Monday, November 9, 2020

The Final Election Tell...


Siri says Kamala Harris is president…

Unless Trump gets 2 states to his count by 5pm Wednesday, this race is lost to the devils. 

 As soon as Great Britain, the Vatican, Russia and or China, formally recognize a "president" biden, then it's over. A nation's legitimacy is held by the recognition and congress of the world's various governments. When that doesn't exist, that country is rogue. As Japan and Germany discovered in WW2.

Because of the above, no empire sized nation can afford to lose foreign recognition, especially Trump. Without it, his voice is moot politically. And, by definition, there is no Trump presidency.

 So, to be clear, the following.

If any of the Super Power Nations recognize Biden, and Israel already has, then it's over.

If Trump can get 2 states, they won't commit to biden.

It's that simple.


Don Bradley 11-8-20 
