When the Jihadists see Xmas shoppers they go all jack ripper and a little funny in the head. Coming soon to America, as it is elsewhere. You can see how the governments WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, because IT NEVER IS A TERRORIST ACTION TO THEM. Nope.
Plowing your car intentionally into a huge crowd for maximum injury or death, and you happen to be a jihadist having taken the death oath, and THAT'S NOT TERRORISM?
I thought we were in some BS war on terrorism... Well, we are. But only when its fictional terrorism by decent citizens voicing their 1st amendment rights-those...those are terrorists, like the Bundys and others. People who use the pen. But use a bomb or car and be an illegal RAPEFUGEE killer, and no, YOU'RE FREE TO GO.
These guys intentionally aim for groups of women and small children. Let that sink in.
A 32 year old Afghan descent with a history of drug problems has been arrested in Melbourne, Australia after a white Suzuki SUV was driven into a crowd of downtown Christmas shoppers at around 4:40pm. Fourteen people were injured, some critically. "There was no attempt to brake, no attempt to swerve" said witness Jim Stoupas. The BBC reports one victim was a child of preschool-age with head injuries who was taken to Royal Children's hospital in serious condition.
Witness Chris Gath told The Age he saw 60 to 100 people crossing the intersection when a car traveling at up to 70km/h (43 MPH) headed for the crowd.
After the incident, several bystanders stepped in to restrain the driver, who was known to police - while another man was arrested and let go after he was determined not to be involved. Local police commander Russell Barrett said it was a "deliberate act," though he stopped short of calling it terrorism, saying "The motivations are unknown," and that they "don't at this time have any evidence of intelligence to indicate a connection with terrorism."
Footage circulating online shows two police officers dragging a man in a white shirt and jeans away from the passenger side of the crashed SUV. He appears to be unconscious while officers slap him and search his pockets before handcuffing him.

Driver described by police as an "DEVOUT MUSLIM of Afghan descent and Taliban." I bet his muzzie wife just loves being slapped around by jihadist jerk-boy here all the time. She has to, or she gets the Sharia law killing.I love it when the lesbians walk around town in in hijabs, virtue signalling to the rest of us to be tolerant to serial killers. Or those stupid little signs they put in yards, showing an ISIS militant with the title, STRONGER TOGETHER. I figured out WHO is stronger...its the COVENS and witches.

Australian police stand near crashed SUV (Louis Ascui / Reuters)

Commander Russell Barrett media conference:

Approximate location of the incident:

In the aftermath, witness Jim Stoupas said "I saw probably five to eight people on the ground with people swarming around them [to help]. Within a minute, I think, there were police on site, so it was very, very speedy."
Another witness, Lachlan Read, told the Herald Sun the whole incident lasted about 15 seconds.
Plowing your car intentionally into a huge crowd for maximum injury or death, and you happen to be a jihadist having taken the death oath, and THAT'S NOT TERRORISM?
I thought we were in some BS war on terrorism... Well, we are. But only when its fictional terrorism by decent citizens voicing their 1st amendment rights-those...those are terrorists, like the Bundys and others. People who use the pen. But use a bomb or car and be an illegal RAPEFUGEE killer, and no, YOU'RE FREE TO GO.
These guys intentionally aim for groups of women and small children. Let that sink in.
A 32 year old Afghan descent with a history of drug problems has been arrested in Melbourne, Australia after a white Suzuki SUV was driven into a crowd of downtown Christmas shoppers at around 4:40pm. Fourteen people were injured, some critically. "There was no attempt to brake, no attempt to swerve" said witness Jim Stoupas. The BBC reports one victim was a child of preschool-age with head injuries who was taken to Royal Children's hospital in serious condition.
Witness Chris Gath told The Age he saw 60 to 100 people crossing the intersection when a car traveling at up to 70km/h (43 MPH) headed for the crowd.
After the incident, several bystanders stepped in to restrain the driver, who was known to police - while another man was arrested and let go after he was determined not to be involved. Local police commander Russell Barrett said it was a "deliberate act," though he stopped short of calling it terrorism, saying "The motivations are unknown," and that they "don't at this time have any evidence of intelligence to indicate a connection with terrorism."
Footage circulating online shows two police officers dragging a man in a white shirt and jeans away from the passenger side of the crashed SUV. He appears to be unconscious while officers slap him and search his pockets before handcuffing him.

Driver described by police as an "DEVOUT MUSLIM of Afghan descent and Taliban." I bet his muzzie wife just loves being slapped around by jihadist jerk-boy here all the time. She has to, or she gets the Sharia law killing.I love it when the lesbians walk around town in in hijabs, virtue signalling to the rest of us to be tolerant to serial killers. Or those stupid little signs they put in yards, showing an ISIS militant with the title, STRONGER TOGETHER. I figured out WHO is stronger...its the COVENS and witches.

Australian police stand near crashed SUV (Louis Ascui / Reuters)

Commander Russell Barrett media conference:
As The Age reports:Media conference regarding the Flinders Street incident with Commander Russell Barrett. pic.twitter.com/j7zx0V5fYQ— Victoria Police (@VictoriaPolice) December 21, 2017
Members of the public stand behind police tape after the drivers were arrested, were bought coffees and not handcuffed...really? Why?Sue from Walker's Doughnuts on Elizabeth Street told radio station 3AW that she heard screams before she saw "people flying everywhere"."We could hear this noise. As we looked left, we saw this white car, it just mowed everybody down," she said. "People are flying everywhere. We heard thump, thump. People are running everywhere."
A young mother who was at the scene with her young daughters told radio station 3AW they fled as the car ploughed into pedestrians."I didn't want the kids to see anything," she said. "We just ran. "I wanted to get the girls out of there so we ran into the closest building.
Chris Gath said he was standing at the 7-Eleven on the corner of Flinders and Elizabeth streets with a coffee in hand when he heard screaming. "I heard it first and then I turned around and saw lots of bodies on the floor. "I saw a car ploughing into many people and bodies flying everywhere."

Approximate location of the incident:

In the aftermath, witness Jim Stoupas said "I saw probably five to eight people on the ground with people swarming around them [to help]. Within a minute, I think, there were police on site, so it was very, very speedy."
?????????????? #Australia: Raw footage from #Melbourne outside the Flinter St Station. The driver of an SUV plowed into a crowd and injured 16 people (even seriously injured). Passers-by detained the driver until the police arrived. Identity still unknown! pic.twitter.com/L3nXTBjVZ7— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) December 21, 2017
?????????????? #Australia: The moment shortly after the terrorist SUV driver plowed into the crowd in #Melbourne. Some Chaos and panic! pic.twitter.com/cKH5lGZ98X— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) December 21, 2017
Another witness, Lachlan Read, told the Herald Sun the whole incident lasted about 15 seconds.
Footage of the aftermath from above:"He has gone straight through the red light at pace and it was bang, bang, bang. It was just one after the other"
Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull kindly tweeted "thoughts & prayers" to the victims and those treating them:DEVELOPING: Driver arrested after car slams into pedestrians in Melbourne, Australia, injuring at least 13, officials say. https://t.co/QSXAsDMHwg pic.twitter.com/Pc0lM9r6sC— ABC News (@ABC) December 21, 2017
This marks the second vehicle plowing attack in Melbourne this year. In January, six people were killed and over 30 injured when a car was driven up a foot path near Thursday's incident. The driver was arrested and the incident was ruled not terrorism-related.As our federal & state police & security agencies work together to secure the scene and investigate this shocking incident our thoughts & prayers are with the victims & the emergency & health workers who are treating them. https://t.co/JkUM9TuIQe— Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm) December 21, 2017
If members of the public have video or images which might assist police with their investigation into the Flinders Street incident they are encouraged to upload them here ? https://t.co/oFfWkid509 pic.twitter.com/fzmX79HOv5— Victoria Police (@VictoriaPolice) December 21, 2017
"We just need to understand them."
I think we do. Unless, of course, you are part of the satanic network that is paid to pretend these kinds of killings NEVER HAPPEN EVER. Oh no...it's the white privilege white man who is to blame, he' s got to go and his God fearing family, too. Kill them all. Oh wait...that's why we brought in millions of jihadists from lands we bombed the shite out of...I keep forgetting.