By Samuel Tobias
At the risk of breaking a personal journalistic rule of devoting far
too much time to an incredibly minuscule and unimportant issue, I must
draw attention to a recent win for masculinity. The island nation of
Japan recently made a common sense decision regarding the extremely
minute portion of its population that is dealing with the first world
problem of its genitalia not matching the perceived sex of the owner,
known in the West as transsexuals or “gender questioning individuals” to
use the word salad nonsensical parlance of the day.
First, I should clarify that no one is being banned, deported, or shipped out of the country in a way that a more aggressive nation like Saudi Arabia might handle this issue. Instead Japan has a simple policy which efficiently handles the transsexual question—one that seems to bewilder and confuse the Western world, who must devote weekly news articles, federal legislation, prime time (((television programming))) and endless discussion on how to handle this fraction of a percentage of its population. But, that's satanism for you, always shoving evil down our throats and threatening us with jail time if we dissent against this wrong against the Creator.
It works like this: do you have a penis? If yes then you cannot be a chick. It’s as simple as that.
With that one universal test, Japan has disposed of the endless head-scratching and policy making by Western politicians, critics, and social justice warriors about how to describe their private parts on government identification cards or which restrooms to pee in. In Japan you will be considered a man as long as you have a penis. End of story.
Likewise, if you have a vagina, you will be considered a woman. No matter what clothes you are wearing, how deep your voice is, or how you choose to “identify” that day. The beauty is in the simplicity.
While Western nations must debate and compromise, legislate and
propose, carving out exceptions for this or that behavior and endlessly
consulting irate social justice warriors in a futile attempt to placate
them, Japan disposes with the entire question of transsexual people with
the simple question.
In the Japanese system, Bruce Jenner would not once have been a news story during my lifetime, as he has done nothing newsworthy since winning a 1976 Olympic medal. If and when he actually removes his penis and replaces it with a surgical vagina (Sugina from hereon), only then could he be properly considered a female and could announce he would like to be referred to as Caitlyn. (A person changing their sex is still not a newsworthy story to me, but I suppose there are those who would be interested to know what happened to this former hero of theirs).

Japan is one of the only societies in the world that was never
controlled by Europeans. It holds on to its traditions, and has a
strong history of physical fitness including the samurai warrior. While
Westerners are committing virtual seppuku because they touched a woman’s butt in 1984, Japanese businessmen will glibly walk to a vending machine and purchase a high school girl’s panties for sexual purposes.

Odd? Sure, and I’m not going to even go down the road of weird
Japanese kinks and bizarre pornography, but the point is the Japanese
are proudly Japanese, and will not let others shame them into changing
their behavior. I will always remember the line from James Bond’s You Only Live Twice concerning women and men, which made an indelible impression on me since childhood.

While there are levels of masculinity and femininity which vary between the sexes, at the end of the day, if you really want to know someone’s sex, you want to know what genitalia they have. All Japan is doing is confirming, yes, that is exactly what sex means.

By forcing those who claim their sex is “wrong” to surgically correct
their sex, Japan is calling their bluff and separating the
trans-trenders from the trans-genders. There is no further debate or
discussion needed with such a policy. While the West is trying to fire, fine or even imprison people for
using the wrong (read: grammatically correct) gender pronouns when
referring to mentally ill snowflake students, Japan has a simple system: If you want
to be a woman, you need to have a vagina. If you weren’t born with
one, get one first and check back with us. No real man, except another mentally ill freakazoid, is going to want to settle down with you and your "trying to hide it from you" penis. Not for a day, an hour, or a minute.
You satanic freaks make most normal people want to vomit, you really do. That's how sick and revolted we are of your snowflake damaged existence. We are sick and tired of having your bullshit rights shoved up our collective asses, so you can sashay around like a prom queen in denial, all because some satanist raped you when you were 7. You were born into your life because you were a shitty person in previous lives and its up to you to start being a better soul, with what little time you have, not be some monstrosity like Michael Obama, that black freak job who sucked Obama's Johnson while in the White House. But like before, you are still a shitty person, demanding that other's accept your freakish, Sodomite ways, when no one wants to and in another age, would burn your ass at the stake. Or at the very least, stone you to death.
You will never be truly accepted and frankly, what decent society wants you around trying to get our kids into bed with your bullshit stories and scams, like any New York prostitute. The page will turn, and when it does, you will wish you could take it all back, but stunted souls like you NEVER learn. So that is just a pipe dream that for you, is just dust on the wind. You are a devil, like your father. So no surprise.
But know this: we see through your BS. You are as transparent as glass and all the dicks up your ass won't make you more acceptable. We just want you away from our children. Because frankly, you are and always will be, an abomination. Now get the fuck out of here and stay away.
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Most famous mentally ill freakazoid on the planet |
First, I should clarify that no one is being banned, deported, or shipped out of the country in a way that a more aggressive nation like Saudi Arabia might handle this issue. Instead Japan has a simple policy which efficiently handles the transsexual question—one that seems to bewilder and confuse the Western world, who must devote weekly news articles, federal legislation, prime time (((television programming))) and endless discussion on how to handle this fraction of a percentage of its population. But, that's satanism for you, always shoving evil down our throats and threatening us with jail time if we dissent against this wrong against the Creator.
It works like this: do you have a penis? If yes then you cannot be a chick. It’s as simple as that.
With that one universal test, Japan has disposed of the endless head-scratching and policy making by Western politicians, critics, and social justice warriors about how to describe their private parts on government identification cards or which restrooms to pee in. In Japan you will be considered a man as long as you have a penis. End of story.
Likewise, if you have a vagina, you will be considered a woman. No matter what clothes you are wearing, how deep your voice is, or how you choose to “identify” that day. The beauty is in the simplicity.
In the Japanese system, Bruce Jenner would not once have been a news story during my lifetime, as he has done nothing newsworthy since winning a 1976 Olympic medal. If and when he actually removes his penis and replaces it with a surgical vagina (Sugina from hereon), only then could he be properly considered a female and could announce he would like to be referred to as Caitlyn. (A person changing their sex is still not a newsworthy story to me, but I suppose there are those who would be interested to know what happened to this former hero of theirs).
Japan: Isolated from Pozzed Western Culture
Japan is a fascinating nation. As an island nation, it is naturally more isolated than most cultures, and is able to control physically and culturally what enters its society. Japan is one of the more difficult countries to immigrate to, and I have been told that Japanese will never fully accept Westerners, even if you take a Japanese wife and live there for decades (and why should they, as those actions will make you no more Japanese than Bruce Jenner installing a sugina will make him a woman).

An oddity to a westerner, but in Japan men are not ashamed to be men

In Japan, men always come first. Women come second.
What Is A Woman?
Outside of the West in The Current Year, I doubt anyone has given this question serious thought, but today, sadly, it is necessary. If you ask yourself what truly makes someone a woman, It comes down to whether they have a penis or a vagina in their pants.While there are levels of masculinity and femininity which vary between the sexes, at the end of the day, if you really want to know someone’s sex, you want to know what genitalia they have. All Japan is doing is confirming, yes, that is exactly what sex means.
Common Sense: A Lost Idea In The West

Dr. Wang, Japan’s Top Sex Change Doctor
A Win-Win Policy
While most of us probably aren’t comfortable with the idea of going to bed with someone who was born a man, the truth is, if one are attractive enough, and has a vagina, men will want to sleep with you, especially if they don’t know about your past (this is a universal truth, not specific to trannies). So if potential trannies really want acceptance by men in the sexual marketplace, this is exactly the model they should be following. Thing is, men will eventually find out about you and probably beat the shit out of you for all the little deception games you worked on them. Especially that shave you need four times a day to hide your former manliness, now that you are a certified pansy.You satanic freaks make most normal people want to vomit, you really do. That's how sick and revolted we are of your snowflake damaged existence. We are sick and tired of having your bullshit rights shoved up our collective asses, so you can sashay around like a prom queen in denial, all because some satanist raped you when you were 7. You were born into your life because you were a shitty person in previous lives and its up to you to start being a better soul, with what little time you have, not be some monstrosity like Michael Obama, that black freak job who sucked Obama's Johnson while in the White House. But like before, you are still a shitty person, demanding that other's accept your freakish, Sodomite ways, when no one wants to and in another age, would burn your ass at the stake. Or at the very least, stone you to death.
You will never be truly accepted and frankly, what decent society wants you around trying to get our kids into bed with your bullshit stories and scams, like any New York prostitute. The page will turn, and when it does, you will wish you could take it all back, but stunted souls like you NEVER learn. So that is just a pipe dream that for you, is just dust on the wind. You are a devil, like your father. So no surprise.
But know this: we see through your BS. You are as transparent as glass and all the dicks up your ass won't make you more acceptable. We just want you away from our children. Because frankly, you are and always will be, an abomination. Now get the fuck out of here and stay away.