Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
Corruption. Graft. Intolerance. Greed. Incompetence. Ineptitude. Militarism. Lawlessness. Ignorance. Brutality. Deceit. Collusion. Corpulence. Bureaucracy. Immorality. Depravity. Censorship. Cruelty. Violence. Mediocrity. Tyranny.
These are the hallmarks of an institution that is rotten through and through.

We have been saddled with the wreckage of a government at all levels that no longer represents the citizenry, serves the citizenry, or is accountable to the citizenry.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about the federal government, state governments, or local governing bodies: at all ends of the spectrum and every point in between, a shift has taken place.
“We the people” are not being seen or heard.
Everything happening at the national level is playing out at the local level, as well.
Take my own hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia, for instance.
In the summer of 2017, Charlottesville became ground zero for a heated war of words—and actions—over racism, “sanitizing history,” extremism (both right and left), political correctness, hate speech, partisan politics, and a growing fear that violent words will end in violent actions.
In Charlottesville, as in so many parts of the country right now, the conflict was over how to reconcile the nation’s checkered past, particularly as it relates to slavery, with the present need to sanitize the environment of anything—words and images—that might cause offense, especially if it’s a Confederate flag or monument.
That fear of offense prompted the Charlottesville City Council to get rid of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that has graced one of its public parks for 82 years.
That’s when everything went haywire.
In attempting to pacify one particularly vocal and righteously offended group while railroading over the concerns of those with alternate viewpoints, Charlottesville attracted the unwanted attention of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and the alt-Right, all of whom descended on the little college town with the intention of exercising their First Amendment right to be disagreeable, to assemble, and to protest.
When put to the test, Charlottesville did not handle things well at all.
No one—not the armed, violent, militant protesters nor the police—gave peace a chance on August 12 when what should have been an exercise in free speech quickly became a brawl that left one dead and dozens more injured.
The police, who were supposed to uphold the law and prevent violence, failed to do either.
Indeed, a 220-page post-mortem of the protests and the Charlottesville government’s response by former U.S. attorney Timothy J. Heaphy merely corroborates our worst fears about what drives the government at all levels: power, money, ego, politics and ambition.
When presented with a situation in which the government and its agents were tasked with protecting free speech and safety, Heaphy concluded that “the City of Charlottesville protected neither free expression nor public safety.”
Read Heaphy’s report for yourself.
It’s full of drama and intrigue, plots and dueling egos, petty tyrants and ambitious politicians. (There’s even mention of a personal email account and deleted text messages.)
Not much different from what is happening on the national scene.
Commissioned by the City of Charlottesville, this Heaphy report was intended to be an independent investigation of what went right and what went wrong in the government’s handling of the protests.
Here’s what went wrong, according to the report:
As the Pew Research Center revealed, public trust in the government remains near historic lows and with good reason, too.
This isn’t America, land of the free, where the government is “of the people, by the people [and] for the people.” this is Amerika, where fascism, totalitarianism and militarism work hand in hand
So what’s the answer?
As always, it must start with “we the people.”
I’ve always advised people to think nationally, but act locally. Yet as Charlottesville makes clear, it’s hard to make a difference locally when the local government is as deaf, dumb and blind to the needs of its constituents as the national government.
Still, it’s time to clean house at all levels of government.
You’ve got a better chance of making your displeasure seen and felt and heard within your own community. But it will take perseverance and unity and a commitment to finding common ground with your fellow citizens.
Stop tolerating corruption, graft, intolerance, greed, incompetence, ineptitude, militarism, lawlessness, ignorance, brutality, deceit, collusion, corpulence, bureaucracy, immorality, depravity, censorship, cruelty, violence, mediocrity, and tyranny.
Stop holding your nose in order to block out the stench of a rotting institution.
Stop letting the government and its agents treat you like a servant or a slave.
You’ve got rights. We’ve all got rights. This is our country. This is our government. No one can take it away from us unless we make it easy for them.
Right now, we’re making it way too easy for the police state to take over.
Stop being an accessory to the murder of the American republic.
now for some truth, comments from the web
You have rights- unless you're white
the right-wing protestors had done peaceful assemblies before this event and have done so again after this event. They were pushed into the Antifa by police to instigate fighting, despite informing the police that this was about to happen when the police began herding them.
James Field's car was hit by bats, and he drove into a crowd at 23 mph, much less than he could have. I can find a lot of other videos on liveleak of people doing the same thing in a bad situation.
Heather Heyer was 300 lbs and a chainsmoker. She literally looked nothing like the "pretty" picture that they use from her slightly skinnier days. She had a heart attack, and maybe wasn't even hit by the car.
DeAndre Harris was said to be surrounded and attacked by a group of angry white guys for no reason other than he was an innocent black kid with skittles in his pockets. In fact, he ran up behind a man and hit the white guy on the head with a mag-lite flashlight, knocking the guy out. Only then did the man's friends chase DeAndre and beat him. He raised $180K from guilty white leftists and spent it on a new car, which he showed off in a later rap video. He is now awaiting trial for assault.
What went wrong was that the police did not protect the licenced peaceful demonstrators from the illegal paid thug counter demonstrators.
Cops only care about 2 things- their paycheck and other cops That bitch-assed nigga Vice Mayor, Wes Bellamy, is a black supremacist piece of shit, too.
Corruption. Graft. Intolerance. Greed. Incompetence. Ineptitude. Militarism. Lawlessness. Ignorance. Brutality. Deceit. Collusion. Corpulence. Bureaucracy. Immorality. Depravity. Censorship. Cruelty. Violence. Mediocrity. Tyranny.
These are the hallmarks of an institution that is rotten through and through.

We have been saddled with the wreckage of a government at all levels that no longer represents the citizenry, serves the citizenry, or is accountable to the citizenry.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about the federal government, state governments, or local governing bodies: at all ends of the spectrum and every point in between, a shift has taken place.
“We the people” are not being seen or heard.
Everything happening at the national level is playing out at the local level, as well.
Take my own hometown of Charlottesville, Virginia, for instance.
In the summer of 2017, Charlottesville became ground zero for a heated war of words—and actions—over racism, “sanitizing history,” extremism (both right and left), political correctness, hate speech, partisan politics, and a growing fear that violent words will end in violent actions.
In Charlottesville, as in so many parts of the country right now, the conflict was over how to reconcile the nation’s checkered past, particularly as it relates to slavery, with the present need to sanitize the environment of anything—words and images—that might cause offense, especially if it’s a Confederate flag or monument.
That fear of offense prompted the Charlottesville City Council to get rid of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that has graced one of its public parks for 82 years.
That’s when everything went haywire.
In attempting to pacify one particularly vocal and righteously offended group while railroading over the concerns of those with alternate viewpoints, Charlottesville attracted the unwanted attention of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and the alt-Right, all of whom descended on the little college town with the intention of exercising their First Amendment right to be disagreeable, to assemble, and to protest.
When put to the test, Charlottesville did not handle things well at all.
No one—not the armed, violent, militant protesters nor the police—gave peace a chance on August 12 when what should have been an exercise in free speech quickly became a brawl that left one dead and dozens more injured.
The police, who were supposed to uphold the law and prevent violence, failed to do either.
Indeed, a 220-page post-mortem of the protests and the Charlottesville government’s response by former U.S. attorney Timothy J. Heaphy merely corroborates our worst fears about what drives the government at all levels: power, money, ego, politics and ambition.
When presented with a situation in which the government and its agents were tasked with protecting free speech and safety, Heaphy concluded that “the City of Charlottesville protected neither free expression nor public safety.”
Read Heaphy’s report for yourself.
It’s full of drama and intrigue, plots and dueling egos, petty tyrants and ambitious politicians. (There’s even mention of a personal email account and deleted text messages.)
Not much different from what is happening on the national scene.
Commissioned by the City of Charlottesville, this Heaphy report was intended to be an independent investigation of what went right and what went wrong in the government’s handling of the protests.
Here’s what went wrong, according to the report:
1. Police failed to get input from other law enforcement agencies experienced in handling large protests.The Heaphy report focused on the events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, but it applies to almost every branch of government that fails to serve “we the people.”
2. Police failed to adequately train their officers in advance of the protest.
3. City officials failed to request assistance from outside agencies.
4. The City Council unduly interfered by ignoring legal advice, attempting to move the protesters elsewhere, and ignoring the concerns of law enforcement.
5. The city government failed to inform the public about their plans.
6. City officials were misguided in allowing weapons at the protest.
7. The police implemented a flawed operational plan that failed to protect public safety.
8. While police were provided with riot gear, they were never trained in how to use it, nor were they provided with any meaningful field training in how to deal with or de-escalate anticipated violence on the part of protesters.
9. Despite the input and advice of outside counsel, including The Rutherford Institute, the police failed to employ de-escalation tactics or establish clear barriers between warring factions of protesters.
10. Government officials and police leadership opted to advance their own agendas at the expense of constitutional rights and public safety.
11. For all intents and purposes, police abided by a stand down order that endangered the community and paved the way for civil unrest.
12. In failing to protect public safety, police and government officials undermined public faith in the government.
As the Pew Research Center revealed, public trust in the government remains near historic lows and with good reason, too.
This isn’t America, land of the free, where the government is “of the people, by the people [and] for the people.” this is Amerika, where fascism, totalitarianism and militarism work hand in hand
So what’s the answer?
As always, it must start with “we the people.”
I’ve always advised people to think nationally, but act locally. Yet as Charlottesville makes clear, it’s hard to make a difference locally when the local government is as deaf, dumb and blind to the needs of its constituents as the national government.
Still, it’s time to clean house at all levels of government.
You’ve got a better chance of making your displeasure seen and felt and heard within your own community. But it will take perseverance and unity and a commitment to finding common ground with your fellow citizens.
Stop tolerating corruption, graft, intolerance, greed, incompetence, ineptitude, militarism, lawlessness, ignorance, brutality, deceit, collusion, corpulence, bureaucracy, immorality, depravity, censorship, cruelty, violence, mediocrity, and tyranny.
Stop holding your nose in order to block out the stench of a rotting institution.
Stop letting the government and its agents treat you like a servant or a slave.
You’ve got rights. We’ve all got rights. This is our country. This is our government. No one can take it away from us unless we make it easy for them.
Right now, we’re making it way too easy for the police state to take over.
Stop being an accessory to the murder of the American republic.
now for some truth, comments from the web
You have rights- unless you're white
the right-wing protestors had done peaceful assemblies before this event and have done so again after this event. They were pushed into the Antifa by police to instigate fighting, despite informing the police that this was about to happen when the police began herding them.
James Field's car was hit by bats, and he drove into a crowd at 23 mph, much less than he could have. I can find a lot of other videos on liveleak of people doing the same thing in a bad situation.
Heather Heyer was 300 lbs and a chainsmoker. She literally looked nothing like the "pretty" picture that they use from her slightly skinnier days. She had a heart attack, and maybe wasn't even hit by the car.
DeAndre Harris was said to be surrounded and attacked by a group of angry white guys for no reason other than he was an innocent black kid with skittles in his pockets. In fact, he ran up behind a man and hit the white guy on the head with a mag-lite flashlight, knocking the guy out. Only then did the man's friends chase DeAndre and beat him. He raised $180K from guilty white leftists and spent it on a new car, which he showed off in a later rap video. He is now awaiting trial for assault.
What went wrong was that the police did not protect the licenced peaceful demonstrators from the illegal paid thug counter demonstrators.
Cops only care about 2 things- their paycheck and other cops That bitch-assed nigga Vice Mayor, Wes Bellamy, is a black supremacist piece of shit, too.
So I decided to do a spy run on my World's Largest Retailer
just to observe what is going. Remember, none of these people know who
I am yet. I will managing this shitshow but now is the perfect to
start taking names. I'm just another dickhead customer. I am
photo-documenting this shit. I know what is fuck is going on now.
So, running the subterfuge, is part of the game. I saw some numbers for my store today for the first time. I changed clothes from Manager type into Harley type and loaded the wife and son in the van and went to my Wal-mart where I will be at rather then the Academy WLR perfect store. I have "not born here" East African cashiers and front end all the way across the board. My store that I will be responsible for is losing over a million a year in inventory shrink and it is only making 6.5 mil gross. WHAT?
I knew this going in that something was wrong. I was in there at 6:30 P.M. tonight and no customers. That's primetime for any retail outlet. I noticed in the numbers that electronics LOST money in November. How the fuck do you do that? As I toured the store I made to make a pass by electronics and four East Africans all standing around blabbing and not doing but one of them was wearing a yellow WLR vest. Electronics is always at the rear of the store and there is no reason for anyone in a yellow vest to ever be at the back of a store standing around chatting with his fellow East Africans who are running electronics. Do you know why? Yellow vest is front of store ONLY. They are supposed be the ones that make sure the cashiers don't fuck up. They are running right out the front door.
You see what I am saying because you are ZHers. They are mobsters. It's a racket. The big yellow light is not even on on the face of the building and the building is only six or seven years old. They have female manager whom I have not met. She is going to be my boss. You have to be carefull where you tread these days. The best I can do is just photograph it for now and be in the shadows. As long as no one knows who I am, why not?
I don't want to hear about low pay. I worked for $3.35 an hour at my first job. You have to earn it. I never worked for WLR before and it took me three days to figure at least one major issue. I have to document as best I can so I can initiate some firings. Even if I have to do the shit jobs that's fine with me. That is why they pay what they do. The real money is the bonuses and if someone is ripping the store off that then is the same as stealing from me. You are fired.
You watch how I get rid of these fuckers and not get sued. Aren't I calculating? No one at the WGR knows that I am doing this. I won't say anything for a while.
But hey, even in this pic the fucking lights work. There was bomb threat at my store in MN two weeks ago.
To make matters even worse, there is the "feminist movement," which is now responsible for the deaths of 60 million babies. They have taught women to abandon their husbands, destroyed the family life, forced hundreds of millions of American children to be raised without their fathers or with strange men living in or marching through their homes every night. They have tried to criminalize most male behavior such that every awkward attempt to flirt with American women is now "harassing" them. As a result, the women hate the men, and the men hate the women.
So, running the subterfuge, is part of the game. I saw some numbers for my store today for the first time. I changed clothes from Manager type into Harley type and loaded the wife and son in the van and went to my Wal-mart where I will be at rather then the Academy WLR perfect store. I have "not born here" East African cashiers and front end all the way across the board. My store that I will be responsible for is losing over a million a year in inventory shrink and it is only making 6.5 mil gross. WHAT?
I knew this going in that something was wrong. I was in there at 6:30 P.M. tonight and no customers. That's primetime for any retail outlet. I noticed in the numbers that electronics LOST money in November. How the fuck do you do that? As I toured the store I made to make a pass by electronics and four East Africans all standing around blabbing and not doing but one of them was wearing a yellow WLR vest. Electronics is always at the rear of the store and there is no reason for anyone in a yellow vest to ever be at the back of a store standing around chatting with his fellow East Africans who are running electronics. Do you know why? Yellow vest is front of store ONLY. They are supposed be the ones that make sure the cashiers don't fuck up. They are running right out the front door.
You see what I am saying because you are ZHers. They are mobsters. It's a racket. The big yellow light is not even on on the face of the building and the building is only six or seven years old. They have female manager whom I have not met. She is going to be my boss. You have to be carefull where you tread these days. The best I can do is just photograph it for now and be in the shadows. As long as no one knows who I am, why not?
I don't want to hear about low pay. I worked for $3.35 an hour at my first job. You have to earn it. I never worked for WLR before and it took me three days to figure at least one major issue. I have to document as best I can so I can initiate some firings. Even if I have to do the shit jobs that's fine with me. That is why they pay what they do. The real money is the bonuses and if someone is ripping the store off that then is the same as stealing from me. You are fired.
You watch how I get rid of these fuckers and not get sued. Aren't I calculating? No one at the WGR knows that I am doing this. I won't say anything for a while.
But hey, even in this pic the fucking lights work. There was bomb threat at my store in MN two weeks ago.
To make matters even worse, there is the "feminist movement," which is now responsible for the deaths of 60 million babies. They have taught women to abandon their husbands, destroyed the family life, forced hundreds of millions of American children to be raised without their fathers or with strange men living in or marching through their homes every night. They have tried to criminalize most male behavior such that every awkward attempt to flirt with American women is now "harassing" them. As a result, the women hate the men, and the men hate the women.
I wish these authors would do a little background research into
their subject instead of spouting platitudes about how both left and
right are equally to blame. The alt-right had a permit and were there
to exercise their first amendment right to explain how well-known effort
of terrorist jewish organizations like SPLC and their sponsors like
Soros are undermining Western White Culture and attempting to alter
history. For example, detailed video analysis shows that fat slob
Heather Heyer was never hit by the car and its driver. She had a heart
attack and of course, her fat fuck leftist parents refused to have an
autopsy. However, the car was attacked by Antifa with bats and bricks
and was attempting to get away from these thugs.
The police herded the demonstrators from the park in which they were to hear speakers to another location deliberately passing them by the paid Antifa agitators. Some were forced to defend themselves as the police under orders from the leftist Mayor and governor did nothing to prevent the violence. This mess is entirely planned and left is TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE. One person who defended himself was placed in jail without bail.
I'm pleased to see from the comments that many ZHer's already realize many of these facts and aren't buying the MSM propaganda as parroted by the author.
Removing a monument to a great general and patriot like Robert E. Lee is disgusting. Antifa is the dregs of the earth. They are the fascists. So, you fascists, you have found the enemy of freedom and it is you!
And of course, when StormFront made fun of Heather Heyer and her fat induced heart attack the Jewish terrorist organization SPLC made sure they were banned from the internet. That's precisely when I and many others I'm sure got interested in the site to find out why they were banned. What was so terrible? Nothing, of course, but an attempt to get at the truth. The article in question was funny satire. I'm sure their readership was enhanced by the ban.
The police herded the demonstrators from the park in which they were to hear speakers to another location deliberately passing them by the paid Antifa agitators. Some were forced to defend themselves as the police under orders from the leftist Mayor and governor did nothing to prevent the violence. This mess is entirely planned and left is TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE. One person who defended himself was placed in jail without bail.
I'm pleased to see from the comments that many ZHer's already realize many of these facts and aren't buying the MSM propaganda as parroted by the author.
Removing a monument to a great general and patriot like Robert E. Lee is disgusting. Antifa is the dregs of the earth. They are the fascists. So, you fascists, you have found the enemy of freedom and it is you!
And of course, when StormFront made fun of Heather Heyer and her fat induced heart attack the Jewish terrorist organization SPLC made sure they were banned from the internet. That's precisely when I and many others I'm sure got interested in the site to find out why they were banned. What was so terrible? Nothing, of course, but an attempt to get at the truth. The article in question was funny satire. I'm sure their readership was enhanced by the ban.
Nothing went wrong, other than a few extra holes in a leaky script. The alt-right got discredited the left got to engage in virtue signalling and the Dem governor and mayor got to blame others.
Better production values than Vegas, I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Vegas gets only 2.