1. The first assassination is usually the physical one, with a LONE GUNMAN PATSY, setup far in advance and placed by manipulation at the future scene of the crime. Think LH Oswald and JFK, as a modern example of that. Also, Sirhan Sirhan, who was placed in employment at the hotel they whacked his brother out weeks before the killing. They need the patsy on the scene, and to be sure he is there that day, they almost ALWAYS make it a job thing WHERE YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP TO KEEP THE JOB. They keep the patsy poor enough so that he dare not take a day off of work, because he needs every dime to make ends meet. It's that dialed in.
This is the killing part. The assassins do the kill, the patsy takes the fall, almost always being killed so there is NO INVESTIGATION AND NO TRIAL, which would reveal truths THEY NEVER WANT US TO KNOW.
2. The 2nd killing is the character assassination. This happens very quickly after the body is lain to rest and results in the form of an increasingly wave of innuendo to besmirch the dead president, so that people do not mourn him. Those who mourn a dead POTUS, very often want the truth of his death, especially when witnesses on the scene give conflicting testimony to the official version. Think Sandy Hook, and other big assassinations that involved school shootings. So much information about the setup and falsehood of the center of satanism in that state, by satanists, resulted in fake testimony about the poor mental state of an autistic young boy who couldn't even tie his shoelaces, much less kill an entire school.
Same with JFK. After a few years, the CIA hit upon a plan to start slandering Jack, with unproven stories, and "heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend," blather about him sleeping with hollywood sweethearts of the day. Right. No evidence. All sweethearts are DEAD. And even the people who started spreading the rumors died right away too. Now, we are left with just rumors.
Think it too far fetched? They did the same thing with Bobby and King and all the others they killed. First the physical killing, than, the character assassination. Terrible stories, all lies as their families proclaim and widows so prove, that these were decent people. And the media, being long-standing intelligence assets since WW1, always go along with the agency dictates. And given that these MSM animals and agency spooks are almost to a soul, satanists, it doesn't take much to see why they do such things.
For they are monsters.
With Trump, they are doing part 2, FIRST! What? Yeah, I know, but it's actually happening. They want us to
hate him so much, and they are using every satanic asset they have from actresses to politicians, to local idiots in college to sell the, HE MUST BE A BAD MAN meme. That way, when they finally kill him off, the thinking is that we will all have been conditioned into the programming of what all the fascist, leftists nazis have been violently screaming at the rest of the world. He had die, because he was bad.
This whole thing is a psyop.
Character assassination, by a well known hollywood witch. |
Antifa freak. They want THIS, in our world as normal. It isn't. It's mental illness. Of course, he has the freewill to be the dookey boy he his, but shove this down children's throats with a threat of violence, different story. |
1920s vs 2017 |
CIA assets. Grieving sister today, honey pot tomorrow. |
The aging tax payer, watching the satanic slide into the abyss, with nothing to stop it. Because people are afraid to speak the truth in fear of being "judged" by satanists. Who cares what these pigs think of anyone. |
Synagogue with Satan |
Antifa - ISIS, same flag, same death. |
Yeah, we know, you twitter about your mass spell castings all over the web to hurt decent people, then claim to be FOR the very same people's benefit...rightttttt |
Satanic freak, approved by satanic teachers in background, to confuse small hearts and minds, with decidedly sick representations of humanity. God help us. |
shoving it up our kazoo |
Please Cher, you all say that, but when? |