violent thugs - whom at the throwing of a cell signal - go insane violent, as is their nature, destroying their own food supply. Who destroys their source of food, expecting it to be there the next day?
Thugs do. For they do not consider consequences, only the now.
Who are the thugs? Easy, they have tells, some of which are:
- randomly assaulting total strangers, cuz "I felt like it."
- when any violence is intimated or expressed, joins in to add to the violence.
- steals for the sake of stealing, not from need.
- killing without any remorse, ever.
- Lies so very much, the truth is an alien concept (like the Edomites).
- will rape and murder anything or anyone it feels like, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Hundreds of thousands of women are raped worldwide, every single day and the media and govt is silent. But, if a non thug even accidentally touches ANY part of ANY women for ANY reason, they get long prison sentences. Me too. And no proof provided.
- Is protected in their thuggery by the Canaanite power structure.
These are just a few tells that a thug is about.
No, the reason you shouldn't eat at these corporate goyslop eateries is because the food is mixed with dangerous toxins, aborted and ritually slaughtered children (as many DNA studies of fast food reveal, again and again), by Edomite owned meat packing houses they all bought out in the mid 1980s, graphene oxide (as analysis has revealed and on this site), and of course, PARASITES. T-Condi to be precise.
Eating goyslop is a poison pill to every part of your body and soul.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize for peace, in his 1961 book, From My African Notebook.
"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all white men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with white men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let white men from anywhere in the world, who would come to Africa, remember that you must continually retain this status; you the master and they the inferior like children that you would help or teach. Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you." - Dr. Albert Schweitzer, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize for peace, in his 1961 book, From My African Notebook.
I do not agree with his sub-race perception. The cushites came from Ham, son of Noah, who defied YHVH's standing order that NO SEXUAL REPRODUCTION occur on the ark. Ham chose, 7 days before the flood, a Canaanite priestess for a wife and wifey, like Eve, beguiled him one night and they knew each other (had sexual relations). His sin created four distinct fallen races upon the Earth.
One was the Cushite. Black people. The race represented the worst bestial urges of wifey into one package, to plague mankind going forward and as a reminder that procreating in defiance of the Most High Adonai, has often dire consequences. This has translated forward as the centuries rolled on, into venereal disease and other maladies, all from unlawful intercourse.
Black people are this result of unlawful sexual relations. They are a continuing reminder of what long term and destructive consequences sin has. This is so, because of the Eve, Mount Hermon event, Genesis 6 et al that led to the problem we now have - Nephilim and nephilim hybrids. Evil in our world.
All from unlawful fornication.
If you will have it.
However, it's why they exist and why they are, the way they are. They cannot help themselves. Really. The only restrainer in this equation is crime and punishment. And if you leave out the punishment, the restrainer for the Cushites creates boundless lawlessness. As can be seen.
PS. Cushites are absolutely, 100% able to repent, seek salvation, and forgiveness, and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Happily.
Our Father has led us to:
Ezekiel 18
21But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.
22All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
23Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith YHVH GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?